Bump. Set. Shuma!
Don't like much this weekend but tonight I do..

Skins +3 +100 x2
Skins tt o 20 -125 x2
Skins ML +150 x1

I would go for more, but a) it's the Skins and b) it's so early in the season. Really think Coughlin doesn't get to see his 11th life after this season and if something goes wrong early, don't know how this team rebounds after the first two weeks. Skins lines on both sides of the ball are more than capable.

Thanks bones, Steed. Got lucky to save some face with that tt, should have been worse. Spent a bit more time chewing on these games and I like the slate a bit more than originally thought, only one multi unit wager though and would like it for more, may add another to it but week 3 is still a bit early for me to get a read.

Rams -1
Eagles ML +144
Jags +14
Ravens ML -125
Browns -3.5
Cowboys -1
Seahawks tt o 29 -120 x2
Colts tt o 25

Have a day all :beer4: