NFL 2024


Active Member
Warning - the following content contains violence, strong language, smoking and nudity. It may not be suitable for Pittsburgh audiences.
(Okay, maybe not so much on the language, violence, and nudity stuff, but if you're a Steeler fan you definitely don't want to read on. And if you do, well - don't shoot the messenger.)

I added two picks to my NFL dance card last night. Both plays against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

First up, the Regular Season Win total.

I don't like laying my money out for an entire season so I don't do a lot of bets that I won't get paid for until four months down the road (if I win.)
I already have one Regular Season Wins bet posted here, USC Under, shared in LVMike's RSW Unders thread.
I'm adding one more - Pittsburgh.

To come up with my bet I used the same method as when I was making odds in Vegas.
I looked at the team's schedule and researched their opponents.
Then I marked a capital W next to the games I thought they would win.
The games I thought they had a 50/50 chance of winning I marked with a lowercase w.

Then I added up the W's and w's and matched my number to what the books are offering.
And there was enough of a gap between the two to make me lay my money down on the Under.

The only gimme's I see are wins against the Chargers and Giants, and a loss to KC.
Every other game could go either way.

When looking at season win totals I like playing the Under on teams with a coach on the hot seat. There's tremendous pressure on every NFL coach in every game, but when job security is in question the pressure increases tenfold. And with increased pressure comes mistakes, in play calling and player personnel decisions.

Rumors about Pittsburgh dumping Tomlin started two years ago when the Steelers finished 9-8 and didn't make the playoffs. They were heard again last year when the Steelers lost three straight down the stretch and were in danger of missing the playoffs again before winning their final three. They made the postseason but got eliminated in the wild card round. I expect somewhere around mid-season we're going to start hearing those rumors again.

But coaches and schedules aside, I wagered this Pittsburgh team Under largely because they're entering the season without a reliable quarterback.

I think Russell Wilson is shot.
Watching him last year he reminded me of a boxer at the end of his career. Fighters seemingly grow old in one night, in one fight.
You can see the difference in the ring.
The reflexes are a little slower.
Most importantly, the hunger is gone.
When you're young and poor it's easy to get out of bed to do your road work at 5:00 a.m. before heading into the gym to train all day.
But after you've risen to the top and your bank account has six or seven zeros in it, when the alarm goes off at 5:00 a.m. you hit the snooze button. The hunger is gone.
And that's where I see Russell Wilson, his best days are behind him and it's all downhill from here.

And Fields? He's too one-dimensional.
We saw it again last week in the second game of the preseason. Buffalo allowed Fields a few good runs before they made a change to the defense and put a spy on him. After that he was no longer effective. Take away his scrambling and he's not going to beat you with his arm.
When Russell stumbles and Tomlin turns to Fields, Pittsburgh fans are going to see exactly why Chicago dumped him.

There's a reason quarterbacks are the most high profile, most highly paid player in the sport. It's because as the quarterback goes, so goes the team (unless you have a D like the '85 Bears.)
And with Wilson and Fields at quarterback this Pittsburgh team is going nowhere.
I don't see either of these two getting the Steelers to nine wins.

I'm not only taking them Under for season wins but I'm also betting against them in week one.
I think the suckage commences straight out of the starting gate. Right now you can still get the Atlanta Falcons at home -2', but the number is going up and will be -3 everywhere by kickoff so I'm buying it now.

The best price on Pittsburgh Under is a rare -135 but most books have it higher.
If you're going to lay out your money get the best price possible.
Ya gotta have multiple books to bet at!

I'm not a Steeler hater, I have no feelings about them one way or another. They're just another team in the league to me. I just don't see them having a good year with Wilson and/or Fields at the controls.
But I could be wrong.
It's sports betting - ANYTHING can happen. Even the mighty Steelers winning eight or fewer. (Yes, "fewer" not "less," making this post a two-fer, ya get picks and a grammar lesson.)

Pittsburgh regular season wins under 8', -140
Atl -2'
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I 'capped and bought these plays yesterday.
I see that the line is Atl -3 everywhere now, with added juice on the +3.
You can still get -2' with just a little more juice than standard odds but I'll use -3 for grading purposes here. I don't think it's a FG game anyway.

I also bought Den +5'. It's from a week one situational spot I use.
Between 2018 and 2021 this play was 0-10.
In 2022 it was 2-2.
Last year it was 0-1.
That’s a combined Fade of 13-2, 85%.
This year three teams qualify:
LAC, Atl, and Seattle.
I like Denver. May Fade LAC and add LV. Going AGAINST this spot and taking Atl.

Pittsburgh regular season wins under 8', -140
Atl-3 ev
Den +5'
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Recap: 0-2
Record: 0-2

Went AGAINST the week one play and took Atl. Lost. (Ugh.)
Went WITH the play and took Den. Lost that one too. Bad buy, got it too early, closed -6' could have had a W (Double Ugh.)

This week:

I took Denver +3.
Pittsburgh handed me my first loss of the season.
I bought Atl early in the preseason expecting Wilson to get the start. He didn't.
So my reason for this buy is . . . REVENGE!
It's true, revenge is NOT a reason to make a bet.
Revenge is NOT a club in the handicapper’s bag.
Revenge is NOT a tool on the handicapper’s belt.
When you lose a game, treat it like the receiver who dropped his last pass or the pitcher who just gave up a home run – forget about it, clear your mind, and move on.
Do not let a past loss influence your next bet.
BUT . . . my roots are in Sicily.
We LIVE for revenge.
(Well, revenge and pasta. And a fine red wine. And Parmigiano Reggiano. And Prosciutto di Parma. But mainly revenge.)
(All kidding aside, I have a 'capping method that this one qualifies for. It was 9-4 LY, 1-0 this season. One game fits the parameters this week - Den. I'm on it.)

LAC/Car: Yes, the line is high but LAC qualifies for a situational play I have that has done well in the WNBA and the first weeks of college football.
Will it work in the NFL, too?
Hell if I know, it's the first year I've tried it.
But that's what 'capping is – a never ending, on-going process of trying to find a formula that works. Forty-nine out of fifty will be worthless, but when you hit on that one that works it makes all the time and effort spent treasure hunting worth it.
I guess I'm about to find out if Carolina is as bad as they looked last week.

My plays:

LAC (wait to buy as the # is dropping; I'll do an update here to post the # I end up getting )

Den +3 (I jumped on the +3 when it was the common #. There are still a few available but right now most houses have it at +2', with a little extra juice on the Fav.
If anyone likes Den wait to buy them, it may go back to +3; if not, pay a few cents extra to get it; I'll add juice to my # if +3 doesn't show again since I didn't post it earlier when +3 was the WAN.)

Good luck with your play this Sunday.
Recap: 1-1
Record: 1-3

I will NOT bet for revenge.
I will NOT bet for revenge.
I will NOT bet for revenge.
I will NOT bet for revenge.
I will NOT bet for revenge.
Etc, etc.

Back mid-week after I do some 'capping.