NFL, 11-30


Pretty much a regular
Fuck I had a good day going in college yesterday then went 0-3 on the night games and ended up losing a little bit. Son of a bitch, I can't get anything going. Guess oh well gotta keep trying, it is gonna work out for me here soon I just know it ha. Really do hope the Huskers get the Holiday Bowl and San Diego anyway, that would be nice since I am going to that cuz my rich dad is taking my sorry ass. Fuck could something at least go my way? You know, the way I want it to go, probably not I guess, Huskers won't get selected there I'm sure, and then I'm gonna be pissed when it is Nashville ha. Yep here we go fucking Nashville and some country music bars yeeee haw. I'm sure, I mean I know that is what is gonna happen since I don't want that. Yep get ready for country music Tuck, yeah oh yeah, it is on the way. Stupid ass Minnesota who I hate, will get selected for the Holiday Bowl, and then the Huskers will go to Nashville. Better get to my craptastic picks here.

These are 2 if win bets, 2 combos.

Cle at Buffalo under 42.5 risked 250 at -110
NE +3 at Green Bay risked 250 at -110

Then another one.

NYG at Jacksonville over 44.5 risked 250 at -110
Carolina at Vikes under 42.5 risked 250 at -110
Zona -1.5 at Atl risked 250 at -110

Well I gotta explain all my craptastic picks otherwise it wouldn't be a Tuck thread, no no way. Gotta dive into this ya know spit some knowledge on these games ha, like I know what the fuck I'm talking about. I think Cleveland and Buffalo should both be pretty conservative considering their qb situations, neither one is very good, and they both have good defenses so okay.

New England I am taking cuz Tom Brady is the man and is getting a +3. Rodgers though is on fire too so who knows. I will back my boy Tom though cuz I want to be him, well he is my age and all the chicks wanna bang him, fuck would be nice to look like that, sadly no, I look like a sack full of assholes. Really I think he should get a hotter wife, I am not a huge fan of Jizzelle or however you spell it not sure, but he could get a way hotter chick I think. I would be very happy with Jizzelle, fuck that would be great for me, but just think he is not getting what he could be ya know, could get something better ha. Great analysis on the game there, yep, if you want great analysis you came to the right place.

Giants and Jags well I figure the Giants defense is crappy enough that the Jags will score some points, we'll see I guess. There is my great analysis there, boom!!!!

Carolina at the Vikes, that looks like a tough environment there, gonna be 15 freeze your balls off degrees and windy, and shit. Then 2 crappy qb's so doubt they will be chucking it around going crazy. Probably a lot of hand it off and play good defense see who flinches first in the ground and pound fist fight. Glad I'm not going to that game, oh no no, my balls would freeze and then fall off I bet. Glad I don't live in damn Minnesota or North Dakota or something, I mean it is cold here, but there it is way worse. It is not gonna be 15 in the afternoon here no ha.

Zona I am hoping doesn't lay a turd, which could happen. They are good enough they should win at Atlanta, but this could be a turd laying, not sure. Could just blow ass I suppose I thought that might happen, but bet it anyway.
I am talking shit about a supermodel ha. Well to me she isn't that hot, I don't know how you guys feel about Jizelle, I think ya know for me okay, that would be the shit oh yeah, but I don't think she is overly hot.
If I was damn Tom Brady I would get some hot 18 year old chick, yeah bang. Cuz hell he could if he wanted to fo sho. Well maybe 16 would be better I kind of prefer that age sort of ha.
I better go to bed before I pull the Jake Cotton ha. Just standing in my stance and pass out just fall backwards on my worthless ass, boom. I am getting there fo sho, I am about to pull a Jake Cotton. I can't even believe they won at Iowa, I figured no way in hell they would my Huskers, but oh yeah good old Jake and the boys pulled through somehow.
Now all I need is for yg to post in my thread then oh no, here comes the Jake Cotton, Tuck posting like a retard, and just falls in his stance, just collapses on his worthless ass ha, for everyone to see.
You really like her kj? I mean I think she is hot, but I would get better if I was Tom Brady. I'm not saying she isn't good looking no, but I just think he could do better personally.
To me she just is kind of not as hot as I would want if I was Tom Brady, fuck he can get his damn choice, whatever he wants. To me that is not my choice, but whatever.
Shit if I had my pick though it would be some 16 year old chick haha, yeah I am not right in the head fo sho. Well I like em young what can I say. I read this article from some magazine the other day, and they said there was scientific research that was done that said most guys are attracted to 16 year old chicks, well around that age just genetically cuz they are the most fertile. Maybe that is the deal with me, damn she is looking fertile as hell ha, I don't know.
Yeah probably everybody thinks I'm nuts about the Giselle thing I looked her up, so now have her name right. I mean if I was Tom Brady I would get a hotter chick, cuz I could ya know. Guess for me oh yeah Giselle oh hell yeah, I would be like yeah, fuck yeah no doubt. But if I was some damn stud like Tom I would get something better.
I can't remember what magazine that was that I read about guys genetically being super attracted to 16 year old chicks ha, it was when I was waiting for the dentist I picked up this magazine, and was like oh yeah yeah, I feel ya there, I am too.
And I didn't say Giselle wasn't hot there kj, she is hot, and I would be fucking pumped if I could bang her, but I don't think she is that hot to me, not like ya know booooooom, I don't know I guess. But I guess I like black chicks so maybe that is why, fuck if she is dark I am on it, I like a little darkness to my chicks, but doesn't fucking matter cuz I don't get shit ever anyway ha, unless I wanna go grope my bro's wife now she is sleeping. Go back there grope a boob or something. She isn't ya know super hot but she has a cute face, and a bit hefty, yeah, but I don't care I would bang the shit outta her. Well just like my bro did, now he has 2 kids cuz of it. He better hope there aren't more kids cuz he can't afford em, oh no way.
Fuck if my bro has another kid he is gonna lose it ha. He is already like oh man, I can't afford this crap. Well his wife makes jack shit at her crappy job, maybe 20 k at the most a year, not even, I'm sure less. He has a pretty good job making 55 k or so, but they are broke ass always. She was on the pill though before and they had one when they didn't want it, but hey our boys can fucking swim man, you can't fuck around with us ha. Fuck I love my nephew though he is the man, the unplanned kid, bowling was the shit the other day. Fuck I would put up the link but I don't want my name on here. That was great, he would roll it then stand there jumping around while the ball slowly rolled down the lane. Hell he picked up a damn spare. That was the shit, he comes running back after watching it and hits the ball machine, and says yeah yeah, he hit it 2 times, and yeah yeah. It was great, he is the man, I think he will be banging the hottest chick in high school, pretty sure.
Well he will have his choice cuz he is a fucking stud, I already know there. Shit he will be fucking the hottest chick in high school oh yeah, no doubt. Wish I was him, yeah that would be nice, to be 3 and look really good.
I am talking shit about a supermodel ha. Well to me she isn't that hot, I don't know how you guys feel about Jizelle, I think ya know for me okay, that would be the shit oh yeah, but I don't think she is overly hot.

Ha Zeke glad somebody agrees with me on Gizelle.

Thanks Alex, I am at least 2-1 so far, now have Tom left here, the man boom.

Pelini got fired today I am shocked actually, since we beat Iowa I didn't think that would happen. Okay Huskers I am available and I will accept just 1 million a year, an affordable option. My bro will be my offensive coordinator, he is kick ass at calling plays in the stands.
Yeah don't think the Huskers are gonna hire me ha, no probably not. Although I would be good for us, and my bro is just the man at play calling in the stands. Everybody around us is always like okay what should we do here ha, and then he has a good idea, but then we never do it.

I think we should get the sweater vest. I like Jim Tressel, I don't know what were thinking about doing, but to me that might be a pretty good option, but guess he is getting older so maybe we want somebody younger. He was great at Ohio St though. Well hell Bill Snyder is damn 80 and doing decent at Kansas St, which is a tougher job, a tougher sell to recruits. I have no idea how K St is ever any good, with those crap facilities and no money, then being in Manhattan.
Added on the night game, man fucking Tom didn't come through for me, oh well I still wanna bang him ha, no, but ya know I would just for the story. Yeah I banged Tom Brady, it was great ha.

Denver at KC -1, got a -107 risked 250 on it

I think the Chiefs will win just cuz it is gonna be crazy as hell at Arrowhead tonight. I don't have any good reasons for taking em, I just feel it in my balls I think, yep, I got that feelin Broncos gonna be reelin. Got to put on some pre game music, ummmm, what to play, oh I know Guns and Roses, a little Welcome To The Jungle, yes, Broncos you gonna die. I like Guns and Roses, maybe most people think they suck on here, that is a good old rock band, seeing em live was nice, a good show.
If I see my damn d coordinator call another 3 man rush and drop 8 I am breaking something. Why the fuck does anybody call that? That is the worst damn call in all of football on defense. Luckily they only got a FG Denver and not a TD off that.
Ha good deal man, riptide. I hope somebody reads this crap.

I usually listen to more hip hop/rap, but there is some rock thrown in there, fucking G and R, yeah can't go wrong there.

Boooooooooooooom KC got a fumble here we go.
Riptide joined first post and was okay with me, that is odd, usually people just join on here to talk shit to me cuz they hate me ha. Usually some guy joins and then is like I hate this Tuck guy so much I wanna join CTG just to talk shit to him, cuz I fucking hate him so much. Yeah I seem to have that effect on people normally.
Wonder why so many dudes get all pissed at me, that is funny. Must be jealous of my drunk broke lifestyle drink all day and night, and don't work. Then dad takes care of me. Don't know why you would want that however, well my parents basement is pretty kick ass ha. And I like waking up and having nothing to do ha.
Man the Huskers really need to consider me for that job. I better fill out my resume here tonight, yeah, oh yeah, they want me in charge. I will get shit headed in the right direction, yep fo sho. That would be great turn in my resume, they would throw that in the trash right away, they would be like, ummm, what the fuck who is this guy?

They could maybe consider Craig Bohl he used to be here assisting Tom Osborne he was good here, and hell he does great with crappy players. At North Dakota St, crappy players yet he won several National Titles. Now at Wyoming he has terrible players yet he is making a go of it, at least, I mean they aren't good, but he has terrible players. Here he could get some ya know decent players and maybe win a Big 10 title for us. Yeah yeah, Craig Bohl, I kinda like that idea the more I think about it.
Yep, I got the top 2 candidates for the Husker job, now don't fuck it up Huskers. Here ya go, the sweater vest Jim Tressel, or Craig Bohl, either one I think would be good. I'm not sure how old Jim Tressel is, maybe he is too old. Fuck he was great though at Ohio St they won Big 10 titles, and a National title, I would be fine with that. He is a way better coach than fucking Pelini I know that.
Fuck I just looked up Jim Tressel he is 64 now, yeah that may be too old, although look at Bill Snyder fuck he is 80 and has bumfuck Kansas St winning games. Kansas St they shouldn't be winning anything, I have been there a couple times, that stadium is a fucking joke, man really pathetic. They don't have shit for facilities or any money in the program, not close to what the Huskers have yet they are better cuz we can't get a competent coach now, Callahan and Pelini, oh wow, those guys both sucked ass. Really Craig Bohl he would not be a bad idea I don't think, I know Wyoming just went 4-8 in his first year there, okay, but those guys suck ass, bad players, very bad, and he hasn't had time there to install his program like he did at North Dakota St. I think here he could do pretty well, he was an assistant under Osborne for a long time. Then he could recruit Nebraska better and it could turn us around maybe.
Well I lost, will be back with my MNF play here later. Can't get shit going. Better watch my nephew pick up a spare bowling, that was just fucking great watching him bowl, cuz he would roll it and ya know it would be barely moving cuz he's 3, but the whole time it was rolling down the lane he would be jumping around like come on come on, oh I was cracking up watching. That was great when he picked up the spare, he was like yeah I got one, then went running over to the ball machine and slapped it 2 times, and said yeah yeah. My bro's wife put it on her facebook, yeah I better watch that to cheer me up, make me feel better. Man he is just fucking chiseled for a little kid, he has a damn 12 pack, not a 6 pack I think ha.
I would put up the link of my nephew bowling it is quite remarkable really he picked up a spare at 3, ha, but I don't want my name on here. Guess some fucking Rage Against The Machine the London concert 2010 I love that one. I don't even know who that Simon Cowell artist is that they beat there on the charts in 2010 to pull that off. Some douche bag pop guy who knows. I thought it was funny that neither him or Simon knew who Rage was, ha, fuck that pretty much explains the douche baggery there I think.

Get the fuck up!!! That is a great concert on youtube if you like Rage I suggest you watch it.
Well gonna figure out Monday now, since I got the Rage concert in, that is a great concert. What to put on, guess some Ganskta Nip, The South Park Psycho, yeah that is good, ha, most people would be like you fucking crazy fuck why would you listen to that? I like it ha, it is good, man Ganskta Nip you can't beat it, oh no no.