Next Weekend South American Plays....


Pretty much a regular
Hi everyone.....

I'll continue my very-inconsistent, posting around with a play
That I would Bet My life on............
I still dont know the line cause its still very very early to know, but ITS A VERY STRONG SITUATIONAL CAPPING POSITION.........

Gimnasia LP @ Racing.........

This Game will surely be played next saturday......... Line is still unknown for me, but i will expect it to be somewhere arround -200 to -150.........

There are simply to much factors that are involved in this next game coming from both sides of it...........

This weekend, Gimnasia Played the most important game of their season and Lost the derby vs Estudiantes with a shamefull 2-1 after Estudiantes played much time with 9 players due to Important Red cards.........
The worst of this isnt just only the fact that they lost that game, and that they hav ebeen loosing constantly that derby, but they fell into desperation, and lost themselves 2 important players that where correctly sent out by the ref.......... And their red Hot Forward (Diego Alonso) confirmed that he isnt Red Hot anymore and played the worst game hes played for Gimnasia............ They are now, near the bottom of the table, yet still far from relegation, so they are in this sort of limbo, where, with 4 more games to play, they have nothing to fight for.........

Gimnasia has been falling constantly after loosing the champsionship in the last game of the season, 2 years ago and has been involved in scandals such as the one that happened after fans broke into the practice with guns and urged the players to play with everything they've got, exactly after loosing a Derby in a horrendous 7-1 loss.........

That scandal ended with the few talented players fleeing the team, and thats mainly the reason this Gimnasia team lacks talent, and plays with many forgotten and mature players.........

i dont see this team getting enough momentum after loosing the ONLY game that mattered this season, and getting to Avellaneda to steal at least a point from Racing...........

In the other Hand, we have Racing.......... a top 5 historical team in Argentina, with one of the biggest fanbase in the nation.........

They are in relegation zone and really kind of far from saving themselves.....
They come from a heart-breaking loss to Boca Jrs... after leading early, and playing vs a Boca team filled with reserve players (they are focused in resting the starters for wednesday's matchup vs Atlas) they not only let Boca Draw, but they loose the game in the agreggate.......

Racing faces 4 final games in which they need at least to win them all to dream with a chance to saving themselves..........
They Will be playing at home, with a frightening support from theyre fans, hosting a Gimnasia team that will bring just a couple of dozen fanatics to the game..........
Homecourt WILL BE a factor in this game.......
They have been losing this kind of games latley where the have everything to win them but they end up finding a way to give away the games....... THIS WONT CONTINUE THIS LAST 4 GAMES.....

Ok you might think this is just a reasonable matchup with this info......... or you might think this isnt worth the juice.........

But here comes the extra info that makes me LOVE this game......

Playing Boca is similar to playing in a MNF or a Thursday Night game in TNT or SN Baseball........... you will be seen, analyzed, and criticized by half the nation, (Same goes for River).......... and this game just created a wave of change and highlighted a situation that will have to change for Next game........... Racing has been loosing games due to bad decisions by the refs.............they have lost 3 of last 5 because of 3 bad calls by refs....... AND eventhough people knew that, this game vs Boca created a Wave of criticism on the media about the way a BIG team has been treated by the refs in such a clutch situation................

Players complained, Coaches complained, as usual........ but this time, the teams President, and Owner complained also, even journalists............

People will be looking to blame any failure to the refs...... the refs wont be looking to give any chance of this happening, so whats the easier way to do this...??......
A home-court-loving ref, will surely be designated by the comission, and what better chance to calm the waters, than vs a team that has nothing to play for as Gimnasia LP...???

Racing has the talent and the team to win........ EASILY, and they also have the need and the courage and anger to come out Saturday and kill Gimnasia without any ref. help..........

If anyone had the chance to see or hear any interviews with moralez or Sava will know that this play is a very one-sided matchup...........

And recent results by Racing, makes me think the line will be a reasonable -1something...........

Ill check back throughout the week to give any update or answer any question...........

For the mean time.......
Hi...... ive been busy lately..........

Line is out.........

And it is Quite attractive......


Ill take it early to avoid any unwanted moves......



Thanks to the refereee.......

jeje Told you there was something fishy about this game
Moralez is out of the game due to injury.......... that aint good...... Cause Racing has a history of giving away early leads, and Moralez is by far the most talented player in the pitch for both teams..........

However the game is sorrounded by so much pressure that it fell early into a slugfest......... Hope it stays that way, cause without moralez playing a dinamic game would put Racing in a disadvantage, considering Gimnasia has at least Piatti......

Ima over here and Ill try to put some updates if anyone Played Racing
Damn Racing is feeling that loss a bit too much.......
The best thing that can happen right now is that the 1st half ends......
Gimnasia is dominating the flow of the game.....

Llop must do something quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only good thing so far in the 2nd half is that the crowd is really supporting the team....... and Diego Alonso, Gimnasia's Striker got kind of injured
30 minutes to go.......

Llop makes a sub......... hes trying to crowd the midfield and stop Gimnasia from getting spaces to get to his side of the pitch....... Hope Estevez stops Fede Dominguez whos going around freely....
Piatti is making a mess with Racing Defenders.......

And as I right this a bit more help by the refs.....

San Esteban is sent off.......

Gimnasia is with 10
1-1.........lucky play......I cant believe it..........

When they finaly dominated the game............ they had 1 more man, lost 2 amazing goals, and in a very stupid play the even the game........
At least i didnt bet my life with these play....... jaja

Now I need to see how people react to these...... Im sure there will be consecuences........