Newsletters NCAA Week 4/NFL Week 3

Thanks. Printing my 4 pages of schedule/logs now. Sometimes I can get them off the Northcoast site, however this week, like many others they do not update them and fall behind.

Power Sweep has Stanford as Underdog play of week I saw. I am taking UCLA. Seems their reasoning is mostly history, it is a series that UCLA has struggled with. I feel we get something closer to week 0 and week 1 UCLA than week 3 UCLA.
Gold Sheet Looking For an Angle, that was part of the regular Gold Sheet before and one of the items I saw missing. Looking over that too.

I look forward to this every week!!!!! I didn’t see Marc Lawrence’s Playbook? Is that forthcoming?
Marc's Playbook doesn't leave the press until Wednesday's at noon (new this season) and his Mid-Week Alert (which starts today) doesn't leave the press until Thursday's at noon.
Glad they are enjoyed and appreciated!!
It was only three or four years ago that they stopped selling the paper versions at a store nearby. My kids (now 10 and 8) weren't happy that stopped because they always got Cindy Lu's fried pies when we went there on Tuseday afternoon after I picked them up from school (they called it the pie store).

My favorite part of handicapping was always coming home with the newsletters, grabbing a beer, lying back on the lounge chair by the pool, and reading those newsletters in the glorious October/November sun.