New Yorks Knicks @ Orlando Magic


CTG addict
really like this one, a game in which a full team of talented NBA players should actually compete on both sides of the floor.

Line is not out yet, but I'm expecting something like 11+. I'll likely be on anything they throw out. Orlando is coming off 2 losses, losing 4 of their last 5, 7 of their last 9, and their last 4 home games. After their last home loss, a blowout by Utah in which Orlando fans were booing, Van Gundy finally spoke out saying:

"We were absolutely frightened of contact. We won't put our body in front of anybody driving to the basket. We don't screen anybody, we don't block anybody out," Van Gundy fumed. "It's a soft team, and until they change the results won't change. And the same thing that happened last year will happen again to the same group of guys. Quick start, and when people pick up the intensity we can't handle it."

"It's ridiculous, it's embarrassing and I feel badly for our fans," he said. "They were booing a little bit, but I would have booed a lot louder than that. You can have a bad night missing shots . . . that's not worth booing for. But to watch a team play so much harder than we did, they should have been booing a lot louder than that. And I hope they will if we put out the same effort next time we're here"

"There's not one guy who could compete with the guy he was playing against. Not Dwight (Howard), not anybody. We had a team-wide effort of guys getting their (butts) kicked. Right now, they're OK with that as long as they're getting their (offensive) numbers. It's probably going to continue until we get some guys who want to play defense."

If you can't get a career high against us you're not doing much," Van Gundy said. "It's not like we're going to compete with you

That's a lot of shit to be saying about your team. Now although they lost their next game, it was at Boston who had revenge, so no matter how pumped you are, you won't beat Boston at Boston after you already handed them their 1st loss. However, this is the game I want. Orlando knows they've been playin like shit at home, and they will bring their full effort to this game. I don't have the direct quote, but after their home loss to Memphis, Rashard was saying how they looked past them and how now they know they can't look past any1. numerous players have been saying that the energy needs to be there to protect homecourt.

Now I know that New York will be a bit motivated as well. Thomas has said that he's gonna make a starting lineup change (I'm guessing David Lee will start over Curry) and a couple players have been saying how frustrating it is to start out the game down 20 at halftime, so I'm guessing they'll bring it a bit in the 1st half. thats really all I can say. I don't think a single lineup change will be enough to help NY. It still won't help their problems. No presence on defense in the post or shotblocking abilities. I actually think Curry/Randoph at the same time might be successful against the smaller orlando lineup, but it won't matter cuz it won't happen tonight.

regardless of what NY does, this is a play on Orlando to show up in the biggest way at home. Will probably just play the whole game line, with a little fear of the 1st H.
Great write-up man...

NY will be sparked with Lee in...such a difference but I like what you have to say about ORL as well.
how can you say "a game in which a full team of talented NBA players should actually compete on both sides of the floor" and then lay 11+?
trading for Brian Cook was just an amazingly foolish move on the Magic's part.

I had lost hope that the Lakers would ever be able to get rid of them, but thank tru for Otis Thorpe. Truly a blessing from the heavens.

cook doesn't even need to do anything, his existence on the roster will drag a franchise down.

the only thing he can do is a negative. cuz when he does manage to make a shot, he's nothing more than a fraud. just a waste of space out there on the court that you foolishly expect production out of.

at least when he's bricking the shit out of all his shots its lets the truth come out; he's worthless and will always be worthless.

sorry for the brian cook rant, i just hate the cunt and the fact that the magic are 8-9 since the trade, after starting 10-2 says it all.

not gonna be on the game tomorrow, but it has all the makings of another patented Knickerbocker embarrassment. Magic looking to make a statement vs. the Knicks who are fat and happy after christmas, and likely due for a letdown after managing a comeback vs. the lakers.
Not sure why this game sticks out to you. Orlando blows at home. Those quotes happen all the time in the nba
Some interesting quotes for sure SF. Still not enough for me to lay DD's with them.

Like I said in the discussion thread they've only covered this kind of number once this month. Lineup changes from NY are also an interesting angle plus the Knicks won't have Marbury for this one (good thing for the Knicks). If the Magic don't get this one by a comfortable margin after their coach ripped then I'm not sure what will get them motivated.

GL and appreciate the quotes. Might have found myself on the Knicks otherwise.
eh well Imma be on


all one unit
considering making Orlando a 2 uniter, maybe wait for HT and hope for a little better value
Orlando -7.5- 1 unit

well NY shot fuckin 7-13 from 3, even though orlando kept up I dont think Dwight will only shoot 3 shots tonight. I expected NY to come out, glad its close at half. still feel alright with the -11
mad at myself for going 2 units on the whole game when I had a feelin itd be close at half. should just went 1 whole game and 2 on this 2nd H. o well
nice feels good to cap it nicely. 1st H NY came out pretty well as expected, but Orlando just outtoughened them in this one.
eh making it a 2 unit play on Sacramento +7.5

so the card is/was:

Philly -3- 1 unit
Orlando -11- 2 units
2nd H Orlando -7.5 (-120)- 1 unit
Utah -3.5- 1 unit
Sacramento +7.5- 2 units

really like sac 1st half, but I'll just take this for now