New Years Rants


Pretty much a regular
Have you ever watched a football game either college or NFL with the sound completely off? That is how I watch them all the time because there isn't an announcer out there that can tell me what I don't see for myself. When you do this you discover something. After each and every play they cut away to closeups. At least 3 and in many cases 7. They think they are showing the emotion of the game but they aren't. Player is tackled and we immediately see a closeup of one of the head coaches. Where's the ball? Who cares show a fan's face. What down is it? Who cares show the QB's face quick. What is the offensive alignment? Show the other coach's face. What is the offensive alignment? Who cares? Quick show the QB's face. Or the butt of a fat lineman or the back of some players head or..... Fuck I am sick of missing the game and seeing closeups instead. Please, please, please hire a guy in the truck that knows the damn game and not some clown who thinks my only reason for watching this game is to see some guy's face when i should be watching football.

This one is for you Roger...... why can the college game do 30 replays in the time it takes for the NFL to do 2?

Back to college. For god's sake if a team can't win more games than they lose they can't get into a bowl game. 6-6 is not a quality team.

Again college....... why is it so hard for the NCAA to pass a rule that says no coach can accept a new job until after the last game of the year is played? And don't tell me it will hurt recruiting because there is a dead period right after the season where coaches can't recruit anyway. Also don't tell me the hiring process is so long because if that is the case then present coaches are going through the hiring process starting in October when most fans would prefer that their present head coaches concentrate on the games they are playing instead of jet setting around the country or spending hours on the telephone in interviews.

And NFL so you are really going to eliminate kickoffs altogether? Why not take a page out of the CFL and after field goals the other team gets the ball on the 30. After TD's you kickoff. The NFL intentionally moved the ball forward again this year for kickoffs so the fans would get bored with unreturned kicks. probelm was some players actually returned them for TD's and now because the plan didn't work they have to simply eliminate them because of injuries? Seriously, in 100 years, how many players have been seriously injured on kickoffs? It is continual shit like this that will make the NFL fade away. Tell me you aren't bored to death watching NFL games with their thousands of commercials.

Oh and NHL..... it was nice knowing you. By the time you reach a labor agreement no one will care. Even the Canadians who live and die by this sport are discovering there are other things to do with their time. I actually watched some games in the past and I will have fond memories of the Flying Frenchmen of Montreal. You will come back to empty arenas and you will lose more and more franchises. Wait...... what were we talking about?

Just some of my personal frustrations. Hope you have a great New year. GL
This one is for you Roger...... why can the college game do 30 replays in the time it takes for the NFL to do 2?

The replay process in the NFL is laughable. The whole thing with refs stuffing their heads into those booths looking at a tiny fucking hard is it to have a guy in a room without crowd noise on a larger screen who can look it up and relay the call to the guys on the field? Should take 25 seconds max.

Also, while were at it, why are 1st downs still measured by chains? Surely there has to be a better way with today's technology
Tell me you aren't bored to death watching NFL games with their thousands of commercials.

Yup, thats why Red Zone is the way to to nowadays.

Agree on the college coaching rules, that just makes no sense at all. They need to change that. They also need to eliminate the "must sit one year" rule for a kid who transfers.
Another one I thought of yesterday-if a team commits Unsportsmanlike conduct after TD why cant the other team elect that the penalty be enforced on the PAT-it happened in the Michigan game-So Carolina scored-got a 15 yard penalty-at that point they needed to go for 2-Michigan should be able to have that penalty enforced on 2 point pt conversion instead of the kickoff-so So Carolina would have to go for 2 from the 17! Just a thought

Again college....... why is it so hard for the NCAA to pass a rule that says no coach can accept a new job until after the last game of the year is played?
And don't tell me it will hurt recruiting because there is a dead period right after the season where coaches can't recruit anyway. Also don't tell me the hiring process is so long because if that is the case then present coaches are going through the hiring process starting in October when most fans would prefer that their present head coaches concentrate on the games they are playing instead of jet setting around the country or spending hours on the telephone in interviews.

Couldn't agree more on this one Wire. Happy New Year
Great rant. Exactly why I go to all ala home games. I get to see the substitutuons. The only time an announcer calls out a sub is when a diff rb is in the backfield, which is useless.
We should all stop watching football if they take away the kickoffs. They'll get the message. Or atleast stop going to games.
Lots of good points there Wire, Happy New Year and hope you are doing well.
That this is now considered a first down:

"Have you ever watched a football game either college or NFL with the sound completely off? That is how I watch them all the time because there isn't an announcer out there that can tell me what I don't see for myself. When you do this you discover something. After each and every play they cut "

I haven't listened to the sound in years.
And watch when they do cutaways. The amount of time you get to look at what they cut away to is frequently no more than a tenth of a second. And I don't exaggerate here. The guy in the truck obviously thinks he has to keep things moving.

Finally, I NEVER watch an NFL game live anymore. I record the game and start watching about 40 minutes later. As soon as a touchdown is scored, I fast forward through the xtra pt, 2-3 minutes of commercials, the kickoff (frequently not returned) 2-3 more minutes of commercials until I see the offense getting lined up for a play. Seriously, set a timer when you watch this week and you'lll get what I'm talking about.

Excellent rant, Wire
If they can use technology to mail me a speeding ticket when no cop was even there using cameras, then they can use technology to figure out if a player gained 10 full yards or not
And NFL so you are really going to eliminate kickoffs altogether?

for this, you simply need to blame the thousands of fantasy football commissioners around the country for lack of action. like everything else NFL, if the kicker got points for touchbacks, the world would again tune in and the kickoff would not be in the position to be removed

NFL is nothing more than a slave to the fantasy game anymore, so make the kickoff VALUABLE.
I have to leave the sound on for ingame injury updates and while 99% of what they say is either wrong or dribble, sometimes you get a tidbit of information that will help you going forawrd.

If you want to get drunk really fast play a drinking game where you take a drink every time Verne Lundquist says something that is completely wrong, such as incorrect down, incorrect distance, incorrect score, incorrect about who has possession, incorrect about a rule etc etc ... I promise you will be passed out by the middle of the third quarter.
Tell me you aren't bored to death watching NFL games with their thousands of commercials.

Yup, thats why Red Zone is the way to to nowadays.

Agree on the college coaching rules, that just makes no sense at all. They need to change that. They also need to eliminate the "must sit one year" rule for a kid who transfers.

Agree on NFL redzone.

Disagree vehemently on the transfer rule. While I think they should ease the qualification for exemption at bit, doing away with the 1-year ineligibility requirement entirely would cause chaos in college football. In my opinion when a coach the player did not commit to is hired, and the player has been in the program something like 2 years or less, than he should be free to transfer to another school without penalty. A rule such as this would also give ADs something else to consider before firing the coach.
I could not believe what i was watching with that whole 1st down thing during Michigan/S Car game, i guess football is gonna start going with the "ole neighborhood call" like in baseball.
Agree on NFL redzone.

Disagree vehemently on the transfer rule. While I think they should ease the qualification for exemption at bit, doing away with the 1-year ineligibility requirement entirely would cause chaos in college football. In my opinion when a coach the player did not commit to is hired, and the player has been in the program something like 2 years or less, than he should be free to transfer to another school without penalty. A rule such as this would also give ADs something else to consider before firing the coach.

alright, this is fine, maybe my original post wqas too broad, and there has to be some limits. but yes, if you commit to go to a college to play for a coach, and he skips out on you and the program, you should be allowed to as well.
damn, I wish i had ur golden tung....all i could think of to say in my 'little' rants was ""fuck these damn announcers"" and ""why are these mofos trying to re-invent the damn game of football"" and finally "" where in hell did they find these damn announcers""

Well said as always old man
Close enough

Don't know if you were watching the game or not, but that was an extremely favorable spot to begin with, and when the extremely favorable spot was still not enough to pick up the first down, the officials simply made up the difference.

The nationwide SEC hatred is pervasive and appears to have permeated the non-SEC offciating crews around the country. The biased officiating against SEC teams has been evident in every bowl game I've watched thus far except maybe for the Vandy game. I don't recall anything amiss in that game.
alright, this is fine, maybe my original post wqas too broad, and there has to be some limits. but yes, if you commit to go to a college to play for a coach, and he skips out on you and the program, you should be allowed to as well.

I absolutely agree with that basic premise.
I noticed between plays how often they cut to a promo. It could be a game winning drive or the beginning of the game. Networks will always go to a promo or a graph or an up lose shot as you mentioned. It's almost every play. I've mentioned this before, I never thought (the NFL especially) could ruin this game. It's reminding me of the NBA. It's almost unwatchable. The IQ level of coaches and players have fallen off the charts. The announcers as well as the guys in the truck have become information junkies. I've found myself enjoying the games much more in silent. Pretty sad it's come to this.
i just heard a stat today on the least penalized teams in college football. Any guesses???At the head of the list are all 3 academy schools. Higher IQ level of players and coaches.
Then you have players following coaches when they leave and it gets real ugly. The kid is making a commitment to the university who is often paying for their education not the coach. I see no harm in a recruiting moratorium and coaches having to stay with their team until the conclusion of the national championship game.