New rules....2017/2018 season...


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Staff member
I'll start to what stuck out to me...

In the new format, each quarter will have two mandatory timeouts; the old rule mandating a third timeout in the second and fourth quarters is gone.

Now, this is terrific. I hated those quarters would get started only to have a quick stoppage followed by another. It took some continuity away imo.

But, with teams only getting to use 2 timeouts each in the last 3 minutes...that still leaves 10 timeouts total for each 5 will be used(4 mandatory) plus and extra each half. So, basically they have taken away the mandatory but still kept it. Very cute NBA.

So the max timeouts under 3 minutes will be 5(with the home team mandatory). That is better I guess.

They didn't address the ridiculous use of the monitor. That is an extra 10-15 minutes a game right there. That makes up for the timeouts as is.

The Halftime rules mean be ready to bet and go right away. You will lose a min or two of time to think about it.

Trade deadline just brings up a Billups/Iverson situation where they got voted to prior conferences. Who cares about ASG anyway anymore.

Anything else of note?
the timeout changes are wild....wasn't it 9 total timeouts per team and now its 7 timeouts per team? no more 20 sec TOs... all timeouts are 75 seconds and no restrictions on how many timeouts per half... so coaches are no longer going to take timeouts at the end of the first half just bc they have one to waste...

they took the under 9 min deadball official timeout away in the 2nd & 4th quarter
trade deadline moved to before the asb is also big.... it prevents the players having to worry about traded over the break.... and team brass wont be able to woo each other when theyre all in the same place