New Cleveland weather report for Sunday: 100 % rain and 23mph wind

We can use this as a general weather thread as I am sure a few areas will be affected.

Thanks for posting. It should be a knarly type of day.
Baltimore and New York also look bad with rain but more importantly winds up to 20mph. Totals have already moved but with the calibre of QBs and defenses in these games, and it being Week 1, I expect VERY conservative approaches on offense.
Saw some Cleveland guy talking about the 'worst forecast ever' and people wondering if the game would be played....
I didn’t read thread but i
Wanna say there a dozen + guys here that predict games better than my weather men!! They been screaming 6 inches of rain here in stl last several days and all we Got was scattered 30 min showers w no wind after.

All I’m saying is I hope you predict weather better than those stiffs (lord knows I try). Before you bet based on sun weather.