

Not all those who wander are lost
Good positional play. Have to see a spread and get an idea who is playing but very likely to play them tomorrow.
1. The Nets are seriously underrated.
2. The Knicks are actually dangerous now and Boston dislikes them. Boston will be playing them at home Friday and absolutely will not accept losing to them. Beating the Young Nets will not get Boston anything except tired. Will take 4 or more for sure here and think about 3. The next time Boston plays the Nets the shoe is on the other foot as it is the day before the Nets face the Knicks and Boston is at home so Boston pretty much knows as do the Nets that Boston has an relatively easy win coming up against the Nets in a few days further reducing Boston's interest here.
nice lookin. Hopin for better than 4. Boston's preseason scores: 6 pt loss, 2 pt win, 1 pt win, 4 pt win. Getting +4 with NJ would be nice
absolutely do not agree.. i am a Knicks fan and they are not a threat to a DIV 1 school and you are saying they are a threat to the world champs? Listen to sportscenter anchors mock the Knicks and general fans. This is not the Mets who other teams hate and want to beat the crap out of. When and if the Knicks ever do get good then you have a point and might apply to NY-NJ rivalry but definetly not Boston. Boston has been playing it starters less than 15 min a game look for that to start increasing now as the regular season approaches. Have a lean to Boston expecting more minutes (20-24 ish) from the Big 3 and knowing that they're bench is solid.
the one thing I will say about the Knicks as a Knick fan if you are not ready to run up and down the floor this year.. they will beat you. The converse if you are and have the offensive weapons and will play defense you most assuredly will beat them. Expect them to OVERACHIEVE and get something like 37-38 victories this year.
Mets.. the problem with the Knicks is they are having trouble winning these games and they are playing as hard and as good as they can... and it's the pre-season! Lee and Randolph is a joke of a front line and Duhon does not have the vision to do anything but shoot 3's and push the ball.

If you want a win, and need a win, there's nothing the Knicks can do to stop you from grabbing it. That being said, they will play hard and should win more games than last year.
BOS-F-Garnett, F-Pierce, G-Allen-All Questionable (will be limited if they play at all)NJ-F-Najera-OUT

Ryan Anderson is OUT for NJ as well
all questionable does not mean out! This preaseason Ive learned more than ever to wait for precise starting lineups even if it costs me a point or 2. At 6:15-6:30 you will see starting lineups why not wait?
all questionable does not mean out! This preaseason Ive learned more than ever to wait for precise starting lineups even if it costs me a point or 2. At 6:15-6:30 you will see starting lineups why not wait?

Good point. I agree with tuck though about this Nets team. It's a typical pre-season beast type team. Deep with talent trying to make a name for themselves... and led by a pretty good coach who will have them focused and organized. Some of these coaches have no idea what they're doing...

I don't see it going more than 2.5... so I jumped already. I haven't found anything saying that these guys will play more than a quarter, if anything. They will play tomorrow night against the Knicks.