NCAAF Championship Monday 1/9


Pretty much a regular
YTD +1120
25-25 last - Not a very good bowl season.

If you are a Georgia faithful, you will probably disagree with some of the things I say. Just remember you were warned.

TCU +13 -1100/+1000

No matter what happens in this game I end up no worse than +20 for the season. Don't scoff at that because after you have bet 20,000 games being plus anything is a good year.

As for the game, Ohio State is not a good football team. Their defense is horrible, their play calling is ultra predictable, and their coach is a moron. Yet they hung in to the very last with Georgia. Day didn't have a run game and he abandoned it very early anyway as he threw almost every down. But even though Ga knew he was throwing every down they didn't adjust to stop it. OSU receivers were constantly behind the Ga secondary as they ran past the corners and safeties. TCU took lots of notes on that and their receivers are just as capable as OSU.

The other problem is Stoud ran all over them himself. Stroud doesn't ever run because he is afraid to take a hit, but Ga couldn't contain him. imagine what Duggan will do against that defense as he loves to run. TCU took notes on that. Now one thing I will say in Ga defense is Stroud had the best game of his life. Despite coming in 3rd in the Heisman he really isn't that good. Don't think I'm right? He could come out for the NFL draft but so far, the scouts have said he won't go high so he hasn't declared as of today. Media heads say first round, but they don't place kids in the draft. Scouts do. But he did expose the Ga defense and that's bad. At the same time, Bennett had what I think is one of his worst games ever and that can't be because of the OSU defense because they aren't good at all. He just had an off day and it's unlikely he will have another bad day against TCU so there's a backhanded Ga compliment.

Michigan abandoned the run because they fell behind and their coach is as big a moron as Day is, so they went to the passing game as well. Michigan exposed TCU pass defense and if Bennet is even half as good as he usually is the Dogs will score plenty. I also think Ga can and will run against TCU.

The one thing I do know about TCU is they come back against everyone. Duggan is tough and the team has a never say die attitude. That's very dangerous. Georgia should be favored in this game by 6 1/2 no more. If they were, truth be told, I would probably bet Ga. But there is a chance this band of underdogs could pull off the upset and, in any event, no fucking way should Ga be favored by 13+.

I might actually root for TCU to win outright which I never do. Root for a bet? Sure. But never a team. I just like their guts.

P.S. A total? I think you have to take over, but I am happy with all those points. GL