NCAA Weekend plays


Moderator (Honorary)
NCAA YTD Through 9-11 games

Sides/totals/halves 5-3 +17 units
ML dogs 1-1 + 4.3 units

Maryland +14.5 three units; MD +14 two units -110
Maryland +475 two units

Had discussion on this in another thread so I'm not going to waste my breath repeating myself here.
Will be putting a few more units on this tonight with reduced juice.

Nothing else locked in yet, but will have a very full card this weekend.
Another two units on MD +14 at -105..


Wazzu +220 two units
Wazzu/Baylor over 49 -110 12 units
SOuth Fla -4 -110 four units


BYU -8 -105 four units
Wetern KY +28 -105 two units
Locked in a bunch of these with reduced juice:

Georgia -7 -105 four units
Hawaii/Ore St UNDER 58 -105 four units
GT/VT UNDER 38 -115 three units (bought half)
Bowling Green +17 -105 three units
BG/Boise OVer 57.5 -105 three units

Good luck tomorrow fellas. Let's keep this thing rolling:cheers:
Thanks VK... Good luck this weekend. I'm going to throw a little more on the Terps in the AM. See if I can get lucky and find a 15 with a local....
two more units on the Terps at +14 -110

Total of nine on the side and two on the ML....

Let's go
Wow...what a start. Looking great, sure hope they can win SU and cash them all for you. Go Terps!
How bout them Terps fellas?

ND +100 four units

Lots of talk about ND sucking, but Michigan on the road? Please. I'll take the Irish in a big revenge spot at plus $$

Two more on VT/GT UNDER at 40.5
Hokies -7 -105 three units

After lots of thinking VT defense against this new option offense at GT is a huge mismatch for the hokies.

Be back later, I'm off to get a turtle tattooed on my face.
HELLUVA call on the terps doggy.... you were all over and high on them this week in discussion and you were on the money with that one.... gotta give credit where its due

Great hit sir
