pitt? i need to ban ur ass for ur homerish gayburgh love. understand everything about pitt is some trash. tha Yag steel city, can suck my dick.

good luck tonight on all ur plays

tru, my feelings are mutual about your Yag love affair for every front running team --- ie... UNC Baskebtall, and Dallas Cowgirls football

steez vs boys december in the steel city ur welcome to come up and watch the dallas beat down live with me lol
haha kid we talked before about seats.

kid bullshit im a heels fan in all sports u know that dont jus drop it that god loves jus heels basketball. god been a dallas fan in good an bad. since hershall walker was tha rb.

u got 30 mins before kickoff to get that tan nice an golden brown to show off to ur ymca boys up there in tha Yag steel city.

kid if i come up in december we gotta get steed a ticket an drag his ass up for tha game also. few other pa members here also, scott sharp,alex an im sure more
Cruz how fuckin pumped r u right now

Top 25 next week, we right back in it like we were never out of it bitches
big win bro, just sucks we shit the bed vs bg we should be 5-0 all good tho pitt is gonan win the big east. how nasty was shady tonite
still laughin at that 31 point line. couldnt beliueve it when u told me.

waitin to see if i can get 30 an im wit u