NCAA Week 6

J Galt

Everyone's got a price.....
Sillycuse +120 - 1 unit - Straight up WesternViper tail. Guy's got #tools and #sharpinformation.

BOL tonight fellas
We'll see about that, Silky. I've lost a fuck ton of plays just like this as well. All depends on which teams show up tonight
Let me know if you've heard this story before; It's a pleasant Fall day in Starkville, Mississippi. The smell of tobacco juice and body odor fills the clean, crisp air. The scene; Davis Wade Stadium. The only sound you can hear for miles are the brainnumbing clang of cowbells and moonshine-filled rebel yells. Today is OUR day, the hillbillies are saying. We are on a winning streak and everything is clicking on both sides of the ball! This is IT. Today, we finally git all grown up. Today, we show the rest of the conference that WE are finally ready to eat at the SEC Big Boy Table. Today, The South WILL Rise Again!!!

Inside the stadium, the spotlight shines on one man; Dan "Flounder" Mullen. The young Scientologist peers out into the pale blue sky. 'Look at them', he thinks to himself, gazing out at the sellout crowd of deliriously intoxicated fans, decked out in their best pair of overalls. 'They're all here to see me.' Flounder allows a wry smile to spread across his face, giving himself a moment to enjoy HIS moment of glory. It doesn't get any better than this.

Then, he allows his eyes to wander to the other sideline. The smile disappears. There he is. Motherfucking (insert superior SEC coach's name). <insert superior="" sec="" coach's="" name="">This<insert superior="" sec="" coach's="" name=""> dialogue occurs:</insert></insert>

Mullen - "Shit......"

OC Billy Gonzales - "What is it, Dan?"

Mullen - "I wonder what Urban would do......"

Gonzales - "What?"

Mullen - "Do you have your cell phone with you?"

Gonzales - "Yeah......why?"

Mullen - "Can you call Urban and put him on the headset?"

Gonzales - "What?????"

Mullen - "Look, I don't know what to do here. Back in the good old days, Urban would always know what to do and we would win. He'd scream into the headset 'Danny, we're going Tebow/Harvin option right, Tebow/Harvin option left until we get to the goal line and then we're going with the Jump Pass FTW. It's gonna be all right.' And it was always all right. Problem is, we don't have Tim or Percy here so I don't know WTF to do and I need to talk to Urban. Call him. Please."

Gonzales - "................"

The rest of the story tells itself. Miss State shows flashes of real potential throughout the game, but they can never fully overcome their touchdown deficit, teasing their success-starved fans until the final whistle. Defeat. Again. No illegitimate children born in Mississippi will be named 'Daniel Mullen' on this night. Bulldog fans will leave disappointed once again, left with nothing but fond memories of Jackie Sherrill castrating cattle to carry them into their peaceful pass out in the back of their pickup in the parking lot.

There's always next year. Someday. The. South. WILL. RISE. AGAIN!!!

Texas A&M +130 - 3 units
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...tobacco juice and body odor.....
I"m at work and have been laughing way too loudly.
Good luck and hope the Ags bring it home for you(and me).
