Ncaa Week 3


Brian Windhorst
SEASON 27- 19

I will continuously update the original post with plays

Rutgers -4 (120)

USF -3 (120)
Baylor -3 (120)

Ball State -6.5 (120)

Penn State -26.5

Arizona - 10 (120)

BOL all :cheers:
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PSU -26.5

Penn State has been solid

Syracuse is once again horrid

Cuse just got blasted by an Akron team that is predicted to finish last in the MAC

I am sure Penn State will be well represented at the game...Turf will benefit the PSU athletes more

Think PSU will play with a chip on their shoulder all year
Lot of points to lay on a road game, but then again it's Syracuse.

I was hoping for 17 but line not even close.
I am shocked to see that OSU is getting 10.5 here

I thought that the game would be a 6.5 or 7.5. Thought it would be 6.5 if they wanted USC action and 7.5 if they wanted OSU actiong. This 10.5 seems as if they want OSU action right? Lets look at all the factors here. USC has been given a lot of credit for their dismantling of Virginia. Yes they crushed them but Virginia is dogshit! We have all seen the ACC get exposed in the first two weeks of the season. USC was laying 3 TDs in that game. Did anyone really not expect it to be a blowout. That blowout was against this same Virginia team that just beat Richmond 16-0! That score was 3-0 going into the fourth quarter. What is the status of Chris Wells? He was walking around fine on the sidelines (it seemed) against OHIO. Their offense was so basic against OHIO so I would not read too far into their struggles. Yes, Ohio played them hard but I think OSU just let them hang for too long. By letting them hang too long it in turn gave them confidence and momentum.

10.5 is a big number to lay in a game that is supposed to feature the 2 best defenses in the league.

The typical offenses that give OSU problems are the ones that spread it out and have a mobile QB. I do not know a lot about Sanchez but he really is not that mobile is he? Ohio State really does not get burnt on the big play. It is usually the nickel and diming that gets them. Coming up with the stops on 3rd and short (i.e. Juice Williams and both OU QBs).

I have a lot of thoughts about this game but just wanted to give some stuff done...need to go to bed....BOL all this week
Lot of points to lay on a road game, but then again it's Syracuse.

I was hoping for 17 but line not even close.

I agree that it is a lot of points but is Syracuse even really considered a road game anymore. Not trying to sound ignorant, but they are usually out of the game so early that the crowd is non-existant. Akron is a sub par offensive team and hung up 42 (I think) at Syracuse... I think PSU is out for blood this year....
I like PSU as well, there red zone offensive play calling has been superb...Maybe it's because Morelli's isn't in there but who knows.

All 3 Senior WR's are doing a very good job and the QB Clark is doing an even better job of equal distribution of the ball so defenses can't really key on one guy.

I would like to see those defensive players from last week who were suspended play this weekend especially Maurice Evans....PSU needs those players back since (forget the name) tore his ACL on saturday.

tOSU thoughts:

I think that they are doing a good job....I still think this is going to be a 3 point game throughout..Everyone all this week is going to overhype the trojans and talk bad on tOSU. This is mainly due a very dominating performance against Virginia and a atrotious performance against Ohio. Talk about a look ahead game. I still think that tOSU will be ready for Pete's boys. Only things that scares me about this game is that Pete really gets his guys up to play for big games.

BOL saturday
Great points on both fronts Frankie...I agree that The Morelli factor has been HUGE lol...It is amazing how there is an addition by subtraction when you lose your 3 year starter at QB(didnt he start that long)....More thoughts on OSU:Back to ny original statement about the spread offense...The spread has killed OSU lately BUT only with a QB that can run or at least move around.

OU's 2 QBs that played were both runners and could throw a little bit. If Sanchez was as mobile as these guys I think USC wins big.As far as OU being a look ahead game for OSU?

Ohio State and all the backers are trying to seel that as a look ahead game. I am not totally buying that. I picture a look ahead game as when a team comes out that is not prepared to play. Thus, they make a lot of "dumb" plays and get flagged for numerous things. That really did not happen to OSU last week. They came out and just seemed to get out played early in the game. I mean they got stopped several times on plays where they needed one yard. If they could not get one yard against OU what is going to happed against USC? They even got stopped on a 4th and less than a yards.

OSU's line could not dominate OU? About midway through the 3rd quarter was when OSU started winning/dominating the line. OSU used several lineman (as they always do) throughout the course of the game. I am not sure what the Bobcats did but I am sure their starters played a lot if not all the snaps. It seemed as if OSU wore them down. USC will not be worn down by the Buckeyes.

I really do believe that OSU can win this game against USC. I also could see them down by 6 late in the game and USC scoring a TD with 5 minutes left- making it a 13 point win. Answers that will slowly come out this week will be to the question- Is Beanie going to play? Is he 100%? What is Pryor's role in this game? Will either team be able to really move the ball? Like I said earlier I think SC is getting WAAAAY too much hype for that Virginia game...
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Just saw something in another thread about the Florida Miami game...I was lucky enough to have the game at +23 so I got the push..>I think it is bs that I pushed here but I am just more mad about how arrogant Urban Meyer is.

For those who did not watch the game, Miami punted the ball with about 2 minutes left in the game. At the time, the score was 23-3 Florida. Miami had one timeout left. By them punting, they were basically throwing up the white flag and saying that the game was over. So what does Urban Meyer do? He brings his starters back out and starts running a 5 wide offense. Tim Teebow ends up making a few completions. Through this "drive" Miami did not stop the clock at all (with their one timeout). Miami ended up stopping the Gators on 3rd down. At this time there was about 20 seconds left. I think it was like a 4th and 5 or something along those lines..What would most coaches do? Probably run a dive play or even take a knee....Not Meyer though, he brings out the special teams to make sure that he gets another 3 points.

I think that Randy Shannon is one of the class guys in college football...when they showed him on the sidelines, you could tell that he was pissed off...


I am real close to pounding Ball State. I think they absolutely crush Akron here. Akron os 2-0 ATS BUT week 1 was a cover with :38 left. They also got 2 TOs in the red zone that game (at Wisky). Last week they beat the piss out of Cuse (as anticipated). What would this line be if it were on a neutral field? Akron's "home field" is about anything but. This is their last year in a shit-hole stadium that is about 20 minutes off campus. The facilities are dogshit and they do not get a lot of support their. Yes this is their first of four home games, in the last year of the stadium BUT they will have no support.

Akron's new stadium will provide a great home atmoshpere. People that go to the games at the Rubber Bowl could give 2 shits who wins. This is essentially a neutral site, and I expect State to roll...
Nice looking Picks sir I may tail you. I also want to respectfully put out another perspective on Urban Meyer.

taken from an article in the Gainesville Sun

The idea behind the field goal was to give Florida's young kicker a field goal try before Florida heads on the road.
"I told him I wanted to give him a shot before we go to Knoxville," Meyer said Monday. "He was all jacked up."
Sorry, Randy, if your feelings were hurt because Meyer was trying to help his team. And you might want to explain why you went for a fourth-and-3 with a 45-7 lead and 4:25 remaining in the game the week before against Charleston Southern"

As usual there are two sides to every story. I really could care less unless it costs me money !

I am gonna look hard at your picks I think there is some $$ to be made with them GL !!
Thanks Mike...I understand the FG more than the other junk....But if he was so worried about a FG why did he go 5 wide for 7 straight plays? If you want your kicker to get some work then run the ball up the middle 3 straight times and then kick?