NBA Wednesday


Paster of Muppets
The Rockets have just ended a 22 game winning streak. I don't care who they play tonight, they are not bouncing back from a 20 point home loss. This line is meant to scare you off. You look at this line and think "oh, I know, I'm supposed to fade the Rockets now since it's their first game following the mammoth streak, but they are 32-5 in 2008. and 22-1 in last 23 and West is questionable".

I can understand that. West is their top scorer sans Paul. But after reading some local newspapers I tend to believe West will play. Also, Paul will kill these guys by imposing the tempo early. A team that ends a 22 game winning streak and ends it in style, a team that is missing one of their main men, a team that mostly uses a 9 men rotation among which most of them choked big time last night, does not bounce back on the road in the 2nd of a b2b game.

They just will not. I know what you're thinking. But how can I lay 5.5 against the Rockets. You simply have to. These 5.5 points just look big, but the Rockets won't be able to cope with the Hornets. The Hornets btw, have no reliable bench production, but they have fresh legs, they can shift the tempo depending on what they need, they have a very good coach making the calls and one of the most talented PGs in the league. Tell me who is going to match Chandler's energy on the boards tonight? Scola is beat. No Yao. Mutombo? Unlikely. So unless we see guys like Steve Novak or Carl Landry playing way above their expectations (and I don't expect Alston and McGrady to have a great night) this one is Hornets by 15.

Hornets (-5,5) (1.95 @ Pinnacle) 7 units

The Pistons are one hell of a team. Simply amazing what these guys can do. You want them to play D, they can contain you in 5 ways. Want to run with them? Ok. You score 120, they score 136. The Cavs need this one big time. The Pistons do not. They simply don't. The LeBrons will step up here from minute one. The Pistons just played a run'n'gun game last night, the Cavs have most of their men back in the lineup, they need to finish off this regular season on a winning note or else. LeBron knows they need momentum. This line is moving in Cavs' favor even though the public seems to be liking Detroit. I just don't think the Pistons have enough energy or drive to win this one, especially with Cleveland slowly getting all their men back (sans Gibson).
Cavs should take this one.

Cavs (-1,5) (1.90 @ Pinnacle) 7 units

Good luck everyone. :cheers:
Rockets have been w/o Carl Landry for a while and are expected to sign a big man this week, but you don't have to worry about playing about his expectations tonight.
West might play......

reNew, what do you hear locally about CP3's sprained ankle?

There hasn't been much mention of it actually, but watching the Hornets/Bulls game Monday he definitely didn't look as quick as usual. I don't think there's much worry about it even though it's still probably not 100%, they're just not going to talk about it because he'll have to play for us to have a chance, which is fine because he plays in control 99.9% of the time.

But for D.West I'm almost certain will play from what I've been hearing. Basically he's practiced and it doesn't look like his ankle is bothering him. Byron liked what he saw yesterday, West felt fine this morning.
I'm on Pistons tonight, but agree with you on the Hornets, even though I will pass playing them I believe.