NBA Trade Value Discussion


Two-Shot Foul
I'm sure many of you have already seen this, but Bill Simmons from came out with his yearly NBA trade value column, here's the link, it's basically the only thing of his I like anymore. It lists the top-50 players in the NBA in terms of their trade value overall.

The basic concept is that you'd trade any player for the players ranked ahead of them. There are a lot of problems with his list, Jason Kidd not being mentioned anywhere was most glaring to me. I also think that Garnett and AI are ranked too high based on their huge contracts. I don't think this is my homerism talking, but I can't understand how Marion is ranked ahead of Joe Johnson and Michael Redd when those guys can do everything and Marion can't shoot or dribble; plus, Johnson and, especially, Redd mean a hell of a lot more to their cities than Marion does to Phoenix.

Anyway, I thought it'd be a good discussion. My personal top 10, taking everything into account ... how good the player is, what he means to the city, how much he gets paid, how long he's signed for, age, etc, etc, would be:

1) LeBron - Obvious
2) Dwight Howard - Obvious
3) Tim Duncan - Big contract, but would never be traded, ever.
4) Steve Nash - No championships, but only making 11mil
5) Yao Ming - China
6) Chris Paul - Rookie contract
7) Kevin Durant - Rookie, almost put him higher
8) Kobe Bryant - Still arguably the best in the NBA
9) Dwayne Wade - Injuries scary, but he's a relatively cheap superstar
10) Josh Smith - Can't help it, he's the best value in the NBA this year, only making 2mil, but he's about to get paid, or else he'd be higher, much higher, haha.

It's pretty hard not to have a reaction to that column, I look forward to hearing everyone's opinion on how bad he screwed up and to seeing some top-10s ... lists are fun.
Read the article last nite. really interesting. I agree on Mr Redd, the guy is a baller for how man years now and rarely gets any love. I consider him to be the Kobe of the East. You are right, his value to the Bucks is far more significant to that of Marion to the Suns. I'm starting to notice that very few Eastern Conference teams really have that one stable player that they can build around.

What about Al Jefferson? Sure he's on a terrible team but the guy can ball! At his age and what he's making, I read somewhere that he declined a much higher offer because he said he didn't deserve it. Talk about humble!
Didn't hear that about Jefferson, that's pretty awesome. I was really close to throwing him in the top ten, but he's already signed his max deal, albeit for a reasonable price. Who knows? There's a chance Smith gives ATL a hometown discount, haha, just kidding.
Redd is probably my favorite non-Hawk in the NBA, there are all kinds of stories about how much he gives back to the community. It's pretty weird cause I hate Ohio State, but he and Oden are two of my favorites.
Redd is the kobe of the east? I dont get it.. what do you mean about that? I think Redd is not over or under rated.. guy is not on the great ones level though. I mean the Yucks aren't improving with him. Dude usually averages like 2 assists per game. I don't think he can defend that well or dribble that well. Mentioning him and Kobe in the same breathe is a travesty. I would mention Redd with guys like Pierce or Joe Johnson.
BTW I dont think you can build around Redd. If he was smart he would have signed with Cleveland when he was a free agent and they would have had the east on lock down for a long time.

lmao redd & King >>>>>> Larry hughes & king
Bad comparison bro. I guess you are just comparing body sizes. How about comparing Durant to Rashard Lewis without the consistent jumper.
Well, whatever comparison you want to make my point was he hasn't proven anything.

I picked Prince because they're nearly identical in height and weight. I believe Lewis is a good 20-30 lbs heavier. I'm still not sold on Durrants J in games I've watched it's been very inconsistent (39%FG, 30% 3PT YTD). He seems to make his money off the line or slashing to the basket, which reminded me more of Prince's game than Lewis'.
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Redd is the kobe of the east? I dont get it.. what do you mean about that? I think Redd is not over or under rated.. guy is not on the great ones level though. I mean the Yucks aren't improving with him. Dude usually averages like 2 assists per game. I don't think he can defend that well or dribble that well. Mentioning him and Kobe in the same breathe is a travesty. I would mention Redd with guys like Pierce or Joe Johnson.

wow someone's getting a little anal.

Redd's influence on the Bucks is just as important as Kobe's to the Lakers. Leadership and Scoring. Both players have been in this league for awhile and are surrounded by youngsters. If both have crap games, both teams are ruined. sheesh, read the fine lines before jumping in.
What do you mean Mike? I just didnt and still don't see the comparison.
Well, whatever comparison you want to make my point was he hasn't proven anything.

I picked Prince because they're nearly identical in height and weight. I believe Lewis is a good 20-30 lbs heavier. I'm still not sold on Durrants J in games I've watched it's been very inconsistent (39%FT, 30% 3PT YTD). He seems to make his money off the line or slashing to the basket, which reminded me more of Prince's game than Lewis'.

Good points :cheers:Lewis doesnt put it on the ground that much, both use the post up game though.
Just saying there is a difference between saying redd is like kobe for his team.. than saying like kobe to the eastern conference. I would like to see the Bucks record with Redd as their go to guy. I honestly don't think he is that important to the franchise.The Bucks will miss the playoffs with or without Redd.
I mean they are 10 - 14 this year, i would hate to see what happened if he wasnt playing. 28 - 54 last year, and 40 - 42 the year before that and lastly 30 - 52 the year before that. Redd isn't a superstar sometimes, I question if he is truly an all star. Sorry to disappoint the Wisconsin guys on here. But the proof is in the record.