NBA to fine floppers next season


Raider Nation for Life
The NBA announced to its teams this week at its annual pre-draft camp that fines will be imposed on players starting next season for clear cases of "flopping," has learned.
The league office has yet to determine exact fine amounts for offending flops and how fines might escalate for repeat offenders, but in-game arena observers and video reviewers will be instructed to report instances of theatrical flopping for potential punishment as part of postgame reports on officiating and other matters.

The league's pledge to crack down on flopping was conveyed to team representatives at Tuesday's competition committee meeting in Orlando.

NBA executive vice president of basketball operations Stu Jackson confirmed the new policy Wednesday night saying: "What was clearly expressed to the committee is that we would begin imposing fines next season for the most egregious type of flops. When players are taking a dive, for lack of a better term."

Because a precise penalty system has not yet been structured, it is not yet known whether serial floppers will be subject to possible suspensions after a certain number of fines for flopping, as seen with the league's protocol on technical fouls. Players who accrue 16 technicals during the regular season are hit with a one-game suspension when they get to No. 16 -- the limit is seven technicals during the playoffs -- and receive one-game suspensions for every other technical thereafter (No. 18, 20, etc.).

:popcorn: This could get interesting next season. I think it's for the good of the sport. It's hard enough for the refs to call a game, it's harder when you got actors making things look worse.
They should treat it just like they do diving in soccer.

:shake: There's a lot more people flopping and not just Manu. I think even AI flops alot. Yeah he takes his fair share of hits, and he's a little man, but I also see him throwing his head back making contact look worse then it is alot.

Who else u guys think flops alot?
The NBA's problem starts when these flops successfully draw fouls

Automatic defense for the flopper is, but my opponent got tagged with a foul. If the NBA says tough, it was a flop, then it starts to shine badly on the refs. They're automatically saying re: the ref concerned you got sucked in.

Numerous players start to get fined for *successful* flops off the same ref, where does that leave them regarding their continued use of that proven incompetent ref??
hopefully this will be the start of players earning a reputation for being floppers with the refs. ive heard van gundy make the point about how refs don't seem to pay attention to who the most notorious floppers are and officiate accordingly
I am definitely all for this. Fine the fuckers. But it will always remain the same, the officiating, the whole perception of it in the public. People will always complain, rarely or ever admit their team was the one getting the calls, and whine the next game they lose.

When they win, no complaints whatsoever, everything's just fine.

Same shit in all sports. When sportsmen get some integrity, play the game fair, it will improve, but until the mindsets change nothing will.

Sure they'll fine 3 or 4 players, then fans of those teams will point fingers elsewhere "sure he gets the suspension but why didn't _____ get it".

That's the bigger concern. The irrational, severely biased thinking, starting from coaches, players, carried onto the crowd/fans in all forms of homerism.
This is a cute little idea by the NBA but come on. There going to throw out about 50 fines in the first month of next season for about 2K a piece and then you'll never hear anything about. Then late in the post season next year somebody will start flopping around and they'll fine him what is essentially a lunch check.

Basically this rule isn't going to change anything on the court. The NBA is hoping it helps change a perception about the league. And you can be damn sure nobody's getting suspended for this. This new rule does show how quick the NBA is to "fix" a problem compared to Selig and the clowns over at MLB.
How the NBA will determine a clear flop, I do not know and can see many cases of arguments.

I do know one thing, the Spurs are in a heap of trouble!
Fines won't help much, it'd be better to do it like in Europe where from last season for obvious flopping you get called a technical.
AK47 (the call at the end of the Hou/Utah series was horrible)and SideShow Bob off the top of my head....

I don't think fining is right, I think they should call it technical foul....if excessive then they could fine or suspend but I hope they don't do it right off the bat.

While we are at it, are they gonna plan on fixing the Hack a Shaq Rule?
quite possibly one of the dumbest things i have ever read

it's a part of the game, it's a judgement call - if a ref see's a foul, he calls it.

if a guy flops, the ref doesn't call it
although MANU is 1 of the top 20 best players in the last decade -
he should be given a token fine to get things started - to send a message

This is like fining teams for filming their opponents signals and plays. Or uncovering numerous NCAA violations concerning West Coast housing violations.

It EXPOSES dynasties.
I am definitely all for this. Fine the fuckers. But it will always remain the same, the officiating, the whole perception of it in the public. People will always complain, rarely or ever admit their team was the one getting the calls, and whine the next game they lose.

When they win, no complaints whatsoever, everything's just fine.

Same shit in all sports. When sportsmen get some integrity, play the game fair, it will improve, but until the mindsets change nothing will.

Sure they'll fine 3 or 4 players, then fans of those teams will point fingers elsewhere "sure he gets the suspension but why didn't _____ get it".

That's the bigger concern. The irrational, severely biased thinking, starting from coaches, players, carried onto the crowd/fans in all forms of homerism.

The Hornets Spurs series was called horribly. BOTH WAYS.
I'm pretty sure Renew documented it at times in the series.
It was clear in the second round IMO that the refs were told to take it easy on the home teams. If not, it was just understood because it was obvious in more than half the games that the home team was getting way more calls. I'm not saying this out of bitterness over a lost wage or the fact that the Hornets lost the series. Clearly, in game 7 the Spurs showed the Hornets who had been there before. However, I also would contend that game 7 was the first game that was officiating in a balanced manner. Keep watching these playoffs. A key big man from the road team has 2 fouls by the middle of the 1st Quarter in MORE than 3/4 of the games. Its not one series its across the whole playoffs.

Perfect Example that should be fresh in your minds was Lamar Odom catching two early ones midway through 1st quarter (TOUCH FOULS) and then getting a third soft foul 8 mins into the 2nd Qtr right after he entered the game. Not to mention Lamar was hitting his shots and getting key boards that had the Lakers in a great position up big early in the game.

Outside of the Spurs I hate no basketball team or player more than the Lakers and Kobe. Just pointing out I am trying to approach this in an unbiased manner. Well shit they were playing the Spurs. :36_11_6:
The Hornets Spurs series was called horribly. BOTH WAYS.
I'm pretty sure Renew documented it at times in the series.
It was clear in the second round IMO that the refs were told to take it easy on the home teams. If not, it was just understood because it was obvious in more than half the games that the home team was getting way more calls. I'm not saying this out of bitterness over a lost wage or the fact that the Hornets lost the series. Clearly, in game 7 the Spurs showed the Hornets who had been there before. However, I also would contend that game 7 was the first game that was officiating in a balanced manner. Keep watching these playoffs. A key big man from the road team has 2 fouls by the middle of the 1st Quarter in MORE than 3/4 of the games. Its not one series its across the whole playoffs.

Perfect Example that should be fresh in your minds was Lamar Odom catching two early ones midway through 1st quarter (TOUCH FOULS) and then getting a third soft foul 8 mins into the 2nd Qtr right after he entered the game. Not to mention Lamar was hitting his shots and getting key boards that had the Lakers in a great position up big early in the game.

Outside of the Spurs I hate no basketball team or player more than the Lakers and Kobe. Just pointing out I am trying to approach this in an unbiased manner. Well shit they were playing the Spurs. :36_11_6:

Yeah I understand, and I agree. I just think it's hard to discuss sports with so much homerism around. I know people love their teams, I love the Spurs too, same as I love Liverpool FC or Hajduk Split.

But it's been years now since I dropped all the homerism crap. I just dropped it. Figured I don't want to defend something religiously if I see it's wrong.

Actions people take. I call it the way I see it.

Manu Ginobili flops, I curse at the bastard. But on the other hand, I love Manu because

a) he plays for a team I've been supporting for 14 years now, through good and the bad, you know how that goes
b) he's a baller. I watched him play in Europe, he was great then, but improved even more since arriving to the big league.

This guy can play, but he flops around too much. I also think there are other players that extensively flop, and I hate it all. It's safe to say I don't understand why any player would want to be remembered as a flopper or a cheater.

I mean you're an NBA champion, world champion with Argentina, Olympic games gold medalist with Argentina, an absolute GOD in South America, you're respected throughout the league.


Why not play a fair game, everything remains the same, you're still a champ, but this time no one gives you shit about this.

And I agree, the officiating has been horrid, in all sports, for almost a decade now. If you think NBA is something, check World cup football (soccer) 2006 in Germany.

That was insane. So many ref mistakes it's unreal. European championship starts in 8 days. I'm expecting same shit all over again.

basketball. Look at this clip

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Forward it to the last 3 minutes. Insane. This is just an example. If you think I'm being a homer, I can also give you a soccer clip from 2002. where Italy were robbed against Croatia, so same shit really.

Officiating is ruining sports overall, and the way things are now, there's no solving that problem.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
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I doubt this rule lasts too long. Not that I support flopping, but there is going to be all kinds of controversy once someone gets fined. As said above, everybody will be pointing fingers during every game.
wow Satyr, just watched that clip of Spain vs. Croatia. That thing was called sooo one sided. I wouldn't doubt if the refs were either paid off or were fans of Spain.
Sasha Vujacic may be out of a job.

Hopefully, once fines start getting handed down, I think we should see a lot more, for better or worse, judgemental calls when it comes to flopping, and hopefully floppers will be punished with no calls. And they'll end up hurting their teams while they're lying on their backs because they tried to draw a foul, making it 4 against 5.

Unfortunately, basketball when it comes to officiating it, is the most judgemental sport, every possession a call could be made, and numerous times within each possession. This will just further muddy the judgements, but even if they continue to offiate the same way, atleast those who blatantly abuse the good faith, will lose money.

And they should do something similar to the technical foul system, where after X amount of flops, you get suspended, and every other again, etc..