NBA teams- input needed


CTG addict
ok guys, looking forward to a fantastic NBA season. To help eachother out, please just post anything (must be true, if not state so) you know/observe of a team. We won't be able to have nice situations all season in NBA, but most days should have mismatches beyond the public eye and power rankings. So post anything you can say about the teams/players' weaknesses/strengths and possibly how itll affect the teams ATS performance

ie: Seattle CANNOT guard the post. they're a bad team already, but possibly against other bad teams with a low post presence, bet against the Sonics still. some teams have have nice low post presences: Orlando (dwight), Stons (sheed), Miami (shaq), Indi (j O'neal), Utah (Boozer), Minnesota (Al Jeff), NYK (Curry, Zach) -did I miss any key ones?
--many of the teams I listed above aren't that good and will lose a lot of games (indi, miami, minny, nyk), but Seattle will probably still get owned by them because they cannot guard the post, thus creating value on these teams with lower spreads
get the idea?

also regarding the sonics, a reliable source (rod_steel) says they'll prolly be a good running team early on for overs, but everywhere I read says they're tryna work on the D, any comments?
Miami also CANNOT guard the post or defend against fast young teams (phoenix, gsw, denver... actually doesn't it seem like a lot of the bad teams are tryin to speed up their games this off-season? (minny, indi, portland, kings, NYK, memphis)

correct me if I'm wrong
GSW will thrive, even in big spreads, against bad teams that are unorganized. My warriors can create turnovers, so we get slaughtered by fundamentally sound teams (Utah, SA), but we slughter unorganized slopppy teams (the bad ones). We create steals and turn them into points rallies in a hurry
maybe people can post like lists:
1) teams that struggle/excel defending the post
2) teams that struggle/excell defending the perimeter
3) teams that can get run on and killed
4) Teams with good inside presences
5) teams that will run it this yr
6) good/bad rebounding teams

although many may be obvious, post anyway. It is possible sum1 won't know and you'll help the CTG community. Post your knowledge and help everyone else out
Remember, halfway thru last season the Cavs players were so befuddled with Mike Browns offense...then James had a great 2nd half and rest is history. Watch for this again.
Hamilton and Billups both vow to attack offensively this year. Keep that in mind. Billups is really going strong to basket in preaseason. They both layed back at times last year. Not this year
NBA is byfar my least informed sport ... i appreciate you guys starting threads like this ... i got a notebook set aside for NBA this year and I will be taking notes of yalls posts ... thanks ... :cheers:

ps ... sorry no input!!!:bow:
Teams with good shooting forwards/centers(meaning all 3 on frontline) will pick and roll Miami to death and open up lane by drawing Shaquille out to perimiter.
teams that seem they gonna be running a lot this yr:
portland, seattle, gsw, phoenix, denver, toronto

significant team offensive changes:
orlando gonna be shooting the trey wayy more often
Houston got a more free offense with adelman

like who?
welll.detroit can throw Tay, Dice and Sheed at Miami frontline and have such an advantage

Your Warriors...they can def make him a liability if they force it before he uses his size on other end to make them adjust

For example
BAR, any concerns for detroit ATS with Stuckey out?
he probably wouldn't affect any spreads, so I think we see more detroit covers/overs with him in the lineup when he comes back. Hows he looked on defense, and as the distributor role?
homers? anything? I wanna get this thread going. Just input anything on teams you know about. It'll help all. I especially need help with the weaker Eastern teams. ie: Philly, Milwaukee, Charlotte, Atlanta (I know there's a few of you here), Indiana, etc
Being a Chicago guy, they get streaky and it rides for a few games and they tend to win big with close lines and win small with big lines. Never take a Bulls team over -9.