Sammy, was a crazy game to watch. Detroit played their hearts out and had one of their most cohesive offensive games I have seen all year. The 4th qtr and OT was played well both ways, that troup of refs do not like Detroit though, the looks they kept giving and whatnot....
Ramathorn, Milwaukee is a Skiles type team. They just play as hard as can be and are very aggressive. They won't back out of the hunt without a fight for the last playoff spot. They have defensive issues but they compete and this just reaffirms to me why I could never accept the fact that Sessions was trade bait awhile back.
Xgod, been awhile man...good to see you around.
Btw Sig, what a game for you to be sitting in the good seats for. Very entertaining. Were you the guy in the yellow button-up? If so, you were