NBA Saturday, 11-25-17...


Pretty much a regular
Friday was the first time in the regular season in 38 days with games played were both by #1 picks lost, snapping my best run ever where both plays did not lose on the same day. That was the longest streak I ever had by far. Expect more of those moving forward. Running late today. I like my top 4 totals and it was hard to rank a top pick out of that group, but I went with the double-chart play with Portland and Washington both having 9-game under streaks last time out. Only reason I am not listing that as a bet is because John Wall is out, but I still believe it goes Over. My top 2 sides were tough to rank, too. I switched them twice. Put Orlando there first, then Switched to Indiana, then switched it back. In the past, once I start switching (or in essence, waffling) my #1 pick like that, it loses. First time I have done that this season.

Since I prefer to play one play a day or maybe 2, I am going to pass tonight. I honestly do not know which play is my BEST play tonight, or which 2 are my best plays. I like my top 4 totals and top 2 sides. That does not mean they will go 6-0, 5-1 or 4-2 as many times when I feel like I have 5 or 6 strong plays, I end up going 2-4 or 1-5.

I will pass tonight and just sit back and look for 2H plays. Since I feel I am overdue for my #1 picks in both categories to cool off, I just do not feel a need to bet them. Nothing wrong with taking a few days off stalking 2H plays, and it gives me some time to start looking at 1H plays, too.


26-15 (regular season), +$950.

Sides: 15-8
Totals: 10-3
2H: 0-4
1Q: 1-0
#1 Sides: 26-12
#1 Totals: 26-12


Sides: (1) Orl, (2) Ind, (3) Hou, (4) Por, (5) Sac, (6) Mil, (7) NO, (8) Cha, (9) Atl, (10) Dal

Totals: (1) Por ov, (2) Sac ov, (3) Ind ov, (4) Orl un, (5) Mil un, (6) Dal un, (7) Hou ov, (8) Cha un, (9) Atl un, (10) NO un.