Nba props


Voice of Reason
Saddiq bey ov 7.5 reb -105
Kuzma ov 9.5 reb +110

Had kuz ov 8.5 wrote down but damn thing went up a board before I got bet in.
Have a bunch going on, all treys

GSW the only team I doubled on with Steph and Poole

Been noticing the higher number seem to hit more frequently
That GS game was honestly something I wouldn't feed to a rodent

Fuckn terrble
I know that wasn't the start you wanted but excited to see what you come up with here...

As far as Bey goes, he seems to finally turned the corner the last 10-14 days on the scoring department. He had a horrid shooting start to the year for almost 2 months...just something to keep an eye on...
Anthony Edwards 5/5 from trey land in the first quarter, hope he can match up with a couple of my others
I know that wasn't the start you wanted but excited to see what you come up with here...

As far as Bey goes, he seems to finally turned the corner the last 10-14 days on the scoring department. He had a horrid shooting start to the year for almost 2 months...just something to keep an eye on...

Yea it wasn’t the best night. I’ll try to start posting them more often, I pretty much play them every night.
I played sides tonight, there wasn’t many props up when I was there this morning and don’t think I’m going back.
i like a bunch of 3 point props tonight, gonna be round robin specials!! havnt figure out how im putting them together yet but here a list of guys im looking at, outside FVV not a ton of high juice which nice, his is way up there but he freaking automatic to go over 3.5 so think ya play him no matter the price while they give us that number. last game when i went to bet him they took off board and came back with 4.5 so had to pass, hope it dont happen here..

Fvv ov 3.5 -170
OG Ananoby ov 2.5 +110
cole anthony ov 2.5 +115
miles bridges ov 1.5 -150
Bogdanovic ov 2.5 -145
pj tucker ov 1.5 +125
garland ov 2.5 -140
brown ov2.5 ev
tatum ov 2.5 -115

think i will do a 4 man RR in groups of 2's with the 4 juicy ones for sure, i cant put brown and tatum together so would have to pick between them to go in another with og, cole, and tucker. i dont like doing more than 4 guys/teams in my RRs anyways cause it starts turning into too many bets!! 6 bets about my limit if im gonna make each bet big enough to be worth it! lol..
Og already over

Shitty nights by Celtics all around. Thought I was gonna have a shot w them but got yanked and gave up w 9 min to go. I really debated on those 2 also. Oh well. Freaking Tucker was up to +170 when I got up there and bet them, that was odd, he got his really fast also.