NBA Plays (January)...

Can only shake the head at the Nots.

Washed league, good spot but zero effort.

Get back game on Friday.
No class on that Pacer final possession.

Only shot of the night for that kid and he deliberately busted the spread.
In fairness to me I had no freaking clue bane was out, I didn’t see him on any injury reports or anything, what happened w him? Already not having brooks there no way I would have played it with bane out also.
Mucks, smh.

Can't go bust some ass vs the team above them in the standings that they'll probably meet in the playoffs.

Refs calling the game like Demar is Kobe, come on man.
Ya, if you're looking to place a bet on a Friday make sure you look at the dogs first.

Vegas likes to take your lunch money on the last 'business' day of the week.