NBA Monday picks (+writeups)


Paster of Muppets
NBA 2006/2007: 49 W-1 V-40 L +31.17 units

Tough loss last night, Bucks blowing a big lead. Oh well, we move on, hopefully tailing some quality teams this time.:smiley_acbe:

Spurs (-6.5) (1.97 @ Pinnacle) 6 units

Not afraid of the road chalk. Some Spurs facts: They have outscored the opponent by almost 20 points (99.9-81.8) margin during the winning streak (now 8 and counting), they have absolutely molested Rockets interior and backcourt playing both on the road and without Tony Parker.
They have guys like Finley (12 PPG in last 3 games), Barry, Horry, Elson, all stepping up during the streak. Gotta say I was ready to dismiss Finley as he really looked like all set for retirement, but this is another Finley right here, a lot more enthusiastic, motivated, he's under the spell of team basketball the Spurs are stuck in at the moment.
Timmy Duncan is playing like an all star, and reminding us why he's one of the best PF/Cs in NBA history. Watch the Rockets try to double team him and steal the ball before he nails one of his trademark mini hook shots. Not a good idea, Timmy dishes out an assist without even looking, Manu/Bowen/Finley/Barry nails the trey.
Rock distribution hasn't suffered at all against the Rockets, the ball flew from right wing to the left one, so much accuracy and determination, if you've seen the game in Houston yourself you know this isn't an exaggeration.

Manu Ginobili: what to say about this guy. Just one thing: How many guys in the league would be perfectly fine getting benched and entering the game instead of starting, and playing even better when coach decides to bench him?
Not many you'd agree. This guy is all about team effort. Doesn't mind sacrificing his numbers (which actually only got better, but not many players would see that straight away, they'd rather think that coach has lost his trust in them).
One more thing, after having watched almost most Spurs games during the streak: the way they control the paint, is just scary. On both ends of the floor, you just can't rely on driving the ball in, as in most cases recently it's a lost ball.

After this small recap of Spurs' streak and recent games, why do I like this one? First off, a 7 point win doesn't necessarily qualify under a blowout. And have in mind this line is short mostly due to Tony Parker's absence, it would probably be as high as 8 (or even 9) had the French Belgian been called fit for the game.

Why 9? Because these Clipps have backcourt issues themselves, it's not like they can take torture Jacque Vaughn and Barry while they have Shaun Livingston out (horrid injury really, wish him recovery), and Cassel is not 100%, not even sure if he'll dress tonight. Daniel Ewing isn't unstoppable, that's for sure.
In the inside this one should be tough, Brand and Kaman should be a very hard task even for TD to handle. The rediscovered Spurs' chemistry makes me believe they're too much for the Clipps right now despite their impressive home performances of late.

Sorry for the long rant, just had to get it out of my system, after watching that beautiful game in Houston. :smiley_acbe:
Well not really. It's not like they can have some super secret info, it all comes down to whether Cassel is playing or not, and I have already factored that one in, him playing that is, and TP being out. I think guys like Manu, Finley, and even Barry step up tonight as well, plus it's not certain Cassel will be 100% if he plays.

I watched the Spurs a lot during their streak and I know what Clippers are capable, I like this one regardlessly of where sharp money is going.

after careful consideration I'm taking Utah here (see SportsNut's thread for more insight), 1st half:

One thing we have to consider that this Jazz team are merciless whoever they face. Perhaps it's the depth they have, or the fact they have several players who have had injury problems and are now working their way back to the lineup/top form, perhaps both.

Both look at these numbers:

@NOK (108-94) (+14)
@MIN (109-83) (+25)
@MEM (104-88) (+26)
vs LAL (94-102)
vs BOS (105-87) (+18)
@DEN (114-104) (+10)
@POR (100-103) (without Deron Williams and AK 47)
vs ATL (102-76) (+26)

As for Charlotte, they lost to Seattle by "only 7", but prior to that were blown out by Portland by 37 points, Sacto by 15, LAL by 7, Toronto (played at home) by 17. Before that they were riding a 4 game streak. They are obviously in a lot of trouble missing Okafor and frankly I don't see them covering against a team like Utah, perhaps a team that plays less intensive D and has less players to rely on, but Utah, these guys are pounding from minute one to the last one.

Some HT stats:

Utah were:

*up by 7 in Oklahoma
*up by 18 in Minnesota
*down by 5 in Memphis
*down by 5 vs LAL
*up by 11 vs Boston
*up by 9 in Denver

I'm pulling the trigger on 1st half (Utah -8 (1.97 @ Pinnacle) 4 units), the Bobcats are helpless in the inside without Okafor and the Jazzers should have this one in the bag at HT.

yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss TP out means the best scorer in the league Vaughn is going to get a lot of playing time 130-44 spurs
yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss TP out means the best scorer in the league Vaughn is going to get a lot of playing time 130-44 spurs

END of 3rd:

Vaughn 10 points (4-9 FG), 7 assists, 4 rebounds, turnovers 1.

With this Spurs team even Vaughn is starting to feel like a championship guard coming off the bench :smiley_acbe:

Vaughn and Manu running the show hahaha