NBA ML Dogs Sunday


Pretty much a regular
ML dogs: 20-23, 46.51%, +15.52 units

Warriors +155

I know they haven't beaten the Lakers in forever. I also know this team is playing ball like they did in the first round of the playoffs last year, and they can run as well as anyone. I think GSW is better and has been better most nights since Steven Jackson came back, and that's essentially what I like the most. Odds with what I think is the better team.

I hope you folks had good luck today.

shit, im on the lake show and already got drilled with my ML play of the Nets. Anyway, I agree GS is playing well although I think they are much better in their own building and I think the LAL have been slightly under valued so far this season. Should be a good one.
not with the kind of luck I've been having. Here's an example.

I have Patriots and Steelers over 47.5 today. Not only does Gostkowski miss a FG in the 1H, the Steelers fail to get in the EZ from the 1 yard line in the 2H.

and Randy Moss let a TD squirt through his fingers in the EZ at the other end.

no score for the Steelers in the 2H. only a FG for the Pats in the 4Q.

brutal day.
I also had the under for the Cavs/Bobcats game saturday night. with less than a minute to go it was like 82-80.

and then they proceeded to run the score up to 96-93 by the end of the game to fuck my under 184.5. in....sane.

it's been a very tough few days.
I hear you Red, I know the feeling. Just left such period behind me, hopefully.

Three examples only:

over 6 (Thrashers v Islanders) (2.40!)
1st period: 4-0 Atlanta
Final: 4-0 Atlanta.

Celtics to cover 1st H (-6,5) and the game (-10,5 and -11).
HT score: Celts +4 (opened the 2nd H with an instant trey)
2:58 left in the game: Celts +21
Final: Celts +10

Philadelphia - Washington
Philly -2,5
I think it was +7 with less than a minute left
Final score: Philly +1.

So I do hear ya Red. But my money still goes on you turning it around with a couple of hot streaks.

Man I hate being on the opposite side of Red, hes a great capper. I feel your pain Red. I was on that NE/Pitt ov and The Cavs un the other night as well. To add, I also got the moose with Dall/Det un 50.5, Jets +3.5, and Tenn. Thats 5 of them in less than 24 hrs. Im sick just thinking about it.
red, it works better if you bet overs in games like Indy/Bal. Those kind of games are winners by halftime. Look for those types of games and you will profit. Glad I could come by and help.