NBA ML dogs 3.21


Pretty much a regular
ML dogs: 81-141, 36.49%, +17.37 units
Spreads: 168-160-15, 48.98%, +5.46 units

What should have been 4-1 turned into 3-2. Not sure what the fuck happened with Washington deciding to utterly suck ass throughout the second half. And that last second shot by Gilbachi was worthy of a big shit pie. Someone go bake his useless ass a shit pie.

I already played my tomorrow plays.

O'neal aggravated his knee tonight, and the Pacers are damned tired, anyway. I'm buying my way off anyway...maybe I'll get real lucky.

Spurs -13 (-110) 2 units
Pacers +14 (+102) 2 units

Washington couldn't stop a bunch of rookies from beating them tonight. No way they stop a relatively healthy Sonics team tomorrow.

Seattle -4 (-110) 2 units

After watching today's games, I'm a big fan of Killa's Under, so I already hit that as well.

Mavs/Cavs Under 187 (-110) 2 units

and I'm now getting away from my computer until I'm no longer aggravated by Washington and GSW's respective collapses.

oh, for MLs...I'm considering a few options...

NOT the Bobcats. Forget it. Celtics win that one.
Cleveland is as much a good ML play as any, but I won't be on it.
If the Clippers are dogs, I will definitely be on that one...even if Redd plays.
Minnesota should be very frickin live, but go read BAR's thread about that.

Washington might have value...if you think they will one on the road.

Orlando will definitely have value if you think they'll decide to play well twice in a row. I likely won't bet on that.

If you'll follow Killa's under, does that mean you'll also follow his ideas on religion?


not a chance. Been there, done that, talked to God and He talked back, and now I can't just decide it was all a big misunderstanding. I understand your points better than you think I do. Christianity taught me very well to be an atheist. Meeting God sort of put things in a different perspective, you know?

In all seriousness, I don't have a choice, killa. If, at this point, I just decide God doesn't exist, then I've decided my own perceptions of reality are completely untrustworthy. It would be like a fish deciding water doesn't exist...and that sort of cognitive dissonance, I cannot abide. As odd as it may seem, slavery to the creator is far far better than slavery to the created...
Magic +180 (wsex)
Clippers +240 (Cris)
Twolves +250 (greek)

2 units each

Don't play the Kitties. Anyone can win occasionally at home, but the Celtics can too, and they've been playing much better recently. I think the Kitties blew their wad last night and will very likely give the Cs a significant DD win tonight.
well, Ray Allen is questionable...the line move may indicate that he's out.

But really...he's been playing injured for several games now, and having him out might just improve the team defense...
on a serious note, I think Allen should cut the crap playing on two bad, aching ankles, and go rest for a while. They're not going anywhere this season.
so the one I buy off of wins. heh. oh well. Not sure what to think about Mavs/Cavs except that I think I've noticed a trend...when Killa loses by .5 or 1pt, it's the same side or total I'm on.......

Don't regret playing the Magic. The Raptors tried their best to lose it, and the Magic just wouldn't let them. The Clippers too tried their best to lose it, and Skinner wouldn't let them. Thanks Skinner! The T'Wolves looked good in the last 4 minutes of that game...and the Wizards managed to pull out a win...I really thought I had a shot at OT there, but I guess gilbachi REALLY wasn't going short on that ..I hesitate to call it a SHOT...on that wild toss in the general direction of the square above the for me it went in.

Not as bad a day as it could have been. I seriously considered buying off all my spreads earlier. Perhaps I should've.

ML Dogs: 83-142, 36.89%, +25.17 units
Spreads: 169-163-15, 48.7%, +1.06 units
I played the Magic as well, and don't regret it as we really had a shot, but they failed to step up when it was most needed.

they failed to step up for about 45 minutes of that game. Missing wide-open shots, missing layups, missing FAR Too Many free was pathetic.

And they still stayed within single digits most of the's a testament to how lousy the Raptors were playing, imo. AND the Raptors THOROUGHLY outrebounded the was, as I said...pathetic.

Yet they only win by 7........................

So yeah, shoot 40% instead of 37%.....hit a few more FTs.....grab a few more rebounds (especially defensively - no one should be outrebounded offensively by the Raptors), and we're looking at an Orlando win.

Amazing that a Dwight-Howard led team would get outboarded by the (gulp) Raptors

yes. Yes it is. It's not like he was on the bench, either...he played 43 minutes!...and went 5 of 13 from the FT line. 17pts 12 rebs. He should have had more like 30/20. They didn't go to him enough, when they did he wound up tossing it away (3 assists and 3 turnovers), and really he's no passer like C Webb. too bad, I guess...

Too many wide open buckets missed...bottom line. Layups, 3s, 20 footers...

it was criminally bad. Only guy who looked passably energized was Hill, and he only had 5 rebounds.
