NBA Injuries & Issues for Friday

TJ Ford has no idea when he'll play again. He's concerned he might re-injure his neck.

"I think now my body just needs to just recover and just relax," he said. "It's tough, being taken off on a stretcher...Right now, it's just letting my body calm down and when I feel like my body's right, we'll go to the next step."

This sounds to me like a question of WILL. He's got to decide that he's not a fragile little pussy before he won't be one anymore. I wouldn't hold my breath on him playing any time soon.
Pau Gasol has a significant toe injury that's fucking him up right now.

"It's on fire," Gasol said. "It's absolutely on fire. I'm not 100 percent physically and I'm just trying to fight through it right now. I'm trying to stay positive and stay in sync with what we want to do,"

"Unfortunately, I'm not healthy enough to show what I can do. I know it will get better because of the kind of person that I am."

yeah, well, a hurt toe can turn your confidence into almost as bad as Darko's there Pau......don't expect him to sit out, and don't expect him to paly very well in the next few.
Antonio Daniels could play friday.

Eddie Jordan said:
"Our shoot-arounds, they are more like practices, and we went through a lengthy one [Wednesday] and he was out there," Jordan said. "It's not like he's missed a month -- it's been two weeks -- so yes, you would like to see him get some practice time, but if we had to jump right into the fire, I would feel safe with Antonio going out there and playing at a high level."