NBA Friday (Going to see Barack today!)


To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
Pretty much as psyched right now as I've ever been in my life. Driving about 90 minutes to see him make a speech. There is nobody in the world I'd like to meet more than Barack, with the possible exception of Michael Jordan. So this is huge. I'm working at the event, so I'm hoping I get a chance to meet him. Knock on wood baby.

D.C./A-Town U198
I'll jump off this train when it crashes and not a second before. 96-93.


GL...lots of decent plays out there for tomorrow.

I've never been the type to get on those huge public plays that every single poster on the forum is on, and I can't start now. So I'll be rooting for the Wiz, GS, and all those others but I just can't get down like that. GL man.
Killa eqausls sissy..stop missing out on easy winners son

enjoy the rally, speeech
Killa eqausls sissy..stop missing out on easy winners son

enjoy the rally, speeech

i just hate when everybody is on a play....... no offense to the CTG posters, lol........ but it's just me........... btw, they don't get any easier than the last 2 wizards unders, lol
Gl Killa. One quick question for ya. I see that you like to throw out the prediction for the final score of the game and all, but you never involve the Killa curse into the equation. I'm thinking something more like 100-97. And B.A.R.'s right, you're missing out on the best money of the year right now. Enjoy the speech and GL tonight.
alright this is the first time me and killa have had the same pick in a while and its 20-0 killa curse when we have the same. its goin to be a .5-1 lossGL
It wasn't just a straight speech. It was a town-hall style forum, and the topic was education. He said education is the #1 domestic issue in this country right now. This guy has IT, whatever it is. He is just electric, I mean he had this crowd in a frenzy. The crowd was probably about 90% black, maybe 80%. To see the excitement he is bringing to these people, I mean he is like their Elvis right now. It was an amazing thing to see. He took a million questions from low-income, older black folks, and he talked to them like total equals. One guy who asked a question was a 72-year-old janitor with no high-school degree, talking to Barack Obama, and Obama talked to him like they were complete equals. He just has an extraordinary talent to make people feel good and life people's spirits. There was kids everywhere, I thought that was great to see too, to see kids getting involved in politics like this. This guy really is the hope for a new America. I met him after, it was great. Shook his hand, got a picture with him, told him how much he inspired me. Great sense of humor, great humility, unbelievable charisma. You honestly could just sense that he was sincerely concerned with the problems with education in South Carolina and nationally. What else can I say, I think he's the most exciting thing in American politics since JFK and if he does not win the presidency, I will be on a whole other level beyond disappointed.
It wasn't just a straight speech. It was a town-hall style forum, and the topic was education. He said education is the #1 domestic issue in this country right now. This guy has IT, whatever it is. He is just electric, I mean he had this crowd in a frenzy. The crowd was probably about 90% black, maybe 80%. To see the excitement he is bringing to these people, I mean he is like their Elvis right now. It was an amazing thing to see. He took a million questions from low-income, older black folks, and he talked to them like total equals. One guy who asked a question was a 72-year-old janitor with no high-school degree, talking to Barack Obama, and Obama talked to him like they were complete equals. He just has an extraordinary talent to make people feel good and life people's spirits. There was kids everywhere, I thought that was great to see too, to see kids getting involved in politics like this. This guy really is the hope for a new America. I met him after, it was great. Shook his hand, got a picture with him, told him how much he inspired me. Great sense of humor, great humility, unbelievable charisma. You honestly could just sense that he was sincerely concerned with the problems with education in South Carolina and nationally. What else can I say, I think he's the most exciting thing in American politics since JFK and if he does not win the presidency, I will be on a whole other level beyond disappointed.

That's great to read. I'm typically a fence sitter when it comes to politics. Living in Utah for a few years and not being a Mormon will turn you into a Dem real quick. Bush being president for 8 years can make anybody a Dem. Long story short their is only one canidate that I could vote for and it's Obama. I do believe that some people have a little extra something about them and it sounds like he certainly has it. Great stuff. Wish he was coming to Utah, but we only get the Mitt Romeny's of the world.
Killa, very uplifting to see this kind of response from someone about Obama. I have been waiting to cut my political teeth with someone who is cut from a different cloth. I am so against the current political climate, it is not even measurable.

I like hearing these kind of stories about our potential leaders. I really wanna see this guy now. And for the record, the first vote I cast in my life will be FOR table games in my state (WV). The second will be for Obama.
My daddy once told me that the funny looking guy running for president is a terrorist and his family blew up the towers and is running around like lunatics in IRAQ. That seems like a scary president to me.