NBA conspiracy play - EC Game Four

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Granted, I think the Pistons are the better team, but this has less to do with that than this.

I don't know what the official schedule is, but with the Spurs win tonight I think we can script the NBA like this:

Tuesday - Pistons win Game Four
Wednesday - Spurs win Game Five on Wednesday, series over
Thursday - Pistons win Game Five, series over
Sunday - The NBA Finals start in primetime.

It all fits wonderfully for TV and that's what matters.

Sorry, LeBron, but your supporting cast sucks, your coach sucks, and hopefully you'll get an improvement in both after the season.

Game Four - Pistons ML

Good luck all.
If your script doesnt come in, I like the DET-CLE-?? sequence

People write off CLE down 1-3 (much like they did CHC headed back to DET), and of course the obvious doesnt happen.
People write off CLE down 1-3 (much like they did CHC headed back to DET), and of course the obvious doesnt happen.

It's an interesting idea, Bet, but strictly from a conspiracy angle--why do it that way?

To build more interest in LeBron? There's already enough interest in LeBron. Unless you're going to get him all the way to the Finals, why delay it any longer than you have to?

LeBron already has enough hype. More than enough.

You know, I see people complaining about folks ripping on LeBron, but really the only people who are ripping on him are the people who know basketball and simply aren't ready to anoint this guy Jordan Jr. just because Nike tells us to.

Right now the guy's a bigger marketing campaign than he is a basketball player. That will eventually tip the other way, but right now he needs a ton of help to be believable as an NBA Champion. And why push him up into the Finals now, when it's obvious neither he nor his team are ready.

Nobody in their right mind thinks Cleveland is actually a better basketball team than Detroit right now.

No, better to get to the Finals quickly. Start them on the weekend, where you can get the biggest possible viewership and hope to hold them through the week and into the next weekend. That way you can front like your ratings aren't falling through the floor and people actually care about your s**tty Association.

Spurs in five, Pistons in five. Let's do this thing.
Obvioulsy some people with money agree as the line has headed from 1.5 to 1 at one book and the juice is flowing towards the Pistons at Pinny.
I think part of that, however, JP, is the natural move based of the injury news.

I waited all day for people to catch up to that. I assume that because it's a holiday it took them longer.

I bought into the Pistons at +1.5 at Matchbook for just this reason. I don't really even want that bet so much as I'd be willing to take a good price going the other way, say at Cavs +1.5 or two, then I could have a small window on a middle along with a ML play.
Honestly I've been watching the line all afternoon at it was stuck at +1 (-110) at Pinny all the way thru mid 4th quarter. It now sits at +1 (-117). All of that movement has come since the end of the Jazz game. Defenitely some people buying into your idea. Not to say they're reading this thread, but I think you get it.
This just in!!!

Lebron took a shit sideways, didn't even wipe his ass and banked an 87 footer!
Yeah, you did your watching at Pinny, I did mine at Matchbook. Thing is, there was zero volume today. I mean zip. That's why I think people were just out, not really doing a lot of betting one way or another until this evening.

But if it didn't start moving for you until the end of this game, maybe you have some people thinking that way. You also might have people immediately betting their winnings or chasing on a like bet tomorrow night. Tough to tell.

Not to say they're reading this thread

Now wait a minute, let's not sell my influence short. There are a lot of people out there who knew I couldn't name the Cavs' starting five before this series--and many of those people still know I can't name them now.

And that's going to hold a lot of sway with certain people out there. So let's not just dismiss this idea out of hand.
I agree the Pistons win tomorrow ... it sounds weird, but I really think since the Spurs look to be closing out their series in 5, the Pistons will try and do the same. For some odd reason the Pistons just don't show up somtimes, even the playoffs, but I think this Spurs game will serve as some motivation, as if the Cavs evening the series wasn't enough. This is the same angle I took in the Cavs/Nets series, when DET won, CLE won .. when DET lost, CLE lost
I agree, Joe, that both series go 4-1. Like you, I got Det at +1.5 at Matchbook. They know who they will be facing in the Finals and it is time to put the Cav's to playing golf and then get ready for SAS. That is going to be some Final.
Granted, I think the Pistons are the better team, but this has less to do with that than this.

I don't know what the official schedule is, but with the Spurs win tonight I think we can script the NBA like this:

Tuesday - Pistons win Game Four
Wednesday - Spurs win Game Five on Wednesday, series over
Thursday - Pistons win Game Five, series over
Sunday - The NBA Finals start in primetime.

It all fits wonderfully for TV and that's what matters.

Sorry, LeBron, but your supporting cast sucks, your coach sucks, and hopefully you'll get an improvement in both after the season.

Game Four - Pistons ML

Good luck all.

NBA Finals are already scheduled:

Thurs June 7: The Finals, Game 1, ABC
Sun June 10: The Finals, Game 2, ABC
Tues June 12: The Finals, Game 3, ABC
Thurs June 14: The Finals, Game 4, ABC
Sun June 17: The Finals, Game 5*, ABC
Tues June 19: The Finals, Game 6*, ABC
Thurs June 21: The Finals, Game 7*, ABC

There could easily be no basketball on TV this weekend. Then again I don't think Cavs-Stons goes less than 6.
that is what I thought too Gandolf....

tough to put a home team this far in the playoffs as a dog.... injury or not, I think that Cleveland makes this a series. Going on the overmove here on this injury.

Also why would it benefit the Networks or the league not to want more games. I understand the prime time factor if in fact they have yet to schedule the finals, but still a full 7 game series is worth more to the league then primetime finals.
gotta agree with blue's last statement. abc/tnt/espn pay for "the eastern conference finals, the western conference finals, and the nba finals. sweeps week is over and there is nothing on tv. these networks, especially tnt (i think they have the east) have NO back-up programming and really want a 7 game series, that's what they pay for when they purchaced it from the nba.
Good find, Gandolf. I pecked around a bit, but didn't find the official schedule.

My wonder is, if both teams do finish their series off, is the NBA locked into that date or, like the Conference Finals, could they move the games up?

Thing is, with the Western Conference being done, nobody's going to watch that. I'm not convinced they're watching now, really, and honestly, the EC games are worse basketball. So while I'm sure ABC would love some Game Seven drama this weekend, I just don't see it.

I think it's time to clear the decks, get the best two teams left together and try to salvage some ratings (which likely won't happen given the markets those teams are from, but it's worth a shot).
Detroit/Spurs was the worst ratings of a finals in recent history and we're going to get it again. I'm honestly 100% over the NBA influencing any particular games to create an outcome that they desire. Between the Suns players getting suspended and the draft most conspiracy theories should be silenced.

Blue--While I agree that no home team should be a dog at this point in the playoffs I think it says alot when the books are so unwilling to let Detroit money roll in. I'm pretty confident in saying that Larry Hughes' status hasn't moved this line 3.5 points. I'm pretty sure they figured that they'd get plenty of money on Cleveland at -2 or even at a PK without Hughes, but they haven't. The books unwillingness to eat all that Pistons money gives a glimpse of who they like IMO. Very similar to the lines and movement of SA/Utah yesterday. Either way I don't plan on keeping all of my Pistons +1.5.
fair enough.... Cleveland was the public choice early on, but since then more money has rolled in on Det. I think that 3.5 pts is hype caused by a little negativity to a team, this usually leads to an overmove which is what I think we have here. I think the movement has everything to do with incomming money on Detroit. We have yet to even see alot of money which we should start to see in the next hour or so as the eastcoast gets off work.

Suns players getting suspended and the draft most conspiracy theories should be silenced.

The lottery was an interesting thing. Now I'm not versed in it at all, but isn't it weighted so teams like Boston can't fall out of the top five?

I didn't really know where Oden and Durant were going to go, it's interesting that a team on the verge of moving would get one of them. But that they went to the West is a nightmare for the league. Slowly but surely it's becoming the major and junior circuit.
I can't think of anything worse that could have happened for the NBA on draft night. The W.C. is so stacked these days to being with.

Blue: I can't argue against a Cavs play. I couldn't have argued against a Jazz play last night either. And for those reasons I won't have alot invested in a side tonight either way. I think the +2 you were looking at in the other thread might be the peak.
thanks Jpicks. I think you and Joe are in a very nice position with the +1.5 for Det and I am thinking I would rather have that then what I will end up with (2 or 2.5 for Cle). Hopefully we can see something similar to the Phx/SA game where it basically worked out for all of us.
I didn't really know where Oden and Durant were going to go, it's interesting that a team on the verge of moving would get one of them. But that they went to the West is a nightmare for the league. Slowly but surely it's becoming the major and junior circuit.

alot of armchair GMs now in seattle.... interest in this team is incredible now compared to a month ago.
Yeah, money's moving.

Ten minutes ago MB still had -1.5 at plus money, now it's basically over -120.

Good job waiting, Blue.
Man, right now I would consider some of that Detroit +1.5 at -128 and then grabbing the 2 when it pops up.

-128's not a great price, but the ML is -115 for crying out loud.
I was really hoping for that 3 ball by Rasheed there at the end. That would have been a sweet middle. Glad to see the over here as it should set up multiple unders down the road.
It may be time for Lebron to play in the finals. That was an epic 4th for James. If I'm ABC I want him and Eva's team on my network a half dozen times.
I never bought out, JP. I stuck with the side and the spread. That's why this one hurt a little more. I just felt good in the third quarter and let it ride.
It may be time for Lebron to play in the finals. That was an epic 4th for James. If I'm ABC I want him and Eva's team on my network a half dozen times.

You may be right, Gandolf. Part of my mistake here was underestimating this Gibson character. Now we've got a new storyline. LeBron's the hero, and now Batman has a little Robin.

I hate the NBA. The basketball is bad. We average maybe one clutch team a game, sometimes neither of them, almost never do we see two clutch teams together. Tonight Cleveland was clutch, Detroit threw balls away. In Detroit, the Pistons were clutch, Cleveland p*ssed all over themselves. Ugh.