NBA and China


Pretty much a regular
This is fucking wild

American coaches at three NBA training academies in China told league officials their Chinese partners were physically abusing young players and failing to provide schooling, even though commissioner Adam Silver had said that education would be central to the program, according to multiple sources with direct knowledge of the complaints.

The NBA ran into myriad problems by opening one of the academies in Xinjiang, a police state in western China where more than a million Uighur Muslims are now held in barbed-wire camps. American coaches were frequently harassed and surveilled in Xinjiang, the sources said. One American coach was detained three times without cause; he and others were unable to obtain housing because of their status as foreigners.

A former league employee compared the atmosphere when he worked in Xinjiang to "World War II Germany."
They are basically running a sweatshop over there, and their people are on site

Not to give nike or apple any credit, but I dont think they have employees in their chinese plants with a direct line to tim cook or phil knight, sounds like these guys over there reported to the commissioners office, not silver directly but his subordinates
They are basically running a sweatshop over there, and their people are on site

Not to give nike or apple any credit, but I dont think they have employees in their chinese plants with a direct line to tim cook or phil knight, sounds like these guys over there reported to the commissioners office, not silver directly but his subordinates
I thought Nike was notorious for this behavior in China. No?
Meaning cheap labor/sweat shop type things
They are

But what I'm saying is they basically just outsource there

Nike people arent on the ground, so they can and always have played the we dont see it card, same with apple and plenty others, its just cheap outsourcing

For this, from the article it sounds like they had american nba employees on site, who had a line to the deputy commish mark titus, so no real excuse for this info not getting to silver right when it happened
Effectively, all the other companies can say, we have companies bid on our manufacturing and leave it up to them, its morally bankrupt but they arent partnering with them

NBA is a partner in this with china, their hands in the cookie jar
The hypocrisy is moreso how the nba seems to get a pass for this

Lebron will talk about social justice, which is good, but will pass when it comes to China, which is cowardly

Steve kerr plays dumb when asked about china and hong kong, which is total bullshit, hes a smart guy and if you ever listen to him on anything else it's clear hes well read and keeps up on current affairs

Morey the one guy who sent one tweet, and he catches mega heat from the nba

Imagine if nfl was running this camp... the media reaction