NBA admits refs’ error that cost Mavericks


Pretty much a regular;_y...LYF?slug=ap-missedfoulerror&prov=ap&type=lgns

DALLAS (AP)—The NBA says officials were wrong when they didn’t call an intentional foul on the Dallas Mavericks just before Denver’s Carmelo Anthony(notes) made a game-winning 3-pointer.

The Mavericks had the lead and a foul to give Saturday when Denver inbounded the ball trailing by two points with less than 8 seconds left. Antoine Wright(notes) was clearly trying to foul Anthony, and bumped him twice.

But the whistle never blew and Anthony swished a 3-pointer from the corner with a second left that gave the Nuggets a 106-105 victory and a 3-0 series lead.

In a statement released after the game, Joel Litvin, NBA president for league and basketball operations, said “the officials missed an intentional foul” committed by Wright on Anthony.
Well, seeing as how they were so mercilessly bad for the entire second half, that they missed that call shouldn't really surprise the league or anybody.

Also, just grab Carmello. Don't bump him and wait for the whistle, the guy's behind the arc, you never even let him shoot that ball.
i saw Dal -1 earlier. that line to me screams Dal wins the game.

I know this I don't trust them at all. The refs botched this game today from the jump but the Mavs did themselves if you ask me.
I vote that the Mavs' quit.

They hang with 'em for a half, but then the Nuggets start to run and they say 'f**k this.'

They don't want to get on a plane back to Denver just to get run around at altitude, it's not going to change anything in the long run. Howard's hurt, Kidd's old, I don't see the motivation.
Mavs will pack it in. All there hardwork this season ended with a non-call by the refs. Just ride the DEN train.
i agree completely Joe. I don't see anyway Dal wants to win this game as much as Den, but why do they make Dal the fav? No way that line gets equal action, everybody and his square will be on the Den ML at +105 or so.
If you think about it, it's fucked up. Instead of the Mavs down 2-1, they are down 3-0. At 2-1 the Mavs probably would've come out fired up for game 4 with a chance to tie the series at 2. But now being down 3-0, and being it's the ref's fault, I just don't see them showing up. Tough break for Mavs but what can you do?
Shortly after the Nuggets' controversial win over the Mavericks on Saturday, the NBA admitted that the refs "missed an intentional foul" committed by Antoine Wright.
Once the final buzzer sounded, Mark Cuban stormed the court and pushed aside a cameraman while he protested the non-call. Josh Howard needed to be held back from the referees and also wound up pushing a cameraman, bending the lens on his camera. It remains to be seen whether any punishment will be dealt out for the Mavs' misbehavior.
The sad part is, Cuban's right to go nuts, but his case is lessened because the refs were so bad in that second half and it's debatable that they were tilted in favor of Dallas.

That doesn't make the blown call any worse, just that I think it hurts Cuban complaining after he'd just enjoyed getting the homer calls for an entire half.
Oh, and another thing about why they might just quit.

This was a team that needed a ton of help from the res just to stay in this game today, any win by them really does just delay the inevitable.
1 problem with this quitting theory. Cuban is the team owner. Any other owner would'nt give a shit, but he's not any other owner. So while the Mavs might lose, I don't believe they'll lose through lack of effort on their homecourt.
I don't think they'll lay down like the Hornets did in NO, just that once the Nuggets turn up the pressure in the second half the Mavs will not see the point in matching it.
"swished a 3 pointer"

swished... gotta love the AP. I haven't heard "swished" since middle school.
Will sit out the first half of the next game,, could see denver being flat after this as well. knowing they can win it at home....
Killed my under bet with one second left.....................not that a score wouldn't have happened anyway.
like it fukn matters after the game is over the say the made a mistake!! who cares now, the game is over, nothing will happen because they admit it. what are the mavs fans happy now or somthing they admit it? hell no.

bob: hey jim, did you hear the officials said they made a mistake on that call?
jim: yea i heard about it, i'm so glad they realized what they did.
bob: yea me too, i'm so happy they admit it
jim: lets hope they call it next game and call it correct.

yea right!!! screw the NUBA officials
like it fukn matters after the game is over the say the made a mistake!! who cares now, the game is over, nothing will happen because they admit it. what are the mavs fans happy now or somthing they admit it? hell no.

bob: hey jim, did you hear the officials said they made a mistake on that call?
jim: yea i heard about it, i'm so glad they realized what they did.
bob: yea me too, i'm so happy they admit it
jim: lets hope they call it next game and call it correct.

yea right!!! screw the NUBA officials
