nba '22 live bets

premier and ultimate way different on the total on every break. just pit BAS against itself all game.
premier and ultimate way different on the total on every break. just pit BAS against itself all game.
I just saw that had to look twice

Don’t see that as much in the football threads but maybe I’m not looking hard enough
I just saw that had to look twice

Don’t see that as much in the football threads but maybe I’m not looking hard enough
it happens...just have to keep your eyes burning. just take the + juice on the under for premier and the + juice on the over on ultimate and keep getting free numbers for middles
i get it in football quite a lot but there are just so many games that it's hard for me to post anything. when it's slow like tonight i can post a decent amount
Now, didn't the first few games/week of last year start the same?
that's the way it was for almost the whole season...but then for the final month or so they started showing a lot of games with 2k side/1k total limits so i thought they might be gravitating towards that this season. looks like back to the usual low stuff though.
So many wild runs in this game of points, points points.

So dumb of me not to middle that 224.5 when this was at 206.5
too many games yesterday to post and probably tomorrow as well. let's see if a 2 game schedule can produce anything tonight.