Navy @ Nd line off the hook


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

Imma huge ND fan and i just don't see the Irish winning this one.

Many spots the line is now 3. If you are playing this game tomorrow I suggest jumping on it now....the heavy hitters are gonna dip this one below 3.

Navy +3

gl Budha

p.s. The 43 year streak comes to an end tomorrow
budha, i am not taking the 3 so i can get this game down to 2.5 for ya, no one things Navy wins, they just think "this might be the only chance for a win in the next 10 years against nd for navy"
Navy just lost to Delaware, and Delaware put up 50+. I'm shocked you are a Notre Dame fan and believe this; if they have the chance, Weis will run up the score also. The major problem with the offense remains the line, but that won't matter against Navy, and the defense is actually not that bad. The offense just puts them in awful positions. They'll win this game, if Weis doesn't want people to start calling for his head. ND people aren't doing that yet, despite the worst season in ND football history, people believe in him and the recruits coming in, but I'm not sure that will be the case if he loses to Navy. He knows that too. It's not gonna happen.
I'm sorry dude, I just don't see it.

In recent years under Weis it seems his staff has had success boggling up Navy's option quite well. That attributed in large part to DL coach Jappy Oliver, former Air Force assistant went up against the option everyday in practice. Therefore he has a pretty good grasp of what to do and what not to do against this type of attack.

If the team can get a few scores up on the board early, I can see the Irish covering easily.
budha, i am not taking the 3 so i can get this game down to 2.5 for ya,

Kobe... I am not that type of person. Unlike people at C0ver$ dot com who always post the opposite team that they are betting to move the line, I would never deceive like that. I am here just to give an opinion of a team that watch and follow closely.

I have watched every game twice that ND has played this year and I truly think that they are not diciplined enough this year to handle the wing-t option that navy is gonna throw at them!

I did not catch Navy's loss to Delaware, but I have been keeping tap on their other games. They can put up points (35 points a game) and my Irish cannot score a lick (10 points a game and the most in one game is 20)! I understand that Weiss would be on the hot seat if they lost, but I think that the boosters are on his case just not publicly. The boosters learned to keep theiri mouth shut after the Tyrone, George O'Leary debacle.

Don't get me wrong I am truly hopeing for an Irish victory, but I think the Midshipmen are going to give thema ll they can handle!

Good luck with your picks. i hope everyone is playing with the books money come Sunday!
Navy just lost at home to Delware last week, and their defense sucks.

I don't trust either team, but if forced, I take ND at home because they have a slightly better D than Navy.......

I'm leaning towards ND and my reasons are ND does have the defense to stop the option attack. If ND can establish a running game early, I don't think they will have any problem moving the ball against this soft Navy's D. ND does have enough athlectic players to play this game against Navy despite their recent struggles in offense.

I am hoping for more people to jump on the Navy bandwagon so I can get it at -2.5.

GL with your other plays!

Typical Irish loss!!! This has to be one of the darkest days in my life as an Irish fan. The play calling was atrocious! Many of the big money boosters are going after Weiss, and I don't blame them.

Sorry Domer backers. Good luck the rest of the weekend!

It's taking all my effort not to punch someone in the face ... I thought going for it on 4th and 13 on their own 30 was the worst call I've ever seen, but I was mistaken, it was only the second worst call on that drive. How do they not kick the 40yd FG on 4th with 35ish seconds left??? I don't blame the ND defense as much because Navy played nearly perfect. The defense gave them 3-5 yards per running knowing that if they had a false start or holding the drive was over ... it never happened. My dad went to the Naval Academy, you can imagine how bad that is right now.
It's taking all my effort not to punch someone in the face ... I thought going for it on 4th and 13 on their own 30 was the worst call I've ever seen, but I was mistaken, it was only the second worst call on that drive. How do they not kick the 40yd FG on 4th with 35ish seconds left??? I don't blame the ND defense as much because Navy played nearly perfect. The defense gave them 3-5 yards per running knowing that if they had a false start or holding the drive was over ... it never happened. My dad went to the Naval Academy, you can imagine how bad that is right now.

Worst game calling I have ever seen Weiss call. The mood around the campus must be harsh....

Is it Irish Basketball season yet?
