Names in the Mitchell Report...


Eagles Fan
So its supposed to come out on Thursday with about 60-80 names of current and former players who used performance enhancing drugs...

So I figured we could use this space to rampantly speculate and guess on whos in it and whatnot...

Some guesses -

Miguel Tejada
Adrian Beltre
Gary Sheffield
Prince Fielder
Curt Schilling
Roger Clemens
Cal Ripken (come on - he played 20 straight years with no help???)
The New York Mets (since we all know theyre dirty cheating bastards already)
So its supposed to come out on Thursday with about 60-80 names of current and former players who used performance enhancing drugs...

So I figured we could use this space to rampantly speculate and guess on whos in it and whatnot...

Some guesses -

Miguel Tejada
Adrian Beltre
Gary Sheffield
Prince Fielder
Curt Schilling
Roger Clemens
Cal Ripken (come on - he played 20 straight years with no help???)
The New York Mets (since we all know theyre dirty cheating bastards already)

???? How the hell does he look on roids. Hes fat as hell. I like the rest of your list though except Ripken
Players w/ career years and disappeared into the night or players w/ injury histories..

A couple off the top of my head:

Kevin Brown
Brady Anderson
Frank Thomas
Greg Vaughn
Luis Gonzalez
Albert Belle


Roger Clemens
Eric Gagne
Troy Glaus
Damn, you beat my guess.

I agree, Big Frank may be on there.

I think they'll find a way to leave Clemens off, but everything I've heard says he was a user.
I still think shit is going on behind scenes (money is changing hands) to protect big name players. If A-Rod was on the list, I doubt his name would be released. MLB would pay off big dollars knowing their return would be much greater having protected him.
I imagine we'll see alot of old names in the report. This thread is completely different to me if you're naming people that you think are on roids/hgh vs who will be named.

For instance who I think has used but would never be on the list:


I'm guessing the list will have a bunch of
Matt Williams
Albert Belle
Brady Anderson

types on it. No way they're going to bury their biggest stars.
I wouldnt be surprised to see a guy like Jose Reyes on the stuff,

Bagwell and company

Id expect a whole lot more pitchers than you'd think too

edit - Schilling:smiley_acbe:
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i think its bullshit that MLB is 'reviewing' the report for a day and a half before they release it

why dont they just say what theyre really doing? checking it out to make sure its not too damaging to the real stars of the game before they throw some lesser knowns and some retired guys under the bus
No way Prince Fielder, as signal stated, how can one look at Prince Fielder's body and actually think he's taking steroids? He's 2 donuts away from being a Big Rig Driver. The kid was kitting Home runs at Tiger Stadium in his teens. thats not a roid body its a meat and potatoes and meat and meat body.

Ripken on roids? really? cmon man his numbers were trailing off hard near the end of his career and he never really did anything too spectacular in any one stat column. I don't think roids are going to give you longevity in his position.
why don't we just list the entire MLB, saves some time here cause so far with the names listed we can make 2 teams lol
Everyone that said Curt Schilling in this thread is a complete moron. Yes moron.

This guy has been one of the MOST outspoken critics against steroids, what the hell makes you think he's on them?

*If somehow Curt Schillings name comes out on this report I will never come back and will give everyone that replied above me $500 dollars eventually*
sounds like it will name alot of big name players...

MLB has 'serious drug culture' Wednesday, December 12, 2007

<!--end leadStoryHeadlineCut--><!--end leadStoryCapCut-->
George Mitchell and Bud Selig have both scheduled press conferences for Thursday. (Getty)

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<!--end relatedCap-->MLB peeks at Mitchell report
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<!--end related-->THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

NEW YORK -- The Mitchell Report exposes a "serious drug culture within baseball, from top to bottom," fingers MVPs and all-stars and calls for beefed-up testing by an outside agency to clean up the game, The Associated Press learned Wednesday.

The report by former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell will include names of 60 to 80 players linked to performance-enhancing substances and plenty more information that exposes "deep problems" afflicting the sport, one of two sources with knowledge of the findings told the AP. Both sources said the report would not address amphetamines.

The two sources were familiar with discussions that led to the final draft but did not want to be identified because it was confidential until its scheduled release on Thursday. They said the full report, which they had not read, totalled 304 pages plus exhibits.

One person familiar with the final version would only speak anonymously but described it as "a very thorough treatment of the subject" and said some aspects were surprising. He said the report assigns blame to both the commissioner's office and the players' union.

MLB's "not going to love it, the union's not going to love it," he said.

The report comes at the end of a year when San Francisco Giants outfielder Barry Bonds broke the career home run record, only to be indicted on charges of lying to a federal grand jury about steroid use.

One source said that while the report will cite problems "top to bottom," it also will expose "deep problems, the number of players, high-level MVPs and all-stars," as well as clubhouse personnel who allowed steroids and other banned substances in clubhouses or knew about it and didn't say anything.

None of the player names had leaked out Wednesday night.

The rest of the report, the sources said, will focus on recommendations that include enhanced year-round testing and hiring a drug-testing company that uses the highest standards of independence and transparency. Baseball's program currently is overseen by a joint management-union Health Policy Advisory Committee, with an independent administrator approved by both sides.

The report also is expected to recommend that baseball develop a credible program to handle cases with evidence of athletes receiving or taking drugs but not testing positive for them.

Just last week, Kansas City's Jose Guillen and Baltimore's Jay Gibbons were suspended for the first 15 days of next season, and media reports said they had obtained human growth hormone in 2005, after baseball banned it.

Mitchell, a Boston Red Sox director, planned to release his report at 2 p.m. Thursday at a news conference in New York City.

Baseball commissioner Bud Selig will hold his own news conference 2 1/2 hours later.

.Much of the first part of the report will be based on evidence obtained from former New York Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski, and from information gleaned from the Albany district attorney's investigation into illegal drug distribution that focused on Signature Pharmacy of Orlando, Fla., the sources said.

Radomski was required to co-operate with the investigation as a condition of his federal plea agreement last April. Radomski pleaded guilty to illegally distributing steroids, HGH, amphetamines and other drugs to players and is awaiting sentencing. Some professional athletes have been linked to the Signature probe, though none has been charged.

Rob Manfred, baseball's executive vice-president of labour relations, reviewed at least part of the report this week to ensure no confidential information from the drug-testing program was disclosed, a person with knowledge of the union's discussion with Mitchell said, also on condition of anonymity.

Despite repeated requests by the players' association to Mitchell's law firm, the union had not been allowed to review the report, that person said.

"I certainly hope after 21 months and getting zip by way of co-operation from the players' association that they'll come up with some recommendations for improvement," said World Anti-Doping Agency chairman Dick Pound. "If not, it's a complete waste of time."

But he said he's not sure baseball would follow any recommendations.

"My guess is that the management side probably would, but the players' association will dig in and continue its steel-town union approach to life," he said.

Agents have said they expect the report to be highly critical of players and the union for largely refusing to cooperate with Mitchell.

Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer, sent an e-mail to owners and team presidents in advance of the report with instructions how to respond to media inquiries.

"We look forward to carefully reading the results of Sen. Mitchell's investigation," the recommended response said. "Protecting the integrity of our game is vital, and we intend to study his findings and recommendations, and will not comment until we have done so."

Baseball did not have an agreement to ban steroids until September 2002, did not have testing with penalties until 2004 and did not ban HGH until 2005, when it also instituted a suspension for a first positive test.

Mitchell was hired by Selig in March 2006 after the publication of "Game of Shadows," a book by two San Francisco Chronicle reporters about Bonds' alleged steroid use. The rise in power in the 1990s, which drew national attention when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased Roger Maris' single-season record in the home run race of 1998, was accompanied by a rise in suspicion.

Maris' record of 61 homers had stood since 1961, but McGwire hit 70 that year and Sosa had 66. During the chase, the AP reported McGwire had used androstenedione, a supplement then available over the counter that produced testosterone.

A bulked-up Bonds then shattered McGwire's record by hitting 73 homers in 2001.
i doubt schilling or thomas will be on the list.

if brady anderson is not on the list ..... then they simply did not catch him.
well if some big names like clemens make the list, least Bonds can feel like he is not alone in the court of public persecution
If players like John Kruk, Prince Fielder, and Dmitri Young are on this report, then maybe players that are considering steroids will be deterred because they will begin doubting its effect
I'm not baseball purist, I am a fan of the game but understand that these players have been taking something for quite some time. I have argued this point for a decent amount of time here and there is so much OTC shit that replicates steroids that these players could of been taken that when people single out Bonds it bothers me to no end. HGH, hah they can't even test for it because you can't establish a baseline. I like Barry because I appreciate his talent, jerkoff he might be but baseball isn't a mayors race either, he doesn't owe reporters shit, he goes out and uses that beautiful swing to crush balls. I think today Barry is smiling when all these big names go down because then these purist can take their asterisk and shove it up their ass.
I'm not baseball purist, I am a fan of the game but understand that these players have been taking something for quite some time. I have argued this point for a decent amount of time here and there is so much OTC shit that replicates steroids that these players could of been taken that when people single out Bonds it bothers me to no end. HGH, hah they can't even test for it because you can't establish a baseline. I like Barry because I appreciate his talent, jerkoff he might be but baseball isn't a mayors race either, he doesn't owe reporters shit, he goes out and uses that beautiful swing to crush balls. I think today Barry is smiling when all these big names go down because then these purist can take their asterisk and shove it up their ass.

This is ANOTHER reason why this game SUCKS... If these players feel that they need to cheat in order to make it to a STUPID HALL OF FAME, than you can take this game and shove it.

I will NOT promote or go see another baseball game no matter what...

This game is a joke and the athletes that play it are a joke as well...

Everyone that posted in this thread owes me $500 dollars


you need to get to the CLINIC. STAT

did you guys see this?

Lo Duca thanked his HGH supplier on Dodger stationary, with a hand written note....:36_11_6:
cmon evalagoal, this stuff is used in every sport played in the world. any that have enough $$ to be like this anyway.

i say forget about it. you can't expect people to lay off this stuff if their competion is doing it and no one is testing them. this is all past, start a good testing program and get on with the future.