My Winning MLB Dogs Strategy


I won big last MLB season by using the following:
1 - underdog plays from </SPAN>

2 - Jeff Sagarin Pitcher Ratings from If an opposing starting pitcher is in the top 10 in the NL or AL, I tread lightly.
3 - Parlaying 2 hot underdogs. If one team is +180 or above, I will use the +1.5 runline at times.
4 - I never play favs over -170. </SPAN>

5 - Only play starting pitchers in the #5 pitching rotation slot selectively when playing dogs.
This season, the bookies will pay!
Good Luck. -170 seems a bit high to be playing favorites, most who play dogs won't play a fav over -125 or -130 at most.
So are you gonna be posting the plays in this thread or were you just sharing what won you big on MLB last year?
I guess your last activity on this site shown on your profile shows 3 minutes after creating this thread. Where'd you go? Hope all is well.
I did very well in 2014 - won over 35 units. I didn't do as well in 2013 but mainly because I was overseas for half the season and didn't wager from July on.

Looking forward to a big 2015 with the MLB underdogs!