My Week 1 plays--and asking the forum: why you do this?


Pretty much a regular
1. I've been around here for a while but have posted very little. There are so many great cappers here that I feel I can add very little, but I am going to post my CFB plays this year mainly for my own accountibility. See how much I can add to the bankroll.

Here's what I'm on currently:
550/500 on FSU -2
550/500 on Nebraska -19

2. I wonder if anyone else would be interested in replying to "why you do this?"
Well, duh, cracker. We like it!
Of course. I sure enjoy my personal study and insight in making making the picks, along with reading the posts here at CTG, and then the excitement of watching the games and the score ticker on the bottom of the tv screen. And having a smug smile when I'm covering, or my gut going into knots when the stupid team I put my money on is not getting it done and is looking like it ain't gonna happen. And that's big. For years I have been doing this for that reason(s) alone and will keep doing so.

But beyond that, the last couple of years I've added another and much more serious reason for why I'm doing this: Retirement.

Really. I am in my mid-fifties, self-employed, and my retirement account is underfunded. I seriously intend (need) to get much better at this. My recreational betting needs to step up until it can become a steady income down the road. That may be a fool's dream--but I'm thinking it can happen.

Last year, from CFB to the just ended NBA Finals, my starting total bankrolls went from $800 to $5,650. Most of that was with 100 -200 bets and is due to this great site and the insights I gleamed from all you guys. If I (and CTG) can have a similar type run from now to June 2008 with increased $ bets from my larger bankroll and then do likewise year in and year out, then my "golden years" will be looking a lot brighter than they are currently.

Thems me reasons why. And thank you, thank you, thank you, for helping with the 800-5,650 run. I will be posting so if I crash and burn, you all can help me improve and come back to fight another day.
FC...Like both of your plays. As for the "why do you do this" questions, I would have to say that most of us are very similar in our motivation...we love the lure of quick and "easy" money. I find very few things more exciting than exactly what you described...for me its checking my phone to see how the scores are rolling along. The frustration when the home team you bet on gives up 4 runs in the top of the 1st inning, or the exhilaration of being on the other side of that equation.

This year is going to be the first year where I get serious and post plays consistently and stick to a gameplan. Usually I have always just bet to bet and try to win but without a clear goal in mind or a set bankroll. My initial goal is to give myself a $1000 bankroll and double it over the NFL/NCAAF season. I figured out that if I use $25/play and I make 10 NCAAF plays/wk and 5 NFL plays/wk, I will hit my goal if I have a Win% of 60.20% (9 of 15/wk). I'm going to stick to this with some wiggle room if I see something I can't pass up (LSU -17 for example). The faster I can hit the goal, the sooner I will adjust/reevaluate things.

BOL this year with your plays

My initial goal is to give myself a $1000 bankroll and double it over the NFL/NCAAF season.

That's was/is my goal, too. That approach really helped me last year. I more than doubled my bankroll last CFB. Then I did like a 50% increase during the bowls. I came close to doubling that during the NBA regular season thanks to BAR and the others here at CTG. I did not double up during the NBA playoffs, but it was a nice run.

So having a gameplan and sticking to it has made all the difference.

GL to us both
On both plays as well Florida Cracker.

Why do I do this? I think there are a myriad of factors. I love the challenge it represents. I was always one in schooling that would attack something with full energy when it was quite interesting to me. Sports investing is just that. Like anyone your style evloves over time. What I klove here at CTG is a lot of the bright, young minds that are already ahead of the pace at their age/stage of doing this than many of us were. We all bumbled around as young players. Information boards such as this were not as prominent. The boom of the net has made players more aware while making the industry that much different as well. Its a constant game of trying to get a step-ahead for us. Just like golfing, you'll never master it. The key is to put out your best effort and hope for results from it. Every season/year I find myself tweaking things and finding out other ways to maximize my profit. I love it. I love competition. Thats a huge part. Not competing against others but against myself. That will never end. In all hoensty I get more satisfaction about capping a game correctly or having that perfect hunch than the actual monetary reward it presents. I know some are like that. At the same time I like the side-living that it enables and hope to continually evolve that into bigger and better things.

Kind of a quick ramble there but hope it makes some sense.
What I klove here at CTG is a lot of the bright, young minds that are already ahead of the pace at their age/stage of doing this than many of us were. We all bumbled around as young players.

Amen, BAR. Many great young minds here that are doing this right. I sure stunk my first years at this. Won a few games and got cocky--then made plays I should not have and got my ass handed to me. Had to start all over. Did it again--and again. Finally learned to start keeping track, making notes, tweaking things and waiting till the next season so I can have another go. Discipline is key. Slow and steady.

Thank you and the others for starting and maintaining such a great site.
i gamble on sports for so many reasons....

football is by far my favorite sport, i played it, and i love watching it(college way more than nfl). i believe that i have a skill at capping college football games, my money management isnt so good though, otherwise i would be alot more serious about sportsbetting.

beyond that, i love the thrill of gambling. the feeling of capping a BIG game, and knowing for sure that it will come thru, and cashing in on that game is a feeling that is almost unrivaled in life(im referring to those games every now and then that we consider locks and unload on). having bragging rights to friends, since all my friends gamble, is fun too. the winnings i usually spend on toys for myself, or nice meals. gambling makes watching the games more exciting, especially when doing so with others who have money on the game as well. it probably sounds like gambling is my whole life, but keep in mind i am 25, never married, and currently no GF, so i dont have major life events like a marriage, or birth of a child to compare gambling to.

as far as posting on gambling forums, its fun and informative. all the guys here share one common bond in life, and its a passion for betting on sports. we are of all different demographics, but sportsbetting ties us together.
In all hoensty I get more satisfaction about capping a game correctly or having that perfect hunch than the actual monetary reward it presents.

Amen to that brother!
Why do I do this?

I first started gambling on sports my frosh/soph yr in college with stupid parlays. I had dreams of hitting that 12 teamer and moving to the beach but I quickly learned how big of a fraud those things were so I went back to the drawing board with a new plan and tried winning 5-6 team parlays so I could buy the bar out, some new sneakers, and all the other dumb shit some 19yr old kid wants, only to have my heart broken with 1-2 losses a week. Then one day searching the internet for a match up, I stumbled across a forum and just started reading and reading. I played sports my whole life and I always had a thing for money, especially quick money, it was like a match made in heaven. College football is my first, second, and third love and always has been, the rest of the sports just support my crave for sports, handicapping and gambling. Last yr was my first full yr of handicapping for real and I did alright but what I learned over the course of the season was 5x more important and valuable. This will be my 2nd yr of gambling on college football but the effort I have put in this yr is at least 3x more than last yr and I am more informed about what is going on. Shit I will admit right now that I didn't know jack shit about who SMU's QB was in the 3rd and 4th week of the season but still had bets on them, this yr I can tell you his height, weight, number, and completion percentage. I really can't get enough of this "hobby" and love to debate sports, hence why I have like 5,000 posts here. I also love the look on peoples faces when I say "I gamble" or "I win" and just overall proving people on the outside WRONG. It is always funny when you are drinking some beers watching preseason football or the hot dog eating contest and your friends ask you what the spread is just joking around and you throw out -3.5 or over 63 hot dogs with a serious look on your face. Sometimes it is not even about the money, it is about being right and beating the book. I care about winning a $10 wager as much as a $200 wage because I like to think I can win every bet I make so when I lose it really gets me mad, makes me analyze why I lost, and go back to trying to beat the book the next day or week. I also like the extra income it provides and if I am fortunate enough maybe in 5years, I can log on to my compute from under the hut on a beach somewhere and make my income wagering on sports, long way to go until then.

On your plays: I am on FSU and best of luck with your other plays
competition to be the best. nwo that high school sports have been outa my life i need competition so i powerlift and gamble. capping games is the most fun i have at dream job would to work for lvsc and be a linemaker. so far i am pretty right on in my own lines in fact i find most end up being right on for th emost part. anyways gl
Wow, I think I should change my name to ETG in Tennessee. I am a 23 yr old Accountant in the early stages of his capping career. This will be my first real season of Capping, since last year I think I played about 5 parlays per weekend trying to hit it big and ended up wasting basically all of the profit I made from the other plays. I obviously still have some creativeness in my ways considering I have a new thread out there on opinions on a 15 gm ML parlay, lol. Btw, I did hit one of those parlays last year, but it was only like $5 to win $483... haha, but it was nice. But seriously, now that I have graduated college and have a steady income, I don't feel the need to play those crazy parlays. I used to do it because I had no job and no money, and I didnt want to get a job, I would rather sit around and play poker online for income and NCAA football on the PS2 at the same time trying to make easy money, but now that I have money, I can just worry about maximizing my profit instead of trying to hit that big parlay so I can eat for the next month. Man, those college days of doing nothing but playin playstation, playin poker, and partying was freakin awesome, but theres something about my love for money, making money, having money, and betting what I do have, is even better. Now its time to get serious. My goal is to make over 1G, and If I have to bet a 15 gm ML parlay right off the bat to help me get there then so be it. Lets make some money.
I think making money gambling is just like any other way to get ahead---you have to work for it. And the harder you work with your brain turned on, the more you make. Making money this way is just more fun.