My thoughts and plays for the NBA Finals


The Spurs can suck my manhood
As we approach the crucial moment in the NBA season, I wanted to make my own thread for this NBA Finals with my thoughts and plays.

As I see it, the best way to look at this series is to analyze last season's Finals, this regular season for both teams and the way that teams made till the Finals and of course, the match ups.

I think that regular season is the least important factor for obvious reasons. Having said that, obviously Spurs impressed a lot more during regular season than the Heat.
Spurs broke franchise record for most consecutive wins and finished the season at the first place in the league, while Heat were really not impressing at all and finished second in their Conference.
But, Heat were focused on the playoffs and couldn't care less about regular season.

As far as last year's playoffs go, we need to remember that Manu and Wade were horrible, especially Wade. Manu was in bad form, while giving few good games. Wade was injured and too often, more of a liability than advantage for the Heat.
On top of that, Green and Neal went nuts behind three point line in the Finals.
68 points in 4 losses 96 points in three wins (though Green was much bigger factor than Neal, averaging 21 points per game in the three wins by the Spurs and only 8.75 points per game in 4 losses)). Neal is gone and I really doubt that Green will be able to average 20+ points again. If you remember, we had a big discussion if he actually should be the MVP of the NBA Finals, if Spurs win it.

Obviously this time, they have Mills, Diaw and Splitter in much better form than last year, but still, last time, Green stepped up hugely. Not sure if Pop has another joker in his pocket for this NBA Finals.
Spurs were seconds awy from winning the title and if it wasn't for Pop's dumb mistakes and missed free throws, they would have been the champions, but Heat managed to get things done and that is something that you can't take away from them.
In the crucial moments, the "veteran" team, with "much better" coach, made all the possible mistakes and Heat took advantage of them.

If we look at this season's playoffs, Heat went 12 - 3 SU in the playoffs and 11 - 4 ATS. Spurs went 12 - 6 SU and 9 - 9 ATS in the playoffs (though we need to remember that Spurs started the playoffs 4 - 3 SU and 1 - 6 ATS, while Heat started 4 - 0 SU and ATS in the first round).
I believe that Nets and Pacers by no means easier rivals than Portland and Oklahoma and while it's possible that Thunder are better than the Pacers (though we can argue about that), Nets are better than Portland, especially on defense and that what wins playoffs series.

I really like the way that Spoelstra handled this postseason. I think he is really emerging as one of the best coaches in the league at the moment and while I will admit I had big doubts about him, the small things he managed to change from game to game in the Pacers series, proved that he understands the game and knows how to change the small things.
While everyone is talking about Pop and his ability to suddenly take a bench player like Bonner, insert him in to the line up and he will play well, no one is speaking about Spoelstra and his ability to use his bench players. He placed Lewis suddenly in to the starting line up and Lewis played really well on both sides of the floor.
Spoelstra didn't use Haslem against the Nets, but when he needed him against the Pacers, he played and played decent (just not as Lewis at stretching the offense).
Jones played well against the Nets, didn't play against the Pacers, but I'm sure he will be ready to play in the Finals, if Spoelstra needs him.
Bottom line is that we can easily compare Spoelstra and Vogel - two coaches that did almost the same way their climb to the HC position and have similar experience and while Vogel proved he can't change and can't adapt, Spoesltra proved that he can and even more surprisingly, he tweaks his team's play even after wins, trying to get better.

That brings me to the final part and that's match ups and conclusion.
I really want Spurs to win it, because I don't like the Heat and I think that it would be a nice story to see Spurs win this one.
But, I will have to back the Heat on this one.
Heat still have the best player in the league. This time, Wade is healthy and ready to play, while there are health issues on the Spurs side, with Parker and Leonard.
In last year's Finals, many times, player guarding Wade, left him open to help on LeBron. This time, they just can't do it, since Wade will punish them.
Also, with Allen being that hot, Lewis suddenly in the rotation and hitting three pointers and Bosh adding three point shots to his arsenal as a permanent thing, Spurs won't be able to close the paint against LeBron, as well as they did in last year's Finals.
Bosh was amazing in the last three games against the Pacers and Duncan/ Diaw/ Splitter - someone will have to go out at him and with Allen and Lewis on the florr, Spurs won't have as much bodies in the paint as they had last year and that will hurt them.

Wade is much more than space opener for LeBron. He proved against the Pacers, that have at least as good of a defense as Spurs do, that he can carry the load in the minutes that LeBron rests.
LeBron seemed really tired at some points of last year's Finals and I believe that with Wade healthy and in form, Spoelstra will be able to give him 3 - 4 minutes of rest more than in last year's Finals.

To have a shot at winning this series, Spurs will need not 90% from Parker, but 110% from him and I'm really not sure he will be able to do just that. The same goes for Kawhi that was limping in the end of overtime in Game 6 against the Thunder.

Obviously it's very hard to predict how the series will evolve, but I will try:

Game 1 - Spurs win - they will come with all of their energies, the crowd will be behind them big time and the aging roster and Parker's leg can gain much more from long rest than the Heat.
Similar to Game 1 against the Pacers.

Game 2 - Heat win - Spurs will have two day's rest, but it won't matter. Heat will be almost with their back to the wall, they will make the needed adjustments, LeBron will take over if needed and Heat win this one.

Game 3 - Heat win - This one can be a blowout maybe. Heat first game of the Finals at home, off one day rest only and Heat should be ready to be in the driver's seat of the series.

Game 4 - Spurs win - I believe they somehow get it done. Spurs are good enough off a team, not to go the same route that Pacers went and fall to 1 - 3 deficit and allow Heat to win three in a row.

Game 5 - Heat win - I just doubt that Spurs can win two in a row against the Heat. While injuries can happen to both sides, Parker's and Leonard's conditions make me believe that for the final two games of the series, Spurs roster will be a bit too injured and while I believe all players will play, they just won't be as effective.

Game 6 - Heat win - leading 3 - 2, I just can't see Heat not closing this one at home and taking chances on Game 7 in Texas.

Those are my thoughts and while they are a bit long and I'm sure not too coherent in some parts, I hope you will understand the general way of thinking.

My bets here:

Heat to win the series, 2.28 odds - 10 units play
Heat to win the series 4 - 2, 4.95 odds - 10 units play

Also for Game 1:

Spurs -3.5, 1.95 odds (took it early) - 10 units play

Best of luck everybody!!!
If the Heat win, it'll be in 6. That's for sure. They're not gonna win two games in SAS. And chances are if it went 7, SAS would close it out this time.
Kawhi is 100%, or whatever the equivalent is at this point of the season.
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Thanks BAR!

Yeah, I agree. It's 95% either Heat in 6 or Spurs in 7.

I took Heat to win the series overall bet to have some interesting hedging options and to have a bit space to play with the odds and numbers as series progresses...

I'm very interested to see how 4 players perform. Diaw, Belinelli, Bosh and Lewis.

Belinelli was suppose to be a big upgrage on Neal. Both are holes on defense, but great shooters on offense. Neal stepped up big in last year's Finals. If Belinelli can do the same, it will be major boost for the Spurs. Diaw is a very big X-Factor, just like Lewis. Diaw is a special missions player. He guarded TP when he was in Phoenix and did a great job, he guarded Bron in last year's Finals and did a great job (as far as you can against one of the greatest). I believe that Bron took 5 games to learn Spurs defense on him and he was unstoppable in Games 6 and 7. Wonder if he will be the same from the start, but Diaw's ability to guard him on one end and punish the Heat on offense (Lewis should be guarding him) - is the key to any chance Spurs have. Splitter won't be an issue in this series I believe and that leaves Diaw.

As for Lewis, he was once the most expensive player in the league or second most expensive and if he can simply hit open three pointers, Spurs defense will be in big problem, if both Bosh and Lewis defenders will be forced to leave the paint and guard them. Bosh was amazing in both regular season games this season, but was piss poor in last year's Finals.

I honesly can't wait to see what adjustments Pop and Spoelstra will make between games, since they are the two best coaches as far as making adjustments goes, without a doubt.

Spurs to win (live bet), 3.62 odds - 5 units play

Spurs with too many turnovers in the second half, but as far as shooting goes, they do a decent job. If they manage to keep themselves without so many turnovers till the end of the game, they have a decent shot at this one.
Took Heat to win, 3.65 odds - 3 units play to hedge, but still feel good about SAS bet obviously (with Bron injured/tired).
Nice start hitting both the live bet (nice profit even minus the hedging) and the original bet.

As long as Bron's injury isn't too serious, I feel great about both series bets as well. Heat should really go off in Game 2, as long as LeBron is healthy...
looking forward to your write up,, the only way i see the Heat winning is if the spurs continue to turn it over. My guess is pops has something to say about that and will pull a guy early if it happens, have enough depth.
Heat reached the Finals four times (before this one) since drafting Wade.
They lost Game 1 of the Finals three times - and each time. won the title (three titles)
The only time when they won Game 1, they lost the title.
Heat +4.5 - 1.95 odds - 10 units play

I already wrote that Heat losing Game 1 in the Finals, means they will win Game 2 and the title history wise (including the Thunder series, where they played without HCA). We all know how good Miami are off a loss and how long it been since Heat lost two in a row in the playoffs.
On top of that, I expect the league to "punish" a bit the Spurs for the AC incident. Obviously it's not their fault, but it is their arena and while it's obvious that it could have hurt them just as badly as it did the Heat, bottom line, they won at least partially due to Bron's injury.
I honestly believe that many neutral fans, that were rooting for the Spurs before Game 1, will be rooting for the Heat in Game 2 and refs can help them as well.

Spurs won the game, due to 90% percentage in the final minutes - percentage that won't repeat it self probably.
While many are shocked at Spurs turnovers and while they probably will go down, I doubt it will be by too much.
Spurs are the best passing team in the league. The problem is that Heat defense is built to play against such teams. They are one of the best teams as far as pressure and intercepting passing lanes in the league.
They do everything in their power to make Splitter, Leonard, Belinelli and Green to be the ones that are stuck with the ball, after all the passing, with 5 seconds on the shot clock and while they all are good passers, when they are in the corner and the shot clock is about to end - they will make the mistakes many times.

Unlike Curry for example, that makes a lot of unforced turnovers, most of Spurs turnovers I credit to Heat defense. Great read in Grantland, explains my thoughts in much better way than I ever could:

The beauty of it, is that Chalmers, another amazing closer of passing lanes hardly play in Game 1 and will play a lot more tonight and I expect him to show up at least for 2 - 3 games in this series and no reason why it shouldn't be tonight.

LeBron is another huge factor. It was written time and time again, that LeBron is one of the smartest players in the league (maybe in history even) and while I didn't agree with that at first, it was a beauty to watch, how he adjusted his game against the Pacers and was a lot more aggressive attacking Hibbert and the paint in this series.
I expect him to face the critics (and it was really dumb to attack him - because it's impossible to play basketball or any other sports with cramps) and to answer with a win for the Heat.
I'm sure 100% that no matter how well he plays, if Miami lose, he will catch a lot of heat for that.

All in all, Heat played better in Game 1 and lost. They realize that a loss tonight won't finish the series, but will make their journey for the third straight title a lot harder and I expect them to win tonight. 4.5 points cushion is also a lot to lay, simply because I just don't see it as a blowout for the Spurs game, no matter what.

Obviously I have a lot more thoughts here, but those are the key ones and I hope to be right...
Heat +4.5 - 1.95 odds - 10 units play

I already wrote that Heat losing Game 1 in the Finals, means they will win Game 2 and the title history wise (including the Thunder series, where they played without HCA). We all know how good Miami are off a loss and how long it been since Heat lost two in a row in the playoffs.
On top of that, I expect the league to "punish" a bit the Spurs for the AC incident. Obviously it's not their fault, but it is their arena and while it's obvious that it could have hurt them just as badly as it did the Heat, bottom line, they won at least partially due to Bron's injury.
I honestly believe that many neutral fans, that were rooting for the Spurs before Game 1, will be rooting for the Heat in Game 2 and refs can help them as well.

Spurs won the game, due to 90% percentage in the final minutes - percentage that won't repeat it self probably.
While many are shocked at Spurs turnovers and while they probably will go down, I doubt it will be by too much.
Spurs are the best passing team in the league. The problem is that Heat defense is built to play against such teams. They are one of the best teams as far as pressure and intercepting passing lanes in the league.
They do everything in their power to make Splitter, Leonard, Belinelli and Green to be the ones that are stuck with the ball, after all the passing, with 5 seconds on the shot clock and while they all are good passers, when they are in the corner and the shot clock is about to end - they will make the mistakes many times.

Unlike Curry for example, that makes a lot of unforced turnovers, most of Spurs turnovers I credit to Heat defense. Great read in Grantland, explains my thoughts in much better way than I ever could:

The beauty of it, is that Chalmers, another amazing closer of passing lanes hardly play in Game 1 and will play a lot more tonight and I expect him to show up at least for 2 - 3 games in this series and no reason why it shouldn't be tonight.

LeBron is another huge factor. It was written time and time again, that LeBron is one of the smartest players in the league (maybe in history even) and while I didn't agree with that at first, it was a beauty to watch, how he adjusted his game against the Pacers and was a lot more aggressive attacking Hibbert and the paint in this series.
I expect him to face the critics (and it was really dumb to attack him - because it's impossible to play basketball or any other sports with cramps) and to answer with a win for the Heat.
I'm sure 100% that no matter how well he plays, if Miami lose, he will catch a lot of heat for that.

All in all, Heat played better in Game 1 and lost. They realize that a loss tonight won't finish the series, but will make their journey for the third straight title a lot harder and I expect them to win tonight. 4.5 points cushion is also a lot to lay, simply because I just don't see it as a blowout for the Spurs game, no matter what.

Obviously I have a lot more thoughts here, but those are the key ones and I hope to be right...

love your analysis generally but heat did not play a better game in game one....but i agree that they will in game two....your above analysis is flawed to the degree that you would like it to be worries i do it all the time and it costs me when i do....but i totally respect your capping
Wow, i think you had your mind made up on the heat well before you wrote this and then skewed everything to convince yourself it was the right play.
I read the grantland article and at no point did it say the Heat caused those turnovers , sure they may have caused a few but if you had watched the game you would see that the spurs were making dumb passes and not because the Heat forced them into to. "unforced errors" - I think you either need to watch the game again or participate in the in-game so we can discuss what you think is a forced error by the Heat.

I watched the game again to see if the spurs actually played in this game because all you talk about is the AC being broken and how it affected lebron and his over sweaty vagina. Do you think it affected tim duncan , manu ginobili, 2 guys who are much older than lebron have played a lot more and yet they were still on the court playing in the same conditions as the Heat but you don't seem to mention that? As a matter of fact you don't give the spurs any credit for winning that game. So what Lebron is out. They still have Wade and Bosh to big names vs. Duncan and Parker - 2 big names. Why didnt the heat win if they played better?

you say that S.A. shot 90% in the final minutes what about 52% from Three's, how about their 8 steals or pretty good FT percentage for the game.. AHH no you don't mention that you say the Heat played a better game and still lost. All in all, Heat played better in Game 1 and lost.

I don't have a side in this game but man the only side you saw in the last game is from the Heat's vision, lay off the kool-aid.

Obviously I had my mind set up before I wrote my thoughts. I had my mind set up on the games before the tip off of Game 1, but obviously, if I saw something in Game 1 that would have made me change my mind, I would have...
I didn't say that Grantland's article claims that Heat caused the turnovers, I said it. The article just explained how it was done.

As for the Heat playing beter and losing, I believe that it was because of Bron's injury. If he was healthy, Heat would have at least held on to the line I believe.
I like Heat chances in Game 3 and I think it even can turn in to a blowout.

Heat in the driver seat in this series, but again, the last thing they want, is Game 7 in SA I believe and that means that they must take care of home, at least in Game 3 or they will be forced to win three in a row, if they want to avoid Game 7.

So far, this series reminds me a lot of the series against the Pacers. Spoelstra and LeBron adjust a lot better than Pop and Duncan. I really liked the way that Bosh attacked Duncan and the paint, after Spurs decision to come out hard on Bosh, to chase him away from three point line.
I will say it again and again, as long as Bosh and Lewis are playing well on offense, Spurs can't do nothing in this series.

As Van Gundy said, he never seen a play of P&R, were positions 2 and 3 come for high screens and P&R and positions 4 and 5 are spotting for the corner three pointer, spacing the floor.

Spurs managed to cut down turnovers and still lost. Duncan looked tired chasing Bosh, Pop has no answer for Lewis and all they can do is pray that LeBron and Wade will have three bad games or they will lose.
I like Heat chances in Game 3 and I think it even can turn in to a blowout.

Heat in the driver seat in this series, but again, the last thing they want, is Game 7 in SA I believe and that means that they must take care of home, at least in Game 3 or they will be forced to win three in a row, if they want to avoid Game 7.

So far, this series reminds me a lot of the series against the Pacers. Spoelstra and LeBron adjust a lot better than Pop and Duncan. I really liked the way that Bosh attacked Duncan and the paint, after Spurs decision to come out hard on Bosh, to chase him away from three point line.
I will say it again and again, as long as Bosh and Lewis are playing well on offense, Spurs can't do nothing in this series.

As Van Gundy said, he never seen a play of P&R, were positions 2 and 3 come for high screens and P&R and positions 4 and 5 are spotting for the corner three pointer, spacing the floor.

Spurs managed to cut down turnovers and still lost.
Duncan looked tired chasing Bosh, Pop has no answer for Lewis and all they can do is pray that LeBron and Wade will have three bad games or they will lose.

now they have to remember not to miss ft's those 4 misses in a row during the 4th qrt were a killer.........series has been good - Miami's best chance is closing this out in 6. nice start to the finals.
In the regular season, I bet 1 - 3 units plays on big ML dogs (or hedging chances) and 90% of my bets are 5 - 7 units plays.

Here, I feel I have a good read on this series, so I decided to make most of my bets 10 units plays.

Btw, my live bets were 5 units play (and 3 units play to hedge)...

Last year if you remember, I predicted ATS wise correctly all 7 games...
In the regular season, I bet 1 - 3 units plays on big ML dogs (or hedging chances) and 90% of my bets are 5 - 7 units plays.

Here, I feel I have a good read on this series, so I decided to make most of my bets 10 units plays.

Btw, my live bets were 5 units play (and 3 units play to hedge)...

Last year if you remember, I predicted ATS wise correctly all 7 games...

i tend to agree with all you have written but not so sure about a blowout....maybe if pop gives up but why would he with only 3-5 games left...his moves are perplexing at times and i think he is very good coach but not the superstar duncan has made him....thinking spurs 1h and then making a halftime play on heat if can get them at near a pick for game
Live bet:
Heat to win, 1.89 odds - 10 units play (27 - 20 Spurs lead at the moment)
Both teams shooting crazy percentage, especially the Spurs, shooting 9 from 11.
They still need to hold on for another 40 minutes...
Amazing start by the Spurs and really poor defense by the Heat. They appear not ready to play for a game in the NBA Finals...
Both plays lost. 3 - 2 so far in the Finals.

Expected a blowout, but thought it will be the Heat who will do the blowout, not the other way around.

I believe we will see at least 2 more easy wins, hopefully both will be by the Heat.

Spurs shot the lights out in the first half, refs helped them out a bit in the second half.

When Kawhi outplays LeBron, Heat really don't have any answers...
Heat -6, 2.11 odds - 5 units play
Heat -5, 1.92 odds - 5 units play

I just think that Heat will win and I doubt they will want to leave it to chance and enter the final minute with the game still open.
A blowout or at least a solid 10+ points win here for the Heat.
Will try the live bet again:
Heat -1, 1.92 odds - 10 units play (13 - 4 for the Spurs)
3 - 5 At the moment (lost the bet Heat to win 4 - 2)

I will try to go with my original thoughts that Heat will win both Games 5 & 6. Should have stuck with the original plan to begin with (Spurs to win Game 4).

Heat to win, 3,11 odds - 10 units play - Pinnacle

If the series was 2 - 2, would have felt a lot more confident in this bet. But still... Heat looked done at least twice in last year's Finals and yet managed to comeback.

LeBron appeared really tired in Game 4 and nothing like two days of rest to help him if that's the case.

Also, Heat's only win in this series came on Sunday, off two day's rest.

In a series where 3 out of the 4 games were won by road team and easily could have been 4 out of 4, it can't be a bad idea (I hope) to back the Heat to win here.

I believe that 1 out of 2 things will happen. Heat are done, like many say and Spurs roll and win by 20 points or Heat will find inner strength and pull themselves together and win this one.

I like the odds that I get for the second scenario.
Don't know if it will help, but a good sign nontheless:
Chris Bosh had Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Udonis Haslem over for dinner on Friday night to talk about turning the series around.

Hopefully the dinner was better than his performance in the past two games. Bosh was outstanding earlier in the playoffs, but the Spurs have done a great job at neutralizing him in the past two outings. The Heat will attempt to be the first team to ever come back from a 1-3 deficit in the NBA Finals.
Amazingly poor end of the season, missing big time both on Conference Finals and now NBA Finals as well.

Glad that Spurs won the title and glad that Heat lost it, but too bad that it happened on one of the rare series where I went on the Heat and not against them...
Miami paid the price for the East supplying no real playoff threat

- Won 2 titles ('11-12, '12-13) when they were forced to play to a game 7 in the Eastern Conf. finals

- Lost 2 finals ('10-11, '13-14) when they weren't forced to play to a game 7 in the Eastern Conf. finals