My Pick to Win the Super Bowl...


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Last one I won was three years ago on the Ravens...

Here are some picks I considered...

Packers +750
- Never pick the outright favorite but I wouldn't pick the Packers even if I did. I am kind of surprised that they are the favorites to win it all. First they are in a pretty tough division, where it is somewhat conceivable that all 4 teams could at least be competitive. Second, some of this team's key players are kind of old. I know Jordy is coming back and that should help with some of the issues they had last year, but I'm just really not feeling the Packers.

Patriots +825
- As Look as B&B are in New England, I feel pretty certain that they will at least be competitive. I think they should get over the 4 game suspension thing and that may even help keep Tom a little fresher in a playoff run. Ultimately tho, Tom is getting old. Don't like the odds on this one.

Panthers +950 - This team was great last year, but it's hard to ignore that they got pretty luck all year round. Apparently they were 7-1 in one possession games last year, which is incredible in the NFL. Benjamin is back but the defense is weaker. I think they should make the playoffs, but ultimately $Cam will fail.

My Pick - Steelers +950

Before anyone calls me a homer, check the history, I have never taken a home team in any of my future bets from what I can recall. This offense is too good to deny, the defense is where question marks are, especially the secondary. AB and Ben are not going anywhere this year, this will stay a consistent partnership. Martavis Bryant suspension sucks but honestly people forget that Markus Wheaton is capable of being just as exposive, same with Sammie Coates. As far as the defense goes, the secondary is on the weak side but I am hoping that the Justin Gilbert pick up the other day helps out. GL and have fun kids.
They should make the playoffs I believe, that's a part of the battle. GL
good luck , I went with a division rival, 2 separate bets on em

[TABLE="class: Grid, width: 1330"]
<tbody>[TR="class: NonAlt, bgcolor: #E9EEEE"]
[TD="class: MiddleRight Currency, align: right"]$1.00[/TD]
[TD="class: MiddleRight Currency, align: right"]$350.00[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Pending[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]9/8/16 8:30pm Football NFL Super Bowl LI - Cleveland Browns +35000*[/TD]

[TABLE="class: Grid, width: 1330"]
<tbody>[TR="class: NonAlt, bgcolor: #E9EEEE"]
[TD="class: MiddleRight Currency, align: right"]$1.00[/TD]
[TD="class: MiddleRight Currency, align: right"]$350.00[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Pending[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]9/8/16 8:30pm Football NFL Super Bowl LI - Cleveland Browns +35000*[/TD]
Marcus Wheaton sucks. So does Sammie Coates.

Neither is in the same league as Martavis.

Thought you would pick the Cardinals. Comparable offenses but Zona with the better D.
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great value and I don't even think they are lock for playoffs

AFC Wide open this year at least right now, getting a team you know will be able to move the ball is a great start
Marcus Wheaton sucks. So does Sammie Coates.

Neither is in the same league as Martavis.

Thought you would pick the Cardinals. Comparable offenses but Zona with the better D.

Have you seen Palmer, especially towards the end of last year? Guy is done IMO, will have a very Schaub like season this year.
Marcus Wheaton sucks. So does Sammie Coates.

Neither is in the same league as Martavis.

Thought you would pick the Cardinals. Comparable offenses but Zona with the better D.

you are right, but I worry about Palmer's health and age. Ben could just as easily go out, he always misses games. I just think that Palmer staying healthy is a lot more questionable then Ben. Anyway, it should be an interesting year.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes
Good luck but if Ben gets hurt they're fucked. Plain and simple.

They are a massively different team offensively without the 'Aggressive Lover'.
you are right, but I worry about Palmer's health and age. Ben could just as easily go out, he always misses games. I just think that Palmer staying healthy is a lot more questionable then Ben. Anyway, it should be an interesting year.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes

These offenses are not comparable.

Pitt far superior to AZ.
still a great pick, too bad couldn't cash it.

shitty way to end another great season. :shake2:
How much did Alex pay you to bump this thread so he didn't have to? No way you were simply looking through NFL threads from September on a whim.

AK most likely remembered it, tbh.

Good work Alex, even though it didn't cash.
My browns bet is still pending

I appreciate the cautious approach 5 dimes is taking. Just never know if the NFL is going sneak the browns in the game