My Pick to Win the NCAAF National Championship..


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
I honestly don't know shit about this year, I won't even lie. I am just looking at the schedules and what little I know.

Alabama +665 - If anyone follows these picks they know I very rarely go for the outright favorite. This year is a bit different because the odds aren't as bad, with OSU being somewhere around +300. They have to deal with the SEC as a whole, worst of all they are playing LSU in Baton Rouge.

Clemson +700 - @ Auburn and @ FSU. Plus I think the league is on the rise with Pitt and UNC. They likely have to play UNC in the ACC championship.

Ohio State +1075 - They have a pretty tough schedule, both Oklahome and MSU on the road. However, they do have Michigan at home.

Oklahoma +1095 - I was close to picking them, but they have 2 tough games in Weeks 3 and 5 with OSU and then TCU. What's good about the TCU game is its right after a bye. However Stoops has a habit of getting outcoached when it matters, I think Oklahoma goes down to OSU. Other then those 2 games, I see Oklahoma going through the rest of the schedule pretty easily

MY PICK : Michigan +1100 - Sorry BAR and Hunt. Even last year when people weren't really talking about them, Michigan had a pretty good chance of making the playoff if they didn't lose that game to MSU. They have two hard games on the schedule, @ MSU and @ OSU. I expect that MSU should be beaten. The OSU will be pretty tough. Anyway, congrats STEED.
Look I really think you guys are taking this far too personally

Also, I am on a 3 year winning streak (need Cards to win to make it 4)!
have to win 1 maybe 2 games to get there so i see that part.....and good +$

still think 2 years away

Harbaugh is doing work denying