My Pick to Win the NBA Championship...


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1. Early January - Giants to win the SB - Win
2. Late November - Kansas to win the NC - Win
3. Mid April - Lakers to win the NC - Loss
4. Mid April - Pens to win the Stanley Cup - Loss
5. Mid April - Cubs to win the WS - Loss
6. Late May - Germany to win the EC08 - Loss
7. Mid August - Oklahoma to win the BCS - Pending
8. Mid August - Chargers to win the SB - Pending
9. Mid September - San Jose to win the SC - Pending

2-4 so in my championship picks. Still like doing this, its kind of fun to cheer for other teams other then your own teams. Im a big Kobe Bryant fan so I'll be cheering for the Lakers all season. Hopefully they win the NBA Championship. The NBA is a little different because an addition of a player or 2 will flip your franchise right around (The Celtics) . 2 Weeks till the season. Here are my thoughts and my pick. Bet was made at a local book that I used for all these.

Boston Celtics +300 - Can they repeat? I dont think so. These guys were good last year but they showed some pretty big weaknesses through out the playoffs. The Hawks made a run on them, the Cav's made a run on them. The Lakers were just a beat team at the end of the season and they were blowing huge leads. I think that they really just wanted it more. This year I think they will be pretty good but I dont think they will "want it" as much.

Lakers +325 - I think they could go back but this has 0 value at 325. They are gonna come back strong especially with Bynum. Hopefully the chemistry is still there with him Gasol and Bryant, but its still a ? mark to me. No value in this pick

Cavs +1600 - Lebron is still there so you have to look at it, but this is the same exact team as last year. No additions, no change. Until they get a 2nd player or maybe even 3rd player, they will not win a championship. Who will fill that void? Z? Probably not. Wallace? No. Wally? Hot and cold shooter. Gibson? He will always just be a role player in the NBA, not a star. Its just not there for the Cav's

76ers +3000 - Wow this is amazing value and I dont think it should be anywhere near this high. Elton Brand and A.I. will be great together along with Andre Miller. They will deffinatly be a contender.

Rockets +1000 - Artest, Mcgrady and Yao - If healthy, they can do it, but none of these guys have stayed healthy for a full season in a long time.

Pistons +1000 - Dont think they can do it with Flip

Suns +2000 - Shaq, Amare, Steve Nash. Three big time players if healthy and there is a good chance they can do it. Shaq is a lot slower, but he didnt look terrible at the end of the season. Even if Shaq is out for some period of time they have enough role players around Nash and Amare that they can win.

Gonna take my chances Suns +2000 to bet 1 unit (50 dollars) for them to win the NBA Championship. It may seem like a silly pick but the value seems to be there. The NBA is really wide open. Any of these teams could be there at the end of the season IMO. Who would have said that the Lakers are gonna be in the NBA finals last year? Lakers fans. Go suns.

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Slug before you say it +300 is not worth it. Ill be at there game against the Cavs tonight though :)
cavs got a huge addition..not saying they win it all but Mo Williams will be very valuable the pickup
This year I think they will be pretty good but I dont think they will "want it" as more.

Tell Kevin he doesn't want it, I dare you.<wbr>espn/page2/story?page=jackson/<wbr>081013&sportCat=nba&lpos=<wbr>spotlight&lid=tab4pos2

Cavs +1600 - Lebron is still there so you have to look at it, but this is the same exact team as last year. No additions, no change. Until they get a 2nd player or maybe even 3rd player, they will not win a championship. Who will fill that void? Z? Probably not. Wallace? No. Wally? Hot and cold shooter. Gibson? He will always just be a role player in the NBA, not a star. Its just not there for the Cav's

Mo Williams?? Should help out a bit.

76ers +3000 - Wow this is amazing value and I dont think it should be anywhere near this high. Elton Brand and A.I. will be great together along with Andre Miller. They will deffinatly be a contender.

Like the 6ers this year too, and agree 3000 has some value. Look for Thaddeus Young to have a great year and Lou Williams to keep developing. Andre Brand and Iggy should be great together.

Suns +2000 - Shaq, Amare, Steve Nash. Three big time players if healthy and there is a good chance they can do it. Shaq is a lot slower, but he didnt look terrible at the end of the season. Even if Shaq is out for some period of time they have enough role players around Nash and Amare that they can win.

Gonna take my chances Suns +2000 to bet 1 unit (50 dollars) for them to win the NBA Championship. It may seem like a silly pick but the value seems to be there. The NBA is really wide open. Any of these teams could be there at the end of the season IMO. Who would have said that the Lakers are gonna be in the NBA finals last year? Lakers fans. Go suns.

Book got these lines from (

Shaq looked horrible. Don't see the Suns doing much this year. Sneak into the playoffs and another early exit.

LAL, HOU, NO, Utah in some order in the top 4 spots

SA, PHO, PORT, DAL, DEN fighting for those last 4.

They are supposedly changing that system in Phoenix with D'antoni gone. Gonna try to slow it down a bit. We'll see how that team adjusts. Maybe it will be good for them. I think they are gonna have a tough time trying to slow down Nash though. I think its just how he plays now.

houston has a lot of value this year

they will definitely have the most defensively sound team in the nBA this year with yao healthy and the artest addition.... and lot of pressure on t-mac this year also after his history of choking in the playoffs and not getting his team past the first round. this is his last hurrah to get his stock up IMO

sixers at +3000? why not
Ill be the first to admit that its a long shot, but I think it has a shot. Even if Shaq plays little it wont matter IMO. They still have the power there between Nash and Amare. I seriously considered taking the 6ers but I dont know why I just cant see them going the distance. One of those teams that I just dont see it happening if you know what I mean. I believe that the Celtics can do it, but I dont see the value in taking a team +300, same thing with the Lakers.

Mo williams isnt enough. I hate to stay an ESPN line but its true. You need a few stars in this league to win it all. Mo Williams isnt it. You look at the past few teams that have won it all, they have been teams that have had stars. Celtics - Garnett,Peirce, and Allen. Spurs - Duncan, Manu and Parker. It goes on and on.
Yeah your right that was goof, I just hate the Pistons

Cap - I think the key is that they stay healthy. Thats a huge IF.
Yao and Tmac are pretty much a lock to miss 15-20 gms each. It just depends when in the season they decide to do it. I really like this team on both sides of the ball and they are the Lakeshow's biggest challenge at full strength.
Like in terms of value buddy.

We talked about this the other night, but I love Houston if they stay healthy, and I love Orlando out of the east if they can find one person to help in rebounding besides Howard.

If Courtney Lee comes out strong, they have another shooter that can take pressure away from Lewis.
I think if Boston resigns James Posey they win it. Eddie House really would not of been missed in the least, bad defense, too streaky, and really makes some bonehead passes and plays that are just not of the winning variety.

I think New Orleans deserves a small look to win it all honestly.

----The wildcard here is the Lakers. I think with Bynum, Gasol, and Odom, I mean this is hard to imagine how good this team can be. That frontcourt could be the best in NBA history. Then add in Kobe Bryant, folks, we are talking about a team that could be a dynasty the next 5 years.

Bynum could make the Lakers out of this world good-----we just don't know because we havne't seen him with Gasol and Odom.

IMO the Lakers are the team right now if they stay healthy.
kobe bryant is 30 and is declining and you see the lakers as a potential 5 year dynasty?
its all about the fucking big man anyhow. sg dont me shit unless your name is michael jordan.

08 kg at age 31
07 duncan at 30
06 shaq 33
05 duncan 28
04 pistons dont fit ...corliss williamson was dominate when he was on the court for pistons but again its corliss (btw he was 30)
03 duncan 26
02 shaq 29
01 shaq 28
00 shaq 27

and so on...

Don't think Pau is dominate enough to do it.
---I would add the Rockets are real close but they are still lacking the playmakers. Houston needs more guys that can pentetrate and score. Have got to get the defense collapsing and the ball moving more, ball doens't move with that team and when it does only McGrady can pump and do something with the advantageous opportunity. Ron Artest is a playmaker but I don't think that it makes everything better because he is a ball stopper not a ball rotator. He will be physical and clog the offense up but he will definately help because like I said, even when the ball is moving they haven't had anybody to do anything with it. They need someone to go along with Artest.

--I think dealing Bobby Jackson was not a good move. Guy is great off the bench and brough much needed athleticism.

The Rockets, you know who IMO would put them over the top, a guy like a Steven Jackson. Fits real nice into their defense and brings that playmaking ability. I think that's a perfect match.
Hey Bynum tells the tale. This guy looked damn good, in fact, I think he was looking like THE BEST center in the NBA at one point.

Your right it is all about the big guys. I mean shit, Bynum and Gasol, and then a freak of nature Odom who is power forward size material wingspan of a center at 3, but athleticism to be on the court with two 7 centers and not hurt things.

This has not been seen in NBA history. That potential is dynasty if it lives up to it's billing. Now I'm not sure they will be that good, but damn I don't see anybody getting a rebound on these guys, I see everyone having trouble to score, and I see the triangle working to a T.
I think you could take Kobe out of the lineup and as long as you have Bynum, Gasol, and Odom, you have a shot at winning the title.
if andrew bynum can stay healthy and play at the level of any of those big man i listed who won titles at age 21 he will go down as the best big man ever before his career is over.
I don't consider KG, Duncan true Centers. Maybe because they play power forward for their teams and aren't true centers although they could play that position.

Bynum is a true Center. Bynum and Gasol both have better frames than anybody in the league perhaps. Who's better, maybe Yao, Marcus Camby?? Bynum is a top 5 Center easily
I like the Rockets. Everyone on that team is pretty much in their prime or just entering/leaving. They have some continuity with their roster and in Adelman's system for year 2 now.

This roster if it can be healthy for a playoff run is sick. That said any team has to be healthy to make a run at a ring.

kobe bryant is 30 and is declining and you see the lakers as a potential 5 year dynasty?

How is he declining?

He is the best "player" he has been in his career. Grizzled veteran right now. Bynum will be the team in a few years and Kobe can ride along with that. Gasol has some years left as well.
MJ did not pass in 1987. MJ was not in his prime and leaving it in 1987. The NBA was faster in 1987.
Whatever happened to Stevie Francis, did he pull a David Duval or is he gonna play some this year. I think he could really help them with his athleticism.

--I really believe Van Gundy has alot to do with the success of the Rockets, the defensive foundation he instilled their and Adelman really is the perfect coach to bring in after Jeff.

If the Rockets are going to go deep deep they need to be like the Miami Heat a couple years back. I mean Dwayne Wade was the only truly dynamic player, everyone else was plodding, but physical, and man did they use it to their advantage.

--I mean that Rockets roster still lacks something IMO. I think if Wade is the main guy instead of McGrady they can pull it off. Why? McGrady he doesn't play perpetual fast and athletic. He settles for jumpers.

That roster no one is a penetrator man. THAT's what the Rockets are missing.
Steve Francis could never shoot the ball and he lost his skywalker status through time. He took a pounding at the rim. Couldn't get back up after he kept falling and getting hurt.
Kobe numbers should decline as he is going to play less min in the following years and if/when Ariza takes over the starting SF when Odom leaves/gets traded this year, Kobe wont have to spend as much energy guarding their opponents best wingman. His numbers are going to decline heavily in regards to points per game but I dont see why he doesnt get more assists and steals as he will be able to penetrate and dish all day as well as gamble on the defensive end having to 7 footers to back him in the paint.
brewer, a guy like Ben Gordon would really help the Rockets.

Them and the rest of teh nba had their chance this summer. He was 9 pts per game worse when he was on the floor with us last year. No idea what happened to the ben gordon and rest of 07 bulls. Guess the 07 roster was just right roster at right time. just goes to show how small a window the window is sometimes.