My personal week in review


This claim is disputed
Hi folks. I had a bad week to start the year. It is especially disappointing due to the enormous numbers of hours i put into the preseason this year. Traditionally week 1 has been one of my better weeks each season as i feel i am more prepared than the average joe for week 1. With that said ... i was completely wrong on how some of these games played out. i feel lucky to have gone .500 at 4-4. I watched all my games except the troy/arkansas game and want to tell you how i feel about each game now.

fsu -1.5 ---- WRONG I would not make this bet again. It is hard to make out whether they were unprepared in the first half , uninspired or less talented than I thought. They seemed to put it together late as clemson tired a bit from adrenaline running out or inferior conditioning. While I wouldnt necessarily bet clemson in this spot either if i had to do over again I have to admit that the game did not go as i had envisioned. I deserved to lose this bet.

smu +11.5 ----WRONG Texas tech moved the ball at will on smu , playing pitch and catch on 3-8 yard patterns that smu failed to sit on properly. The huge ol of texas tech dominated the front of the smu dl and forced smu to blitz to get ANY kind of pressure on harrell. with time to throw all day long harrell showed the ability to hit the open man and made all the right reads to lead the red raiders down the field. the receivers didnt look particularly fast but they actually caught the balls thrown to them which is more than one can say for the smu receivers. willis looked a bit uncomfortable in the pocket for the mustangs and often tucked the ball and ran if his initial read wasn't there. smu's big back was a load for tech to tackle and i think he will be even tougher for conference usa foes to bring down later in the year. i apologize to my wallet for this game. texas tech was clearly the right side.

troy +25 ----COIN FLIP -- It looked really good for troy for most of the game until they gave up a bunch of scores late in the third quarter and early in the fourth quarter. arkansas also scored on a kickoff return for a td in the second quarter. troy eventually scored a backdoor td with their backups vs arkansas with under ten seconds to go. so i feel fortunate to ahve won that game even though there might have been a slight edge for troy at this number for a majority of the game. i call it a coin flip.

Virginia -3.5 ---- WRONG-- Virginia struggled mightily to get ANY offensive production and qb sewell looked lost as he threw inaccurate balls all day long to the covered receiver instead of the open one. The wyoming dl which i could not foresee doing anything vs the fatties of virginia dominated the line of scrimmage. suprisingly virginia ran right and up the middle a lot when their apparent advantage was on the other side of the ol. wyoming schemed beautifully for this game and qb sween executed those schemes with precision. Glenn used a lot of quick hitting routes and runs to protect his inexperienced offensive line that did struggle to give sween time to throw. the plan worked to perfection and groh failed to make the necessary adjustments to make wyoming throw deeper routes. This game was not a fluke .. it was domination.

missouri -3.5 -- WRONG -- at first glance one would think that missouri was the correct side in this one, as they led at one point 37-13. But the tigers acquired that lead by returning a fumble 100 yards for a td, returning a punt for a td and then recovering a fumble on the ensuing kickoff. by the end of the game illinois was driving for a possible winning score before being intercepted at the goalline. not sure i would bet missouri again in this spot although i would have felt a bit unfortunate if i had lost with such a big lead .. but illinois was very competitive.

houston +17 -- CORRECT -- finally get to talk about a game that i capped correctly. houston outplayed oregon for a majority of this game. they gashed the ducks with a running attack that was mixed to the edges and up the middle. there passing game was effective enough to keep the safeties and linebackers honest and were actually tied with the ducks at 20-20 and first and goal midway through the third quarter. they turned it over there and then had a int return for a td called back by penalty and then let dixon run for a long td. after a bad possession the cougars had a punt blocked and allowed another score. they had firts and goal at the 5 near the end of the game as well and failed to punch that in. lots of drives deep into duck territory without scoring any points. would bet this again in a heartbeat as they actually looked equal to or better than oregon in this game.

ulm/tulsa over 47 CORRECT tulsa ran the no huddle offense and it was clicking fairly well. it created a lot more plays from scrimmage than one would have expected in this game based on last years teams. ulm showed an ability to run well but failed to stick with it and the qb looked inefficient at making quality throws. the game was actually flying over the total until a mid third quarter storm slowed the scoring down and made the game somewhat of a sweat. would bet again without blinking.

temple +21.5 -- CORRECT Had it not been for untimely first half penalties temple would have scored considerably more than the 19 they ended up with. they were hurt in the first half by several terrible calls but then were the recipients of some interesting calls int he second half. they used a short passing game with use of swings, screens and misdirection to move the ball effectively on the middies defense. they were torched on the ground by the navy option attack and gave up some large pas plays in the first half. they adjusted to the option attack at halftime however and slowed them down considerably. was impressed with how hard temple hit. i would play this number instantly again.

So while i am a bit angry that after this much preparation i still lost money , i have to be happy that my week finished better than it probably could have.

eight games
3 correctly capped ( one of which lost )
4 wrongly capped (one of which won )
and one coin flip ( which won )

expected record 3 wins - 4 losses - 1 tie

i feel like i have gotten to know some of you guys at this site and hope you can coach up my morale a little heading into next week. all in all a very depressing week.:hang:
First of all, this is the way to better yourself. Review your games and see how you did/didn't cap it correctly.

I agree with every assessment. I didn't know full extent about Missouri. I knew from some stuff I read but not that much.

The super-staff at FSU got outclassed early on. Game was all about Filed position. IF FSU comes out and keeps Clemson pinned more often this game could have been different. Clemson defense is damn good and their O-Line played much better than expected. The FSU defense played very good for 40 minutes. Thats not long enough though.
Cool thread and I should do the same to myself. I actually think you are being a little hard on yourself. I think Troy was the right play. I'd also put FSU as a coinflip, as that was a tale of two halves. Clemson just took more advantage of their half. If they played that game again I have no idea what would happen.

GL this week. Looking for a big weekend. I'll be rooting for you on all except OSU. :cheers: :pillow:
The super-staff at FSU got outclassed early on. Game was all about Filed position. IF FSU comes out and keeps Clemson pinned more often this game could have been different. Clemson defense is damn good and their O-Line played much better than expected. The FSU defense played very good for 40 minutes. Thats not long enough though.

agree completely. i thought it would be very important for fsu to weather the first quarter and a half as that stadium was absolutely rocking. they were unable to do it. i thought the fsu playcalling improved dramatically in the second half. after the first half i couldn't believe that the seminoles would hae ebded up with a chance to win that game. hell ... that means i was wrong again at halftime. hehe.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
dmoney - after enough beers you cant even feel the pain from the pillow fights. hopefully i can improve this coming week.
is it possible that i should be giving more than 4-6 points for these different homefields on average ?? i played three small road favorites in fsu ( L) , missouri ( W neutral) and virginia ( L ) in week 1 and already find myself on small road favorites again in missouri and oregon state. how many points do you folks give to an average homefield ... and how much to a major homefield ?
is it possible that i should be giving more than 4-6 points for these different homefields on average ?? i played three small road favorites in fsu ( L) , missouri ( W neutral) and virginia ( L ) in week 1 and already find myself on small road favorites again in missouri and oregon state. how many points do you folks give to an average homefield ... and how much to a major homefield ?

For the Dukes and Utah Sts of the world, 1-2 points.

For the decent/respectable squads, 3-4.

The select few venues get 5-6.

It is a sliding scale though. Just go with your capping and trust it. 4-4 may be slightly disappointing to you given the amount of preparation you did for the season, but it is nothing to lose sleep over. That is why they play 13-14 weeks of football (plus bowl games) and not 1. :cheers:
I think D has it right, it's got to be a sliding scale and you have to take situation into account.

I also try to look at the first week or two as a learning process.

There was no way to know a team like VA wouldn't be prepared to start the season, same with FSU. And why would anybody think USC would choose to take their foot off the gas and basically sleepwalk through a game they would normally win 70-10?
Kyle -- it's clear from your writeups (pre and post games) that you have a good approach. I think you'll do just fine as the season progresses. Good luck this week!
hey man, keep your head up..your week looks great compared to my embarassing 1-5 showing.. I am sick to my stomach.. 0-3 on first half plays and I bet on two of the worst offensive performances of the weekend.. FSU and Arizona.. Truly disappointing..
Enjoy your stuff Kyle. I know it sucks to put in hard work ands get nothing out of it but over the course of the season I have little doubt you will go at least 60%.
Good stuff last week vk... Nice call on that Temple cover, you did talk me out of laying more on Navy, Best of luck this week
Here are a few thoughts...

During my tenure doing this, I have to keep reminding myself that one key to remember is that one week does not a season make (unless you are Michigan of course then you are screwed, but other than that the point holds haha). I see so many guys ready to proclaim themselves the world's greatest capper after they go 10-0 or whatever in week 1, but by the end of the season they are long gone as they end up without a single withdrawal by season's end because they got too overconfident and thought they were untouchable after only one week. It isn't how you start out the season but how you end up. I am sitting in the same boat as you from a record standpoint, as FSU secured a less than impressive week 1 for me but I have already moved on and am not even sweating it at this point because I know there is a long season ahead with plenty of profit to be made. Whether I would have gone 10-1 or 1-10 this week, my money management would have allowed me to fight another day so no bad week will ever break me in any form or fashion.

That brings me to another key, which is the often mentioned subject of money management, which usually goes out the window when guys get their confidence shaken a bit out of the gate. I won't go into strategies and all of that as I have discussed my techniques on this a million times the last few years, but I will say that regardless of how I did in week 1, or how I do in week 2 or 3, I will maintain the same money management strategy that has gotten me to the profit window 5 consecutive years. I know week 1 was tough for many (while great for others) , but don't get frustrated or flustered or else you risk doing something reckless like chasing on the late games and second halves, amd adding games you aren't totally sold on but you see other guys playing so you decide to ride their plays without analyzing the game on your own either before or after to make sure you understand why you are on a play (other than because someone else is), etc.

I really like the way you analyzed your plays above, that is good stuff and you are headed in the right direction. A lot of this is mental so don't start second guessing yourself or letting others influence your plays too much or else you will just drive yourself crazy in the end.

The cream always rises to the top, so as long as you stay focused and tweak things a bit week in and week out to ensure you are improving, you will be fine. Best of luck in this marathon, as a 10-0 first week means nothing in the whole scheme of things, other than you had a 10-0 first week, nothing more, nothing less.
Great thread. I too had a horrible start to the season. I took too many favs or changed my plays last minute that a) either weren't ready to start the season i.e. USC 1st half and TX game or b) loved WVA over and game all week but laid off. Then the two cardinal rules of gambling came into effect: money management and chasing with 2nd half plays. It is really difficult to explain how frustrated a person can be after opening weekend. I feel right now like I want to give up on the CFB season in only Week 2. Maybe that is a good thing or bad thing. My confidence is really low after Week 1. The chasing was definitely not the smart way to go about things and I had been good for the last few years up until now. I know how you feel about this past weekend. I did do my research but I don't think I did enough. There is a big difference between me and you. I am going to try and scale back to three games this weekend and try to go 2-1 or 3-0 to build back up my confidence. What is really strange is that I normally don't lay huge favs like I did this past weekend. I am primarily a dog player but even the dogs I took didn't bark this past weekend. I need to refocus and step back because another weekend like this past weekend could end up being a nightmare for my wallet. Lots of great info on this site. I think there is too much at times. haha Didn't mean to ramble in your thread, just know how your feeling to an extent. It is so easy to go crazy on Saturday when there are about 500 different bets a person can put in during the course of a day. In your case, you seem like you had your games pegged but they didn't come throught the way you wanted. Wish you the best of luck this weekend and keep doing what you are doing. It will pay off in the long run.
Here are a few thoughts...

During my tenure doing this, I have to keep reminding myself that one key to remember is that one week does not a season make (unless you are Michigan of course then you are screwed, but other than that the point holds haha). I see so many guys ready to proclaim themselves the world's greatest capper after they go 10-0 or whatever in week 1, but by the end of the season they are long gone as they end up without a single withdrawal by season's end because they got too overconfident and thought they were untouchable after only one week. It isn't how you start out the season but how you end up. I am sitting in the same boat as you from a record standpoint, as FSU secured a less than impressive week 1 for me but I have already moved on and am not even sweating it at this point because I know there is a long season ahead with plenty of profit to be made. Whether I would have gone 10-1 or 1-10 this week, my money management would have allowed me to fight another day so no bad week will ever break me in any form or fashion.

That brings me to another key, which is the often mentioned subject of money management, which usually goes out the window when guys get their confidence shaken a bit out of the gate. I won't go into strategies and all of that as I have discussed my techniques on this a million times the last few years, but I will say that regardless of how I did in week 1, or how I do in week 2 or 3, I will maintain the same money management strategy that has gotten me to the profit window 5 consecutive years. I know week 1 was tough for many (while great for others) , but don't get frustrated or flustered or else you risk doing something reckless like chasing on the late games and second halves, amd adding games you aren't totally sold on but you see other guys playing so you decide to ride their plays without analyzing the game on your own either before or after to make sure you understand why you are on a play (other than because someone else is), etc.

I really like the way you analyzed your plays above, that is good stuff and you are headed in the right direction. A lot of this is mental so don't start second guessing yourself or letting others influence your plays too much or else you will just drive yourself crazy in the end.

The cream always rises to the top, so as long as you stay focused and tweak things a bit week in and week out to ensure you are improving, you will be fine. Best of luck in this marathon, as a 10-0 first week means nothing in the whole scheme of things, other than you had a 10-0 first week, nothing more, nothing less.

Hit my weekend right on the head. Very smart advice.
CB very good advice and good reading for someone young like myself.

Looking back at my week..

Zona - I said this was the only game I would back this team and that alone should of been all I needed to get off this game. I won't touch another Zona game all yr, their offense is outright terrible. Should of paid attention to the new OC change vs. a good BYU defense..ahh

FSU - I thought the defense would be able to take care of a new OL and new QB. I thought the offense would be better but the OL was over matched. Another scenario with a new OC... Strong home team who is now 7-0 as underdogs at home who has FSU's # winning 4 of last 5.

Texas 1st H - Never saw this one coming as I am not sure many did

USC 1st H - I didn't like this one that much but still played it because of the superior talent differential.. Didn't matter here, USC played like they didn't care.

SC 1st H - This might of hit if SC goes up 21-0 with 8 minutes left in the 1st. Instead they throw a pick in the endzone, Jasper Brinkley misses the next 2 series and before you know it, ULL looks like old Nebraska running the option.

GT +3 -The only thing I had pegged right all summer.

Some of my leans in the summer that I got off..

UCLA - This one really pisses me off too because I completely talked myself out it.
ULM Over
Purdue Over
Miami Oh - This one pisses me off because I wanted to bet the MAC dog, regardless in this game and instead I was a bitch and didn't.
CB etg others thanks for kind words and advice. i am a veteran of sports gambling after 15 years of doing it and think i have a good grasp of money management. as you can see in my signature i never ( well i have before but not this year) bet more than 5 percent of a normal unit so i think from a betting perspective i am disciplined. I locked in the games i liked best very early and added my final bet to my card less than two weeks into august i think with troy. i never added a game after that. I didnt do any second half chasing ... which in case of fsu .. i would have bet the clemson side if anything and lost anyways. i think your advice of a long term approach is dead on. i am overly critical of myself at times but i think that has served me better than burying my head in the sand and just thinking i got unlucky to lose. my concern is more with my process because i was so off the mark on some of these ( virginia and smu stand out). But y'all have helped restore my confidence and i am ready to start my preliminary capping for week three as i was ready for week 2 by sunday morning after i had analyzed boxes and injuries and seen many week1 games and read others posts about what they saw and learned in the games that i missed. for those of you who are on fire , keep it up .. for those of you like me off to a slwo start .. lets work even harder and the results will follow. i think this is where gene hackman gathers the hickory basketball players together and says "i love you guys" but im not willing to go that far yet.