My largest wager of the year for $2500 is on...


Here it is guys, pounding it

Toronto Maple Leafs ML +183 ($2500)

This is going to be Sundin's welcome back night and the Leafs are going to come out flying. I see the Leafs winning this game by 2 goals (with an empty netter if necessary). Regardless, I know my Leafs very well and this is the best spot possible for them at this price.

if you don't feel comfortable with the Blue and White playing in front of a PRO-LEAFS crowd tonight, then go with the +1.5 at -155. Regardless, Leafs are not losing this game.

I'm a die hard Leafs fan and I have a gut feeling like no other tonight.

Do you have any idea how many Leafs fans are in attendance tonight? Kinda like the atmosphere for Leafs game in Montrea, Ottawa and Buffalo (mostly Leafs fans).

GO LEAFS GO! Largest wager and im not even nervous yet...LOL!
Good Luck Mista I will be routing for you without a question.. I hope you cash this puppy!
This is a disgrace...what a waste of money!
Sorry guys, gonna have to make up the cash in the NFL tomorrow!
how is your NFL record doin this year. ill look for your picks. i dont really know NFL extremely well other than the rams, so i need to find someone to tail
Mista you ever head to MTL for the Leafs game? got my tix locked in for the game in march... once a year trip with the boys...

had an exam and didnt get to watch, but seems like the same problem they have been having form the Fan on the way home
leafs just had a lot of dumb penalties and seem to be a man short most of the the rest of way flava!