My Experiment


The Law of Winning
Hey y'all. Been quite a while since I've been on here. In the meantime I lost my mother to cancer, moved, and started my own law firm.

During that time, I haven't wagered on a game. I'm talking since late December or so. Longest I've gone without a wager in 8 years I believe. Not only that, but I haven't watched sports either. I haven't seen SportsCenter in almost 3 months. Fuckin' crazy.

Anyway, I wanted to see if I could do it, and it wasn't as hard as I thought. I wanted to take the emotion out of wagering on sports. Every good handicapper maintains that the emotion must be taken out of the game to win. I know Tee has told me a ton of times to back off and look at things objectively, and I guess I wasn't ready until now.

I think my experiment is going to allow me to treat sports as an investment from here on out (we'll see though). I'm thinking of posting during baseball season and see how it turns out. Anyway, just wanted to fill you fuckers in on what's been going on.

Good to see you crazy fucks. Let's win some money this spring/summer. :shake:

Very sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like you've been doing some soul searching and are starting to regroup after such a difficult couple of months for you.

Been a long time follower of your stuff and always enjoyed hearing your perspectives.

Whenever you're ready to actively get back into the swing of things in this twisted hobby of sports gambling we all know this place will welcome you back with open arms.

I hope that each day gets better for you and that the adjusted and new path life has brought you down will bring you nothing but success.
Well, I don't bet baseball so I won't really see you until the fall.

But, one, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. My condolences.

Two, congrats on the new firm. All the best.

Three, good to see you back, RO.

Sorry about your mom ramble. :shake:

It's always good to get away for awhile. Since your back, good luck in whatever you do.
Sorry about your mom Ramble. Like the other posters said its good to have you around again. Also happy that you started a law firm. I can always use a good lawyer.
Sorry to hear about your mom, I lost my dad to cancer in February, it's hard. :shake:
Nothing better than working for yourself, good luck with it. :cheers:
sorry to hear bout ur loss man, love havin u back. lets make money the only way u can....using ur head not ur heart
gl this year. ive been playing some situational SUDWING's with good success. that angle netted a good profit last season. fading the whitesox today, lol.

condolences on your loss. my dad has stage 4 lung cancer and about 2 months to live. learning what your feeling myself and it sucks.

peace bro
welcome back ramble. sorry about your loss but congrats on the law firm, hope all goes well. glad to see your back.