My 2 Cents On TUA... What's Yours?!


Bare With Me, I'm Pissed. So Tua Goes Down Vs Buffalo. Gets Back Up... Looks Wobbly, Out Of Sorts. Falls. O Line Holds Him Up. Still Looks Like He Can't Stand By Himself. Comes Back 2nd Half. Oh. It Was Just His Back. He Fell Cause His Back Acted Up And Got Stiff!. BS. If Your Back Hurts?! What's The First Thing U Do?! Grab Your Back. (You'll Learn One Day Young Ones!) So Then Team Says, He Fell From Back AND Ankle Injury...

O.K. Let's Stop Here...Back Fucked Up. Ankle Fucked Up...I KNOW! Let's Put Our Future On The Line For A Thursday Night Football Game! BS! You Know, I Know, We All Know...He Had A Concussion In That Buffalo Game. Excuses And More Excuses..."Hey Tua. How Many Fingers?!" "Three" (Guy Has 4 Out) "How Do U Feel Brother?! "Good. Get Me Back Out There!" Coaches. "You Heard Him! He's Fine! Let's Go!"

Back. Ankle. Head... 4 Days Later... "How Ya Feeling Tua?!" Let's Do This!

Coaches. "How Ya Feeling RG3?!" Good. Put Me In Coach. I'm Ready To Play!
The Dolphins and the NFL failed Tua in a big way. That could have been a life altering hit to the head tonight that could have been prevented. Old school fan CDS says you got your bell rung get back in the game. CDS with all todays knowledge of head injuries is saying someone needs to answer for this. He was clearly concussed last week and he should not have played the second half of last week nor should he have been in the game tonight.
Very conflicted on these. Big money moves all around. Doctor’s job is to relay to coach AND player in a good organization in my opinion.
Protocol is to eliminate any decision, but that’s been bent before too we all know.

We know how these things go. For right or wrong.
Dolphins fucked up big time. But it’s not all on them. Tua made the choice to play. We can’t forget personal responsibility, even though that’s diminishing by the day in our fucked up society.