Mr BloodHound's Health


Pretty much a regular
I received a message from Chuck aka Bloodhound about his health. He will not be posting for a few days, please keep him in your prayers.
Below is part of what he told me:

I have been diagnosed with
giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica,
makes one feel like crap!!

No cure but I am on mega doses of Prednizone and Atnibotics.
Best of health to you Blood. Rest up for the cfb season, I need your insight.

Blood is tough as nails.

As Zane said, get you some rest for football season.... but we all know you're too damn stubborn to give up on the bases just yet :)

We're all thinking about ya, buddy.
Blood my friend, I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. My thoughts and well wishes are with you to get healthy so you can enjoy life the way you want to.
From your caddie buddy in Scotland. Recover quickly. You are one of the best in all respects..Dexter
OK I am so excited for football to start.... even as a MIZZOU alum. We need you back and healthy by the end of August.
Follow those Dr.'s orders and get ready to take some coin from the man!
Love ya, Mr. Ed
Beyond being a solid capper and huge contributor to this sir, are one of the classiest guys on here, hands down. Get well soon, my friend.
Thanks to All for ur sincere concern. All of the well wishes and kind words are greatly appreciated... and all are helping keep my spirits upbeat. It nice know that U care.

I got some additional bad news this wk about my health. Not good! But will continue to fight.

I have two days off away from the doctors and hospitals so I took some time to make some FB plays and will post them shortly. Dont feel like typing much reasoning but U will at least know where I stand on football plays

Playing a few selected MLB games but not doing that well wiith them. OhWell, Its been fun.

Thanks once again for ur wellness thoughts

BOL to All
Blood, you're a helluva guy. Keep up the good fight my man, we all appreciate you, think that goes without saying buddy. :beer4: