Most overpaid players in baseball


CTG Super Moderator
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Please dont say everyone...I have 2...

Barry Zito- this one is obvious, hes making $14.5 million this year, hes 5-12, 67K's,ERA of almost 6. 2nd highest paid pitcher? Wow.

This one I feel strongly about

Andruw Jones - the guy is flat out stealing. He should seriously come to the ball park with a ski mask on because I cant believe whats going on with this. Hes making almost $15 million this year. This is seriously a crime and he should be put in jail. He is batting .166 which I believe is the lowest in the league for a non-pitcher. Hes hot 30 hits, 2 HR's and 12 RBI's. Hes only played 58 games out of the 100 or so that have happened this year and he has struck out in every single one of them! He has 65 K's. If he happens to play the rest of the year, and he wont, at this rate he will almost have double the strike outs then the games he has played. He is on pace right now for 3, maybe 4 Hr's, thats 3.5 million for every HR. Hes on pace for 18 RBI's, thats nearly a million for every RBI. The Dodgers should make this guy clean the aisles or something because he would be doing more for the team doing that then on the feild. Whats even sicker is Joe Torre has had the nerve to bat this guy 5th as recent as 2 weeks ago. The last game he batted 5th was against the Marlins earlier this month right before the all star game, he had 5 out bats and he has 5 strike outs. I think by that point all the fans that can do it should be able to piss on your head by the time you get to the dugout. Getting to the point, if he keeps doing, what he is doing, he is on pace for the worst offensive performance in baseball history. Only 3 guys in history have had twice as many strike outs as they had hits, and all the guys finished over the Medoza Line. I hope I make a convincing argument that this guy is literally robbing the Dodgers and laughing their face while doing it
jones is making 18 per and its not even colleti's (doyers gm) worst signing. the guy is fucking clueless. he knows he has money to spend and just wastes it away. the year before he gave jason schmidt 47 mil for 3 years and juan around 11 or 12 mil per year.

the worst part of the jones signing was it meant Kemp and Ithier started the year splitting time rather than getting to play everyday. so not only did he waste 36 mil, he stunted the growth of his two best outfielders.
Zito is actually getting better 6 wins inhis last 11 starts. Now Pavono---. Did I mention that Melvin the Arizona manager might be over paid.
last few years:

Eric Milton: fucking thief

Carl Pavano: lol et al lmfao

Mike Hampton: my dick earned more

Denny Neagle: hahahahahah...thought I saw in Mitchell report....

Rockies plus pitches equals swell....

Erin Andrews is hotter than Rachel Nichols but Rachel would fuck you so fucking's so obviosu.
Erin Andrews is hotter than Rachel Nichols but Rachel would fuck you so fucking's so obviosu.

Good point Alex on A. Jones. I was going to mention him. The Dodger GM who picked up Jones's contract after last year's pathetic performance should get his head kicked in. And to top it off, I think he's signed thru next season too.
Andruw Jones - the guy is flat out stealing. < cut ><cut> This is seriously a crime and he should be put in jail. <cut> </cut></cut>< cut > <cut><cut>The Dodgers should make this guy clean the aisles or something <cut> </cut></cut></cut>< cut > <cut><cut><cut>I think by that point all the fans that can do it should be able to piss on your head by the time you get to the dugout.

Man, you made my day, I LMAO'd soo hard!!! 10/10


Derek Jeter, by far

I would agree but at least with Jeter he is very marketable . No doubt in mind his contract is actually a plus for the organization . In another market on another team I would agree he is way , way overpaid but he was born to be a Yankee . It's not like I love the guy as most NYY fans do but he just fits perfectly . Two guys in NYY I definetly dont think were overpaid were Jeter (at the time I thought they overpaid Jeter though) and believe it or not Pedro . Look at the Mets before Pedro arrived and now. Well worth it IMO despite the injuries the past 2 years . Mariano Rivera well paid but not overpaid . Most guys who get free agent contracts though not worth and Manny at 20 million is worth every cent IMO ....Ortiz well worth his contracts as well ....
Mike Hampton was the most overpaid athlete EVER. He's still getting payed this year.

Worst is I think he had 3 organizations paying his way...there were a TON of bad signings in that late 90s early 00's range...he definetly returned about 10cents on the dollar....
I cant believe no ones mentioned Class A Lakewood Blueclaw Ace Adam Eaton

I mean I know normally 8.5 mill for a class a pitcher isnt all that much, but in this case we can make an exception...
Andruw Jones is in a class by himself. But Richie Sexson is not far behind.
I mean have you ever seen a guy hit like .150 for most of the season in the 4 spot? That was him last year in Seattle. Although to his credit he did go on a tear towards the end of the season and raise his average to a whopping .205.

The Mariners didn't even bother to shop him around before the trade deadline this year, they just cut his ass. Maybe he'll redeem himself with the NYY, but I doubt it.
I made this thread exactly a week ago and his BA has gone up .167 and 13 RBi's now.

This should be the official WTF ANDRUW JONES thread


BA .166
HR 2
RBI's 12
K's 65
Hits 30


BA .167
HR 2
RBI's 13
K's 70
Hits 32
Just doing my part at this point. I was actually wrong about my stats for Jones last night, that was 2 nights ago. After tonight you ask?

Hes actually batting .161, with 73 K's now. As you all know, we have the Mendoza line. After this season, we will have the Jones line.
Alright fella's , a lot has happened since ive updated, Andruw the magnificent has hit one into the seats!. His BA jumped from .161 to .165. Its back to .164 after the last couple of days.

.164 4 HR's 14 RBI's 73 K's 33 hits
The rediculous thing about the dodger gm signing Jones is that I read on Yahoo sports about a year ago that the Braves were becoming disenchated with him. It said that with age slowing his bat speed a little that they tried to make some changes but he was basically uncoachable and wouldnt adjust. so any of us who read these boards could have made a better informed decision than the dodgers.
Also read not too long ago that Matt Clement is still getting paid millions by someone.
Andrew Jones isn't even the Dodgers worst signing...

Jason Schmidt has a 3 yr, 54 million dollar deal that ends after the '09 season. He didn't pitch at all in '08, is unlikely to pitch in '09; in '07...he made it till about late May. So a 3 year contract worth 54 million and the Dodgers get two months of work out of the guy...this has to be the worst contract in all of sports IMO.
Andrew Jones isn't even the Dodgers worst signing...

Jason Schmidt has a 3 yr, 54 million dollar deal that ends after the '09 season. He didn't pitch at all in '08, is unlikely to pitch in '09; in '07...he made it till about late May. So a 3 year contract worth 54 million and the Dodgers get two months of work out of the guy...this has to be the worst contract in all of sports IMO.

I didn't affect the team by not playing. Jones made the team worse
I didn't affect the team by not playing. Jones made the team worse

You are being short-sighted; that albatross of a contract has affected the Dodgers ability mightily this offseason to shore up their starting pitching. They were lucky last year to land Manny on the Red Sox dime; however, if they didn't have the Schmidt contract hanging over the payroll, they would have made much more concerted efforts to go after Texeira or Sabathia this year...doesn't mean they would have got them, but still, this contract is the one Colletti takes the most heat for here locally, not the Jones' contract.
Bud Selig - $18.5M (You have got to be kidding.)

Bud made almost as much as the entire Devil Rays team

Despite his 1980’s style glasses and always-rumpled suits, Bud Selig is apparently doing just fine in the money department.
18.5 million? Seriously? The 07 D-Rays had a total payroll of about $24 million. We can only assume that no portion of Bud’s salary was contributed to revenue sharing.
I actually think Bud has done a reasonable job as commissioner of baseball. Other than the steroid thing. And the tie All-Star Game thing. And the strike thing.
Uh …
Andrew Jones isn't even the Dodgers worst signing...

Jason Schmidt has a 3 yr, 54 million dollar deal that ends after the '09 season. He didn't pitch at all in '08, is unlikely to pitch in '09; in '07...he made it till about late May. So a 3 year contract worth 54 million and the Dodgers get two months of work out of the guy...this has to be the worst contract in all of sports IMO.

Its close, I thought Carl Pavano stealing 40+ milly from the Yankees was bad but this might beat it