Most Obnoxious Fanbase


Eagles Fan
It has to be the Mets fans right?

I mean these guys are unbearable...

They act like their team is gods gift to baseball when theyve accomplished next to NOTHING. I mean its like they think all the years of being in the same city as the Yankees has entitled them to equal bragging rights in the NL.

Last time I checked, Liquored-up Meathed Moron Metfan, you guys had won (1) and been to (2 others) exactly the same number of World Series as the Phillies in the last 35 years...

Then I have to listen to about how the team is so loaded with postion talent (by my count you have 3 stud players - coincidentally the same number as the Phillies) and the rotation is so vaunted (by my count you have 41 year old soft tossing lefty, a nice looking young guy coming into his own, and three journeymen that are shooting their collective load right now and have a history of being given up on by other teams).

I was at the game yesterday and this idiot mets fan behind us turns to his buddy after two outs in the bottom of the first and seriously has a conversation with his moron buddy about how hes never seen a no-hitter and he had a good feeling today was the day...never mind the fact that there was 25 outs to go...

I hate Mets fans
Tell me about it....They think they are the only team in NY (for the last 2 yrs) Funny because last yr you couldn't go to a Dunkin Donuts without seeing "20yrs Met Anniversary" of their 1986 World Series.. Us Yankee fans don't need a 2 decade celebration to remember our last title.
delusional cubs fans. i have had to put up with their crap and joke of expectations far too long.
Agree with ya there Smoke, Mets fans are by far the most fucked up fans in baseball. I wouldn't piss on one of those fuckers if they were on fire and there wasn't a drop of water for miles...

Mets fans...:36_11_6:
More Mets underachieving antics. 0-3 down, managed only 1 hit off Hirsh in 3 innings. Holliday homered to make it 3:0...

Crap...should've known it's too obvious.
Satyr - I had that shit game on the TV. Mets really piss me off as a team. I don't know how they win a lot of games because they are some of the most undiscipline hitters I have ever seen. They also have no heart, this is the same shit effort they showed in LA vs. the Dodgers when they got their asses kicked. They got down 3-0 and the looks on their faces were of shock/doom/disappointment but that is part Glavine's fault. Has Halliday 0-2 and throws 3 bullshit pitches to work the count full and than throws a meatball at 84mph
I forgot to add, the announcers on the Mets channel suck as well. I am prob the only TV in NJ with this game on
Colorado will win this one 11-0.

Insane. But I'm not even worried about that game, I was wrong, end of story. But Seattle and KC opened inning 1 with Seattle leading 2:1.

It's bottom ninth and 2:2...:an_roll_laugh:

I will go 1/3 today, missing the big play...not good.
I love the Braves and worked in NY last summer, but surprisingly, the Mets fans did not bother me as much as I expected. Delusional Cubs fans are by far the worst, even worse than Yankees and Red Sox (Boston being #2 most annoying). In the middle of an inning, regardless of whats happening in the game, the bleachers will start yelling "Right field sucks!" or "Left field suck!" doesnt matter whether it's a key situation or not ... just an example of how they don't know or care about baseball they just go to Wrigley because it's Wrigley and spout off ridiculous predictions about the WS every year even though they've lost for just about 100 years straight. Nothing is more annoying than a fan that is completely delusional, but every Cubs fan is like that. I say the Red Sox are #2 because they used to cry about how the Yankees bought championships, now theyre doing the same thing and don't admit the double standard ... very annoying. They too know nothing about baseball, they just like the Sox cause it's cool.
dont associate Chi with the cubs. that is a white sox trademark. thank you.
While we are talking about obnoxious fan bases... I would like to throw the Rocky Top Orange into that mix, yes not a baseball team but still an obnoxious fan base
Tulane... I hate going to games and no one knowing how to cheer.

We beat UAB when they were ranked a few years back in basketball with Taylor Rochestie (now at Wash St) went NUTS freshman year. He hit a the game tying 3 to send it to OT then UAB goes up 2 in OT and he just gets the ball and weaves through a couple guys dribbling up the court and shoots a 3 like 5 or 6 feet behind the 3 pt line over a defender and sinks it before the buzzer and everyone cheers of course, but like 5 of us storm the court while everyone walks out. What a lame excuse for a fan base.
"The motherfuckers don't even work. That's why they're out at the fuckin' day game. They oughta go out and get a fuckin' job and find out what it's like to go out and earn a fuckin' living. Eighty-five percent of the fuckin' world is working. The other fifteen percent come out here. A fuckin' playground for the cocksuckers."

--Lee Elia, Cubs Manager in sentiments exactly Lee, fuck the cubbies and their moronic fanbase
It has to be Redsox fans!

They think they are America's team because they won 1 world Series and conveniently overlook the fact that they have the 2nd highest payroll every year, doubling the payroll of most teams!
It has to be Redsox fans!

They think they are America's team because they won 1 world Series and conveniently overlook the fact that they have the 2nd highest payroll every year, doubling the payroll of most teams!

They did pick up a lot of "yankee-hater" fans after that world series. I went to school in So Carolina and after that world series the amount of BoSux hats increased by 10,000%. It made me laugh knowing these clowns couldn't get 1 game on TV down there unless it was a Yankee-Sox game on ESPN. Die hard RSox fans since 2004!

:down: and :36_11_6:
A comment from a Mets fan on the coversation/msg board on for the game last night (which they lost something like 123-2)....

lets compare utley and reyes and then wright and howrd. utley is gret in the feild, but reyes is better. shortstop is much more challenging than 2b because the ball is pulled, and therefore usually hit harder, with the majority of the hitters in the league who are right handed. plus you don't really need much of an arm to "gun" someone from second base.

because of his speed reyes has much better range which allows him to make many more stops in the infeild and catches in the shallow outfeild or fouls balls behind 3b that wright can't get to. speed wise there's no comparison...reyes is a freak on the basepaths and catchers can't stop him from stealing even when they know he's gonna go and they call a pitchout.

did you see that play against the athletics? reyes turned a single into a double and then when the throw from right (which was rushed because of the realization of reyes's speed) sailed over the second-basemens head he scored!!! he slid headfirst into second and without another error on the feild got up, ran through third and then to home before the leftfeilder could even pick up the ball and throwto the plate from shallow left. no other player in the bigs could do that.

at the plate reyes is superior as well. reyes has only been in the league for two years by the end of this season he is on pace to have around 12 home-runs (which is low compared to his 19 last year, although home-runs aren't eexpected from the lead-off spot),and a .320 batting average. i don't know the stats this year but last year he had 17 triples, 80 rbi's, (which are hard to get from the lead-off spot) 200 hits, 30 doubles and 122 runs. he will have at least 80 steal by the end of this year. utley has never and can't put up those kinds of numbers.

there isn't a single part of the game that reyes can't do extremely well. plus reyes is before his prime and utley is in it, which means reyes has more potential for the future. the only thing utley is better than reyes in is hitting for power. utley has had more time to develop than reyes and still isn't producing as much as reyes is.

by the end of his career reyes could be putting up For this upcoming year alone, ESPN experts predicted him to get 116 runs, 108 RBIs, 82 stolen bases, 22 homers and 200 plus hits. Thats way more than they predicted utley to get.

Once this guy gets into his physical peak he will be able to drive the ball further, run even faster, throw harder, and will have much more experience than he presently does. Ricky Henderson, who holds the all time record for most steals in a season (somewhere around 130 but I dont know the exact number), happens to be the Mets base running coach. He recently said that he really feels that Reyes will one day break his record.

The kinds of numbers he should be able to produce in his prime years are unimaginable. Think 25 homers, 35 triples, 230 hits, 120 RBIs, 45 doubles, a batting average around .350 and over 120 steals. Its tough to predict these kinds of things, but those are hall of fame numbers. they certainly dwarf anything that utley will ever come-up with.

but reyes's plus's don't end there. he has a very modest pay-check, is mature and doesn't get into any sort of off-feild trouble at all, and gives 100 percent every day. he plays with such a remarkable energy and fire and passion for the game that isn't present with any other player. his attitude and charisma lifts up every one of his teammates and makes them better as well, and he is a great locker room influence. none of this can be said for utley, except the off-feild class part. I like utley and realize he is a great player with a lot of upside, but there is not a single player in the entire mlb that I would rather have on my team than reyes.

but reyes's (DAVID WRIGHT) plus's don't end there. he has a very modest pay-check, is mature and doesn't get into any sort of off-feild trouble at all, and gives 100 percent every day. he plays with such a remarkable energy and fire and passion for the game that isn't present with any other player. his attitude and charisma lifts up every one of his teammates and makes them better as well, and he is a great locker room influence. none of this can be said for utley, except the off-feild class part. I like utley and realize he is a great player with a lot of upside, but there is not a single player in the entire mlb that I would rather have on my team than reyes.


He should be giving David Wright those props, the only guy on the team with any emotion day in and day out
another one...

wright/howard is much less of a blowout than reyes/utley. both are young (although wright is younger) and both are tremendously skilled. this year wright is hitting more home-runs than howard, but i honestly don't think that that trend will continue throughout both of their career's.

regardless, both will consitently be 40 homer guys. i think that howard has the potential to break bond's 74 mark provided he's lucky, doesn't get walked, is given decent pitches to hit, and the phillies get a stronger line-up behind him. given the phil's crappy managing though, i would guess that he would be traded before that happens once his contract expires.

anyway in the feild wright dominates. howard plays the easiest feilding position in the game and wrigh plays one of the toughest. wright exells in the feild. he has a cannon for an arm and can get to pretty much any foul ball. he's the best in the game at bare-handing the ball and it's not a good idea to try and bunt a hit towards him. two years ago he made a play almost exactly the same s jeter's famous dive into the crowd and was nominated for an espy for it.

wright is much faster than howard and is going to put up a 30/30 season this year. at the plate they are similar. both can hit for power, although as i said i think howard is better in that area, and both can hit for contact. wright gets more double's though, largely because of the speed difference, and gets tons af rbi's because he bats in the five spot.

both are great locker room presences and aren't taking greedy salaries. so the two players are around equal but i would take wright because of the feilding prowess. all in all, your statement that reyes and wright are not as good as howard and utley was ridiculous, and you're argument has just been destroyed. unfortunately, it took me like an hour to do it.

:36_11_6:typiacal mets fan...I realize the guys probably 15 but my god, theres some asinine statements in there...