More nails in Pac Man's coffin

Very good Joe. Hopefully his high powered attorney dosen't have a loophole around this. I hope this isnt' inaddmissable in court.
Well, I don't think there's anything legally you could do with this wire tap that would exactly fry Jones. However, these tapes could absolutely be enough probable cause to get another warrant for his house and his cars to look for drugs and, really, whatever else this f**ker might be into.

It also might be enough to open up an investigation on Pac Man himself. Either way, the NFL just gets more cover to throw this guy out of the league if they've got the balls to do it.
Believe, who is the lawyer and what murderer did he get off? I am very interested to know, i guess i am just curious.
This sums up the verdict IMO:

On 29 April 2004, Lewis reached a settlement with four-year-old India Lollar, who was born shortly after the death of her father Richard (Lollar and a man were killed by Lewis and his buddies outside a club). The settlement (reported by The Baltimore Sun to be at least US$1 million) pre-empted the civil trial scheduled for 14 June from going forth. The suit filed by the Baker family was also settled. The terms were undisclosed.

If he is doing this, why did he not go to jail?!

thats straight civil

Ray Ray agreed to pay the civil charges if he got out of the criminal part.

OJ lost in civil court too. Its the American dream baby!

Killing a man and your buddy standing next to you killing a man or two distinctly different things. While they can both be charged with murder being an accessory is not murdering someone in my book.

Im not a Ravens or Ray fan but saying he killed someone because they cut a million dollar check to keep his name and likeness from additional media scrutiny is a bit ridiculous. Whats a million to him? If he was in jail think of how many millions he would lose. Im not saying he's innocent Im just saying in the same circumstances at least 90% of this board would go the same route. Dragging all the facts out and winning the civil case could cost him a million or more in future endorsements. He just wanted this to go away and luckily for him he has enough money to make that happen.
I have to agree with P&G, what Ray did was pay $1 million to make this thing go away which, really, is cheap. Because the quicker it goes away, the sooner he can rebuild his image and start making that money back in endorsements.

As it turns out, I'm sure he's gotten that money back ten-fold as he's done just that, rebuilt his image and that whole "was he there when his friend stabbed someone in the street" thing is all but forgotten.

Settling this out of court might imply guilt to some, but it proves guilt to no one.

Now, OJ did lose in the civil case and partially because of that everybody looks at him as someone who got away with murder. Had Ray gone to trial, dragged that whole thing out, he might have ended up being looked at the same way.

Also, in civil cases the burden is different. In criminal it's beyond a reasonable doubt, it's not like that in civil, I'm pretty sure in civil court it's based on a preponderance of the evidence.
Wow, the American court system is 3rd world. Kill a man and compensate the family that's the old blood money concept.
interesting read...
Lots of mother fuckers by moore...
Nice Yag pac-man stiching in his fucking caddy
The Titans are trying to rid themselves of this idiot, so the damage might already be done in terms of his career.
Also, in civil cases the burden is different. In criminal it's beyond a reasonable doubt, it's not like that in civil, I'm pretty sure in civil court it's based on a preponderance of the evidence.

This is 100% correct.. Just had a business law exam.

Criminal Court = Proof of evidence: Beyond a reasonable doubt and must be unanimous decision..

Civil Court = Proof of evidence: Preponderance of Evidence and is a 3/4 majority decision..