Moose Sighting in Hawaii!!!!!


Giants 17-14 Patriots
Hawaii rolls 21 points in first 7 minutes of the third quarter.

42-10 now.....Cant have Hawaii win by more than 57....

I only have 12 more points to give

Damnit - you know June Jones is going to continue to rack up the score, tons of time left on the clock
The Bucs were having success running and then decided to let Bryant throw, thats what screwed them on their last drive when he got picked off
yeah what was up with on 3rd and 24? just run the damn ball and dont embarrass yourself even more
Hawaii TD - we are fucked bro. Jones isn't trying to run this game out, he's trying to run up the score. Its classless but its something we should have expected
I can't believe I stayed up until nearly 5 am for this only to see Hawaii to pull this stunt

4:30 left

It's going to be very, very close