Monte Ellis Injury


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quick report just flashed on espn stating monte ellis inured during team practice in hawaii . a collision with defenders left him on the court unable to move for 25 minutes and team trainers stated " he had no feeling below the shoulders ". does anyone have any information on this story ? watching this kid play with such energy and enthusiasm was one of the really great things about nba basketball last season . thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family . i'm hoping for good news and would really hate to see something so bad happen to such a talented young player with loads of potential .
I love Montae as well...His game is so much fun to watch...Havent heard anything about this either but hope hes ok
On October 7, 2007 ESPN's Ric Bucher reported that Monta had suffered a severe injury during practice and that no motion was noticeable from the shoulders down. Monta was taken to the hospital where he currently remains. If this injury proves to be career threatening it would be catastrophic considering how much promise Monta had shown during his short career.
Golden State Warriors guard Monta Ellis was immobilized and carted off the court after he was injured in a collision during training-camp practice Friday night.
The 21-year-old Ellis was trying to split a double team on a pick-and-roll when he went down. Ellis lay face down, prone for more than 25 minutes.
He has been taken to Castle Medical Center in Kailua, which is about 40 minutes from the BYU-Hawaii campus where the Warriors are holding camp.
The team's trainer was able to speak to Ellis, so it appears he is conscious, but there were no noticeable responses to tests for motion, particularly from the shoulders down.
Ellis was strapped onto a board to get him on a stretcher to be taken off the court.
Hope he's OK. I hate to see this shit happen to any athlete, ecspecially during fucking practice.
he's fine.

walked out of the hospital in Hawaii. good stuff.:smiley_acbe:
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he's alright. should be practicin w/in a couple days. Hopefulyy this motivates him and others to show them that anything can end their career at any time. So gotta live it out